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Pharmaceuticals Industry

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1 Pharmaceuticals Industry
Research and Development To discuss R+D ,as that is what they are there for , we allow them to make lots of money and in return they are there to generate new treatments.

2 $337 billion market 10% AFRICA AND ASIA ( >2/3 WORLD POPULATION )
Pharmaceuticals industry like all other industries obey the rules of the market system ,10% of this market represents more than 2/3 of the worlds population . This imbalance in representation is responsible for market failures. 80% US , JAPAN AND EUROPE

MARKET SUCCESS (AIDS) MARKET FAILURE (INFECTIOUS DISEASE) Success and failure I am defining as whether new treatments have been generated or not. AIDS is an example of a market success in that it represents a disease identified as a major public health concern which led to R+D and treatments being generated. This happened because it affected the US , Europe and Japan.

4 Market Failure 14 million died 1999 of preventable treatable disease
Minimal drug development Exacerbation of multidrug resistance However for diseases such as malaria ,TB and respiratory diseases <1% of 1393 new medicines launched between 1975 and 1997 were specifically for these types of disease. Stagnant R+D exacerbates the problems of MDR eg. malaria and chloroquine

5 Research and Development
US food and drug administration 1995 3% important 13% modest potential 84% little or no potential In a 7 year study by the Us food and drug admin they concluded that 84% of all the new medications launched in that time period had little or no contribution to make ,yet presumably they fulfilled their commercial target before R+D was started ( see next slide )

6 Pfizer (justification)
Costs Risks What they do ( as opposed to what they don’t do ) Some information from pfizer website ,costs: $500 million on each drug that is finally approved over 15 year period, $3.2 billion into R+D every year , 5000 researchers trying to find new ways of treating cancer , diabetes , IHD ,AD and into trying to regenerate nerve cells ( by comparison total worldwide investment from non industry sources is $75 million ) Risks: 3out of 7 new drugs fail ,therefore commercial target has been set at $ million in sales per drug per year What they do : 90% of all new drugs come from industry

7 What can be done Global Treaty Green light committee
WHO Commission on Macroeconomics and Health 2001 “the commission calls for a significant scaling up of financing for global research and development on the heavy disease burdens of the poor” Global Treaty: along the lines of any other World Trade Org. treaty to ensure that Pharmaceuticals Companies are obliged to put money into R+D for neglected diseases ( suggestion form working group on “ Drugs for Neglected Disease” ) Green Light Committee : example of WHO initiative to improve access to drugs by making the market more competitive ( however has not stimulated any R+D but might do on a larger scale ) Finally ,strong argument to remove this R+D from the market system altogether.

8 Summary “ current crisis in research and development for neglected diseases is a global market failure and global public policy failure “ Quote from a member of the working group for “Drugs for Neglected Disease” ( funded by MSF )

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