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5th Grade ELA Wish List: Learning Focus Word Study Sept 3-7, 2018

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1 5th Grade ELA Wish List: Learning Focus Word Study Sept 3-7, 2018
uni (one) unicorn: a mythical animal typically a horse with a single horn on its forehead unicycle: a vehicle with a single wheel that is driven by pedals universe: all existing matter and space considered as a whole unifier: a person or thing that brings others together as one unilateral: involving only one part or side unique: one of a kind unison: the act of occurring together unit: the smallest whole number; one unify: act as one for a common purpose or belief uniform: a certain outfit that all members of a group must wear Reading Comprehension Toolkit Lesson 4 and 5 RL 5.2 (theme) Writing Fictional Narrative writing (we are writing our own creative narrative and incorporating the elements of a fictional narrative, dialogue, sensory details, etc) Language Word Study Social Studies - Land, Continents, Hemispheres (test will be next week) Reach those AR goals! Read! Wish List: Post its Handsanitizer Treats for candy box Sept 3-7, 2018 - Word Study Quiz Comprehension Toolkit Lesson 5 No School Comprehension Toolkit Lesson 4

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