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Plant growth in experimental paddies.

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1 Plant growth in experimental paddies.
Plant growth in experimental paddies. A, Representative plants of sos1 (L1H), SOS1 congenic segregant (L1A), and wild type Nipponbare (WT, wild type) genotypes grown for 2 months in experimental paddies irrigated with underground water (left) or supplemented with salt (right). Salt contents in the irrigation water are indicated on top. B, Na+ and K+ content in shoots of control (white columns) and salinized plants (gray columns). Genotypes are labeled as in (A). Plotted are the mean and SD of five plants per genotype and condition after 30 d of saline treatment. Different letters indicate significantly different values at P < determined by one-way ANOVA. DW, dry weight. Houda El Mahi et al. Plant Physiol. 2019;180: ©2019 by American Society of Plant Biologists

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