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Smart college graduates

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1 Smart college graduates

2 The 2008-09 Annual Salary Survey, which Dice released Jan
The Annual Salary Survey, which Dice released Jan. 21, found that the average annual salary for IT professionals stood at _____ in 2008. Those with an IT Management title earned the most in ________ – and those with a title such as system administrator earned the least with an average annual salary of ______, according to Dice.

3 The 2008-09 Annual Salary Survey, which Dice released Jan
The Annual Salary Survey, which Dice released Jan. 21, found that the average annual salary for IT professionals stood at $78,035 in 2008. Those with an IT Management title earned the most in $111,998 – and those with a title such as system administrator earned the least with an average annual salary of $70,307, according to Dice.

4 Entry-level Salaries for 2008 graduates
Computer Science:  $56,921 Chemical Engineering: $63,749. Economics - $52,926 Nursing - $52,129 Chemistry - $52,125 Political science/government - $43,594 Human resources - $40,250 History - $35, 956 Communications - $35,196 English language and literature - $34,757 Journalism - $32,250 Psychology - $30,877 Public relations/organizational communications - $30, 667 Before Google IPO, they invited Nobel lauratee economists, Vanguard funders to teach these soon-to-be millinions about personal finance. Since you missed that, here is your twenty-minutes version of the story. Some of you might know about some or most of what I am talking. However, if you hear one thing new, I think it will worth your twenty minutes, compared to my other twenty minutes of networking knowledge. Acknowledgement:

5 What is 401(k)? What are the benefits? When should one start?
Compounding Index fund a 401(k) plan allows a worker to save for retirement and have the savings invested while deferring income taxes on the saved money and earnings until withdrawal. The employee elects to have a portion of his or her wages paid directly, or "deferred," into his or her 401(k) account.

6 Personal Finance Make sure you understand enough about personal finance Retirement Credit card Pay off all your bills every month on time Get out of debt ASAP Do not buy that brand new BMW.  Leasing is an even worse idea. Buying a house, or not? Insurance, buy but do not over-buy Buy vanilla financial product (my biased opinion) Budgeting, live within your means Tax Financial advisor, listen but verify

7 Healthy living Eat real food, not too much, mostly plant Learn to cook
Exercise You, the owner’s manual

8 Cherish your opportunity
You are the envy of the world

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