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Housekeeping Items Make sure to register at NMFWA desk Attendify App

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1 Housekeeping Items Make sure to register at NMFWA desk Attendify App
Sign up for our membership- it’s free! New Comers Meet and Greet tonight- meet at 5:30pm in lobby to hop on a trolley or meet us at 5:45pm at Wynkoop Mixer starts at 6:30pm at Wynkoop for everyone else Awards Banquet- loading buses starts at 5:30pm IN LOBBY (LOCATION CHANGE) Please return unwanted tickets to NMFWA desk Buses for field trip load at 7:45am on Friday Please recycle badges, box at registration Left side NMFWA shirt with PRIZE; BINGO with PRIZE Download presentations at registration desk for Working Groups and Technical Sessions

2 NMFWA 2019-2020 Members Meeting
March 5, 2019 Denver, CO

3 Meeting Agenda Announcements Officers’ Reports Committee Reports
Working Group Reports New Business Introduction of BOD Closing Remarks/Adjournment

4 Points of Contacts Sessions- Janet Johnson AV- Vanessa Shoblock
Show and Tell Reception- Roland Sosa Posters- Roland Sosa Silent Auction- Kirsten Christopherson (All proceeds go directly to Scholarship Fund) Photo Contest- Bob Schallmann

5 Mission Statement The National Military Fish and Wildlife Association connects, educates, supports, and advocates for natural resources professionals across the Department of Defense to protect and enhance the military mission through sustainable resource conservation.

6 Attendance Certificate
NMFWA Training Certificates 34 hours of continuous learning Will be sent via to all registered NMFWA attendees Training Certificates ESA, Climate Smart for INRMPs, Project-level Climate Change Adaptation Planning for Natural Resources Managers, and Strategic Planning Principles and Tools to Improve INRMPS will be separate and sent via to attendees

7 2018-2019 Board of Directors President – Nicole Olmsted
Immediate Past President – Elizabeth Neipert Vice President – Janet Johnson Treasurer – Russ Lawrence Secretary - Bill Berry Directors At-Large Jim Swift and Robby Smith Regional Directors East – Michael Wright and Blake Waller Central - Michele Richards and Tim Buchannan West – Roland Sosa and Zoe Tinkle Newsletter Editor – Laura Busch

8 2018-2019 Board Motions All Motions Passed
To approve Junior Kerns to purchase Denver pins and Omaha pins To approve accountant fees for filing tax forms by 15 May 2018 (not to exceed $1,050) To award Bryan Hall’s Year 2 of Website contract ($7,700) To purchase NMFWA business cards for outreach (not to exceed $200) To provide Past President Chester Marin with a stipend to attend TWS meeting to receive a conservation outreach award for his wildlife art work ($200) To approve payment for two scholarships for Scholarship Committee ($1,250) To grant Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science Platinum Level sponsorship for 2019 meeting in lieu of instructor fees for Project-level Climate Change Adaptation Planning for Natural Resources Managers training in Denver To approve budget for 2019 Annual Meeting and Training Workshop ($78,825) To accept final Wildland Fire Working Group charter thereby establishing a new Wildland Fire Working Group within NMFWA To approve David McNaughton as interim Chair for Herpetology Working Group To approve revised budget for 2019 Annual Meeting and Training Workshop (not to exceed $85, Total) To approve revised budget for 2019 Annual Meeting and Training Workshop (not to exceed $90, Total)

9 Program Updates New Working Group format to standardize business from technical sessions Our Association is growing More Members More Working Groups More Trainings Same amount of time

10 NMFWA Attendance

11 NMFWA Updates New Website is operational Membership Database
Thanks to Bryan Hall and Elizabeth Neipert Membership Database Thanks to Bill Berry and Todd Wills Membership Listserv Based on current membership database Elections First year for website voting and we had great voter turnout! Please continue to vote

12 Treasurer’s Report Treasurer, Russ Lawrence
NMFWA Account Balance (12/31/18) Checking: $67,956.51 Savings: $60,498.59 Scholarship Fund: $6,673.11 Increase of $9, from 12/31/17

13 Treasurer’s Report 2018 Revenue Sources 2018 Expenditure Categories
- Workshop Sponsorship & Registration - Show & Tell Silent Auction (goes to Scholarship Fund) - Scholarship Donations - Merchandise Sales (breaks even) - CMNRP Certifications - Bank Account Interest 2018 Expenditure Categories - Website maintenance and Domain renewal - Scholarships - Shipping - Workshop (Next Slide)

14 Treasurer’s Report WORKSHOP EXPENSES Training Show & Tell
Welcome Mixer Newcomers Event Shipping & Printing Photo & Bingo Contest Promotional Items Gifts (Attendees, Speakers, Board of Directors) Awards Awards Banquet Field Trip

15 Treasurer’s Report Registration Cost: $410
- NMFWA Receives $205 - WMI Receives $205 Meeting coordination costs (future location searching, site visits, contract review, online registration fulfillment and development, marketing, communication, related meeting requests, floor management, program and app, advertising, partner services, exhibit coordination, and attendee services). Per diem rates - big hotel properties don’t always offer rooms at the federal per diem rate. WMI works with hotels when developing the contracts to secure the per diem rate. DoD attendees are the driver for obtaining rooms at per diem because travel may not be approved otherwise. Room charges, AV packages, coffee breaks NMFWA costs for 2018 Workshop: $47,375 All of it due before workshop registration fees are received 355 attendees (up by 56 from 2017)

16 Program Janet Johnson, Vice President
Secured event venues and managed logistics Coordinated registration and training with Delaney Approved technical sessions, Working Group meetings, trainings and a field trip

17 Fish and Wildlife News (FAWN)
Laura Busch, Editor Updates: FAWN is published three times a year June, October and January Planning for new web version Need member input • Articles on the great natural resources work occurring on military installations • Out of Office – Photo and a sentence or two describing photo

18 Committee Reports

19 2018-2019 Committee Chairs Archives – Ian Trefry Awards– Jim Swift
Certification– Dan Savercool Government Affairs– Russ Lawrence Hall of Fame- Junior Kerns Membership – Todd Wills and Bill Berry Nominations – Elizabeth Neipert Outreach – Charles Baun Scholarship – Coralie Cobb Training – Shawn Stratton, Coralie Cobb, and Ian Trefry Website – Elizabeth Neipert WMI Coordination – Dave McNaughton

20 Archives Committee Members: Ian Trefry (Chair)
Boxes of paper archives sent from Rich Fisher to Ian Trefry this year Ian has started scanning and sorting (thousands of pages)  Everything is logged into an excel database Current BOD is uploading meeting minutes to a google drive

21 Awards Committee Members: Jim Swift (Chair), Robby Smith, Jackie Smith, Michael Ravesi General Awards Conservation Research Model Programs/Projects Policy Enforcement Military Involvelement Conservation Partnerships Promoting Public Awareness Lifetime Achievement Presidential Awards Award for Bio-Political Leadership Laurence R. John Award Deadline for awards submission is 15 December

22 Awards Committee Natural Resources Conservation Management:
There are 9 Awardees in the following categories Research Model Programs and Projects Enforcement Communication, Conservation Partnership NMFWA Lifetime Achievement Award

23 Awards Committee The rationale for all the awards and all past NMFWA Award recipients are listed on the NMFWA website: Don’t be shy…nominate someone for a NMFWA Award today!

24 Certification Members: Dan Savercool (Chair)
Two certifications approved Erika Buckreis as an Associate Certified Military Natural Resources Professional Tammy Conkle as a Senior Certified Military Natural Resources Professional Application is available online

25 Government Affairs Members: Russ Lawrence (Chair)
Transition year. Many thanks to Junior Kerns Keeping tabs on Sikes Act language Senate Environment Committee Senate Armed Forces Committee Establishing Relationship with Congressman Rob Bishop Former Chairman of the House Committee on Natural Resources A Senior Member, House Armed Services Committee Readiness Subcommittee, Strategic Forces Subcommittee

26 Hall of Fame Members: Junior Kerns (Chair) One inductee for 2019
Larry Adams 2019 Inductee, to be honor at banquet Bryan Hall wants to interview previous Hall of Fame inductees for website Looking for new committee members

27 Membership Committee Members: Todd Wills (Chair), Bill Berry (Membership database manager) As of February 1, 2019: 923 current members 46 former members

28 Membership Committee Website Join NMFWA Join Working Groups
Update your , employer, installation Just “Join” again, we’re smart enough to figure it out. We will pass the changes to all applicable Working Group Co-Chairs Up to 3 s, consider adding a personal All current members on new list server

29 Member Metrics

30 Member Metrics

31 Member Metrics

32 Member Metrics Unknown, 25, 3%

33 Member Metrics (43%) 535 (57%)

34 Member Metrics

35 Nominations Committee
Members: Elizabeth Neipert (Chair), Russ Lawrence, Robbie Smith, Zoe Tinkle, Tim Buchanan, and Blake Waller 11 people ran for positions Voting conducted solely on website (no login required) 143 voters Close races in all positions with multiple nominations THANK YOU TO ALL WHO RAN!!

36 Nominations Committee
Board of Directors I (Liz) will be chairing the committee (again) next year, if you have questions or are interested in the Board of Directors Next year we will be voting for new leadership President Vice President Treasurer One At-Large Director One Regional Director for East, Central, and West

37 Outreach Members: Charlie Baun (Chair) Always looking for new ideas
Newcomers Event (Sign-Up or Show-Up) 2019 Beers and Cheers (Trivia for the Nex-Gen) Tuesday at Wynkoop Mentorship Subcommittee (Need New Blood) Determine activities for Engage new members/early career professionals Web-based form for participation (NMFWA Website) Continue Outreach Development Plan (Agency and Academic Outreach Plan)

38 Scholarship Committee
Members: Coralie Cobb (Chair), Greg Fleming, and Kirsten Christopherson Purpose of the Committee: To provide financial aid to wildlife and fisheries biologists, botanists, ecologists, range conservationists, foresters, and wildlife law enforcement agent oriented students All proceeds from the Silent Auction 2018: 5 applicants, 2 awarded 2019: Apply online by 15 July 2019 (2 applications received to date)

39 2018 Recipients Audrey Boraski - $1,000
Bachelor's of Science in Biology from Keene State College in May of 2017. Attending Antioch University New England in the fall of 2018 in their Conservation Biology program. Seth Clark - $500 Senior at Colorado State University in Ecosystem Science and Sustainability. He would like to work towards a masters in a related field such as wildlife biology and conservation before moving on to a PH.D.

40 Training Committee Members: Coralie Cobb, Ian Trefry, Janet Johnson, Shawn Stratton Understand travel restrictions and the need for dual purpose travel of meetings and trainings. Heard requests for new and emerging topics (Big Thank You to NMFWA VP Janet Johnson with all of her work coordinating multiple trainings). Decisions were made within the committee and NMFWA Board of Directors to pursue the following training sessions for the 2019 NMFWA Training Workshop: Advanced Endangered Species Act Topics: How to Effectively Write A Biological Assessment. Climate Change for INRMP’s: Adaptation planning for DOD Natural Resource Managers. Integrated Monarch Monitoring Across Department of Defense Properties & Nationwide Clean Water Act & 404 Permits: What is Jurisdictional Today? Navigating NMFWA & the Wildlife Society Certified Biologist Application Process Project-Level Climate Change Adaptation Planning for Natural Resource Managers.   Strategic Planning Principles & Tools to Improve the Efficiency, Effectiveness & Collaborative Impact of INRMP’s

41 Training Committee Standardize Survey Form
We can offer the same trainings again next year based on demand We will look into new trainings based on feedback Member input if you have a training we can offer Thank you Neil Bass, Jackelyn Ferrer-Perez and Christy Wolf

42 Website Committee Members: Elizabeth Neipert (Chair)
Goal: Website that meets membership needs Provide modern web presence Offer relevant information Engage users Provide means to actively participate in NMFWA Extended Contract for Webmaster Bryan Hall

43 Website Committee is

44 Website Committee

45 Website Committee Committed last year to revamp our distribution list New membership list allowed perfect opportunity Listserv sign-up included in membership Yahoo groups no longer in use

46 Website Committee We’ve Got You Covered! 2018-2019 Statistics
27,000 unique visits 82,000 page views 450% increase from last year Upcoming Plans Continue to be main tool for member interaction and information transfer Continue quality check and assurance and execute maintenance plan Continue content and functionality build Increase WG participation and information hosting We’ve Got You Covered!

47 WMI Coordination Members: David McNaughton (Chair) and Matt Dunfee, WMI Committee Chair is also on the WMI NAWNRC Steering Committee Need topics for 2020 Special Sessions 2020 Omaha, NE 2021 Grand Rapids, MI

48 Working Group Reports

49 2018-2019 Working Group Chairs Bats – Lauren Wilson and Jackie Smith
BASH–Kevin Wakefield and Jenny Washburn Bird Conservation– Greg Fleming and Alan Schultz Climate Change– Christy Wolf and Kevin Du Bois Conservation Law Enforcement- Lissa Grimes and Michael Simon Fish and Wildlife Recreation – Brandon Martin and Chris Johansen Herpetology – Dave McNaughton Invasive Species – Doug Burkett and Mary Anderson Pollinators- Cory Campora and Jackelyn Ferrer Wildland Fire – Mark Stevenson and Stephen Najjar

50 Bats Co-Chairs: Lauren Wilson and Jackie Smith
Held WG Meeting at the 2018 NMFWA in Norfolk, Virginia Maintained and updated WG distribution list, includes 118 members Distributed a regular WG Newsletters (7 in 2018) with info on WNS, DoD updates, bat projects and literature. Served as a source of information for questions asked by NMFWA members/DoD community related to current bat issues/literature sources. How best to exclude bats from building stairwells Supported past Co-Chair Eric Britze with organizing a Bat Technical Session for 2019 NMFWA Updated the WG Goals and Objectives Updated the WG Webpage on Bat Working Group Meeting – 1515 Ballroom E Technical Session on Bat Conservation – 1300 Ballroom E

51 BASH Co-Chairs: Kevin Wakefield and Jenny Washburn
WG efforts for focused on information sharing, developed quarterly news letter, streamlined meeting focused more on business of the WG. BASH Working Group Meeting – 1600 Ballroom E Technical Session BASH– 1630 Ballroom E Field Trip to Buckley Air National Guard Base on , demonstration of applied BASH techniques, meet at 0745 to load bus

52 Bird Conservation Co-Chairs: Greg Fleming and Alan Schultz
Chartered in 2015 , now has 197 members. The group works closely with DoD Partners in Flight (DoDPIF) with the chairs serving as formal representatives for DoD PIF during their tenure. Friends of the Whooping Crane Partnership – Completed installations, focusing on US Army Corps of Engineers properties eBird White Paper – Final edits, sending on to Services for final approval Avian Knowledge Network, the Federal Node, and DoD Coordinated Bird Monitoring Data Peer-to-Peer Assistance – via list FAWN Articles – Good news stories from installations MBTA policy letters and installation success stories Bird Conservation Working Group Meeting – 1330 Ballroom F Bird Conservation Technical Session- Ballroom F

53 Climate Change Co-Chairs: Christy Wolf and Kevin Du Bois Current Status: WG membership has more than tripled in last three years; current total is 177 members. Vanessa Shoblock volunteered to serve as interim Recording Secretary and lead website committee. Additional support is welcome! New Co-Chair and Recording Secretary TBD following election. Training Opportunities: Monday, 4 March ( ): Climate Smart for INRMPs: Adaptation Planning for DoD Natural Resource Managers Friday, 8 March ( ): Project-level Climate Change Adaptation Planning for Natural Resource Managers Technical Session on Climate Change Impacts and the Intersection of Natural Resources and Infrastructure – 1600 Ballroom E Climate Change Group Meeting – 1630 Ballroom E

54 Climate Change Workgroup Initiatives:
Conducted Elections (Feb 2019) and leadership transition Maintained updated membership communication distribution list (with help of Bill Berry) Appointment of a Vanessa Shoblock as interim Recording Secretary Appointment of Vanessa Shoblock as Website Committee Chair to update the WG webpages (including links to valuable websites, key WG documents and archives, a blog feed for member interaction, “Current Initiatives” and “Coming Soon” pages/headers, and new photos) Contributed announcement to FAWN Hosted 2 CC training offerings at 2019 NMFWA Scheduled 30 min Technical Presentation at 2019 NMFWA Cultivated CC Speakers for future NMFWA technical presentations/forums Sent notifications to members about current CC papers, articles, webinars, etc. Provided technical review of “Adaptation Planning for DoD Natural Resources Managers: A Guide to Incorporating Adaptation and Resilience in Integrated Natural Resource Management Plans”. Will be holding WG Annual Business Meeting at NMFWA

55 Conservation Law Enforcement
Co-Chairs: Lissa Grimes and Michael Simon 2018 meeting held in Virginia Beach provided up-dates from Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps. Discussion broached topics of credentialing, USFWS contracts, new Army pilot course, order re-writes, Programs downsizing, and enforcement issues. New WG members roster compiled (thank you Bill Berry) 2019 WG meeting will include 4 branch up-dates, any new branch contacts and how to reach more CLEOs, Q & A period and elections of Chair and Secretary. Conservation Law Enforcement Working Group Meeting Ballroom E

56 Fish and Wildlife Recreation
Co-Chairs: Brandon Martin and Chris Johansen WG 128 members distribution list was very active during the year WG members requested a technical session focusing on Urban Interface Recreation, Endangered Species vs. Big Game management issues, and Recreational Fisheries management topics Election for a new Co-Chair Fish and Wildlife Recreation Working Group Meeting Ballroom E

57 Herpetology Chair: Dave McNaughton
Provided a monthly e-newsletter (thanks, Todd Wills!) Assisted DoD PARC with various data requests Updated members about herpetology management on military lands through listserv Maintained/updated member list (thanks, Bill Berry!) Herpetology Working Group Meeting – Ballroom E

58 Invasive Species Co-Chairs: Doug Burkett and Mary Anderson
Active List Serve with ~ 150+ members Updated DoDI’s with expanded IS Policy in Final Coordination – DoDI and DoDI Special Training – Innovations in Invasive Species Conference – Nashville December 2018 Policy memo: – Guidance for NR professionals to obtain Pesticide Certification via Correspondence OSD ESOH tasked NISC to stand up Tick Task Team to determine relationship between IS, Ticks & TBDs Periodic blog: DoD Invasive Species Policy and Resources: AFPMB daily NR and PM timely outreach material – Like us on Facebook! Technical Session on Innovations in Invasive Species and Pest Management – Ballroom F Invasive Species Working Group Meeting – 1515 Ballroom F

59 Pollinators Co-Chairs: Cory Campora and Jackelyn Ferrer-Perez
group with 254 members (10 new members through website) Disseminated information on policy updates, guidance documents, relevant news stories and information Working Group Sponsored Monarch Workshop 2019 NMFWA meeting, Provided Content for Working Group Pages at NMFWA website Developing Quarterly Working Group Newsletter Pollinators Working Group Meeting – Ballroom E

60 Wildland Fire Founding Members: Mark Stevenson and Stephen Najjar
Collected signatures requesting formation during 2018 NMFWA meeting Developed working group charter for submission to BOD during 2018 BOD approved charter First technical session and member meeting at 2019 NMFWA Technical Session Wildland Fire Management on DoD Lands – Wednesday @ 1300 Ballroom E Wildland Fire Working Group Meeting – 1515 Ballroom E

61 Vision for the Future Provide a WMI special topic for Wednesday in 2020 Seeking topic ideas from membership Must be applicable to larger audience Increase membership participation and communication Continue to develop mentorship program Provide training opportunities Continue to improve website

62 Open Floor New Business

63 2019-2020 Board of Directors President – Nicole Olmsted
Immediate Past President – Elizabeth Neipert Vice President – Janet Johnson Treasurer – Russ Lawrence Secretary - Bill Berry Directors At-Large Robby Smith and Michael Wright Regional Directors East –Blake Waller and Alan Schultz Central - Tim Buchannan and Michele Richards West –Zoe Tinkle and Roland Sosa Newsletter Editor Laura Busch

64 Programming Deadlines
September 1: Call for Proposals due to Program Chair (Janet Johnson, Vice President) October 1- Final decision on sessions for NMFWA program December 15- Abstracts due to Program Chair


66 Closing Remarks Thank you to everyone for making this meeting possible.

67 Next Meeting March 8-13, 2020 Hilton Omaha- Omaha, NE

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