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From The Magic Lens by Michael Clay Thompson

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1 From The Magic Lens by Michael Clay Thompson
GRAMMAR From The Magic Lens by Michael Clay Thompson

2 The 8 Parts of Speech

3 Noun Verb Pronoun Adjective Adverb Conjunction Preposition

4 Noun

5 A noun is a person, place, thing, or idea.
place— Rolling Meadows, stadium, beach thing—ball, water, sand idea—happiness, love, freedom

6 Verb

7 Action & Linking Verbs Action verbs—indicates something that can be done or performed (“what you do”) run, jump, skip, scream, swim State of being (Linking Verbs) links the subject to another word He is cute. He is tall. He is in the room. He=cute; he=tall; he=in the room

8 More linking verbs… To be Am, is, are, was, were, be, been, being
Seems Feels Appears

9 linking verb or action verb?
Bob ran. Action! He is moving his feet! Bob seems fast. Linking! Bob=fast. Connects the adjective to the noun it describes

10 linking verb or action verb?
Betty is pretty. Linking! Betty=pretty. Links adjective pretty to Betty. Betty answered the phone. Action! She physically picked up her phone.

11 Helping Verbs Help the main verb in a sentence by extending the meaning of the verb Forms of Be Forms of Do Forms of Have am Is do have are was does has were did had be, being, been

12 More Helping Verbs can would could shall may should might will

13 Describes a noun or pronoun.
Adjective Describes a noun or pronoun. Which one? this, that What kind? red, large, sick How many? six, four hundred How much? None, little

14 Articles are Adjectives
an the

15 Adjectives in Action She saw a cute boy at the football game. He had dark hair and blue eyes.

16 Adverb Describes a verb, an adjective, or another adverb.

17 Adverbs Where? Here, there, outside When? Now, then, later, yesterday
How? Quickly, slowly, stupidly How often? Never, twice, sometimes How long? Hardly, greatly, very How much? More, less Adverbs

18 Adverbs in Action He called yesterday.
(yesterday tells when he called—modifies verb)

19 She sang quite loudly. (loudly tells how she sang—modifies verb) (quite tells how loudly—modifies adverb)

20 The very cute boy e-mailed her.
(very tells how cute— modifies adjective)

21 Pronoun Take the place of nouns. It, its He, him, his She, her, hers
They, them, theirs

22 This, that, these, those Myself, yourself, himself, ourselves Who, whose, whom, which, that

23 Link together words, phrases, and clauses.
Conjunctions Link together words, phrases, and clauses.

24 Coordinating Conjunctions:
(co=together) (con=together) (junct=join) and but or, nor, for so yet

25 Subordinating Conjunctions:
(sub=under) (con=together) (junct=join) if as since when because

26 Preposition Shows the relationship between its object and another word in the sentence. Don’t end a sentence with a preposition.

27 Prepositions Show time, space, or direction
Time : before, during after Space: in, on, beside, around, among Direction: to, from, toward

28 Prepositions never stand alone. They are before their object (a noun).
He ran over the hill. Over=preposition hill=its object ( a noun) Over the hill=prepositional phrase

29 Prepositions: About Above Across After Along Amid Among Around at
Before Behind Below Beneath Besides Between Beyond But by Concerning Down During Except For from

30 In Into Of Off On Over Past since Through Throughout To Toward Under Underneath Until Unto Up upon With Within Without Apart from As for As well as Aside from Because of By means of Contrary to In back of In case of In front of In place of In spite of Inside of

31 Instead of Out of Together with Up at Up to With regard to

32 Interjection A little word that expresses a feeling, calls attention, says yes or no, or indicates a pause. Wow! Gee! Yep! Hey! Well, Ah!

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