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Making rights real through media and communications

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1 Making rights real through media and communications
Communications planning workshop 22 March 2019

2 Creating a communications plan
Why do we need a communications plan? Our communities always need to know why we do what we do (our reason for being) Our communities need to know how we do what we do Our communities need to know what we do Making rights real through media and communications 2019

3 Where do communications plans fit???
A communications plan should fit within your planning framework and link to support your strategic plan / goals. Making rights real through media and communications 2019

4 Why “why” is central to good communication
Check out Simon Sinek’s TED Talk Making rights real through media and communications 2019

5 Goal development – group activity
Provide 2-3 communications goals per table for your CLCs – what do you want to achieve over the next three years in your comms and why? E.g Boost your CLC’s profile in your local community to be able to raise funds Making rights real through media and communications 2019

6 Basic communications plan structure
Goal Objectives Target audience Key messages Comms channels Tactics Implementation Evaluate and correct Making rights real through media and communications 2019

7 Goals Consider making three goals for what you would like to achieve over three years (can be one goal per year) Hint – use this session’s initial goal brainstorm These goals should support your operations strategy/plan Making rights real through media and communications 2019

8 Objectives These are the steps you need to take along the way to achieve this goal List any smaller goals (which we call objectives) you need to achieve to support your main goals Example To boost your profile and raise funds, some smaller you might do… Contact the newspaper offering to write words monthly about common issues Contact you local MP or Councillor with a similar offer. Contact all your local community groups to increase your network Use social media to promote the work you do Making rights real through media and communications 2019

9 Target audience (identifying your stakeholders)
Who are you wanting to speak to? Why do you want to communicate with them? Who else plays a part in helping you communicate more broadly? Eg. Local politicians of all levels (name them!) Local service providers eg. Centrelink Local collegial community groups or organisations Local schools or tertiary education providers (access to P&Cs, staff and counsellors) News providers (identify the level and make sure you include your local politicians as they often send out their own newsletters) Your clients Your community members Making rights real through media and communications 2019

10 Key Messages What is a key message?
Key messages are the main points you want your target audience to hear and remember. They create meaning and headline the issues you want to discuss. In layman’s terms, these are the things you want to hear repeated at the water cooler or BBQ during general conversation. e.g “I am the fixer, I fix things.” Making rights real through media and communications 2019

11 Developing key messages:
Limit the number of key messages you want to use - no more than five key messages (One sentence per message!!) Make sure you include the who what when where why and how (or how much) Use active language rather than passive ie – “The dog bit the man”, not “The man was bitten by the dog”. Making rights real through media and communications 2019

12 Now on to tactics….. Making rights real through media and communications 2019

13 Select your communication channels
What are the ways you can communicate with your people? Eg. Fliers/posters Newsletter Website Social media Local newspapers Local radio Daily metro media National Media Word of mouth (never underestimate the power of this one!) Making rights real through media and communications 2019

14 Choose your methods and timing
For example: Method Timing Media release Once a quarter / or when required Social media Once a week min / extra when required (direct mail) When required Newsletter content Monthly / Quarterly Website updates Face to face discussions Either regular or when required depending on stakeholder Making rights real through media and communications 2019

15 Implement your plan Handy tips to implementing your plan
Manage your expectations – your goals won’t happen overnight Take baby steps if resourcing is an issue Stick to your plan – or update your plan – making sure you document any changes and when made. Making rights real through media and communications 2019

16 Tricks of the trade… General
Once you understand your “audience” you can shape your communications to suit them – what does your local community want to know about? What information can you provide to fill this need? Take your local journos to coffee regularly – build that rapport. When you catch up with them, make sure you’ve got a couple of story ideas to ask them about so neither of you come away feeling you’ve wasted your time. Try to see your local politicians regularly but like journos, don’t waste their time. Eg. If you have an event coming up, invite them to come along, offer them photo opportunities, or if you know they have a certain “pet” topic they like to push, try to keep that in mind. Making rights real through media and communications 2019

17 Social media tricks to make life easier
“Piggybacking” other orgs or peoples’ reach to boost your own by tagging them in photos you’ve taken (with their consent of course) or comments you’re making on social media Learn to use your “publishing tools” to schedule and draft posts Learn to use your “insights” to work out what types of posts are viewed or shared. This will give you a sense of what your audience is interested in. Consider a regular Friday Funny or more light-hearted material to change the mood if it’s getting too heavy. People love an engaging pic or photo Making rights real through media and communications 2019

18 Evaluate your plan Did you achieve your goal/s?
What impact did it have on your CLC? What were the pros and cons? What learnings do you have for next time? Do you have analysis or insights to add to this evaluation? Making rights real through media and communications 2019

19 Additional resources Working with the media, CLCQ webinar 2017 CRMs: WTF?, CLCQ webinar 2017 Compelling narratives for consumer advocates, CLCs and financial counsellors, CLCQ webinar 2017 Additional policy can include social media or media policy, these sit under your Communications Plan…. If you would like to learn more about these, or if you need any assistance with your communications planning or media, please contact us at Making rights real through media and communications 2019

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