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Energy Audit.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy Audit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy Audit

2 Energy Audit Worksheet Guide
List all the appliances in your house Go room by room (kitchen, living spaces/den, bedrooms, bathrooms, laundry, garage, take a walk outside, etc) Count the number of units or each appliance Research the wattage of each appliance

3 Energy Audit WS Guide Cont.
Calculate the estimated use in hours per month Appliance # of units Watts Hrs/mo watthours Fridge 2 X 600 150 = 180,000 Fridge runs ~5hrs/day x30=150 hrs/mo hairdryer 1 1000 x 2000 10min/day x 3days/wk= min/wk x 4wks = min/mo /60min = 2hrs/mo 1 mo = 30 days

4 Energy Audit WS Guide Cont.
Multiply # of units x wattage x hours/mo to find the Watthours (Wh) / month To find the kiloWatt hours (kWh), divide the Wh by 1000 Use 8.5 cents (0.085) for the price per kWh

5 Calculate Energy Savings
Research your ‘big’ wattage appliances to find ones that use less watts. On separate sheet, make a table with the energy efficient wattage for each new appliance. Research the price for materials and labor / install for the new appliances. Complete the energy savings WS Hint on next slide converting help

6 Converting Help I have kWh/yr and need to find Watts
kWhr/yr divided by 12mo  kWhr/mo kWhr/mo times 1000w  Whr/mo Whr/mo divided by 30 days  Watts per day

7 Write about your savings
The research is complete, it’s time to write Claim – Evidence – Reason LETTER to your parents 1 Conceptual claim about energy efficiency 3 detailed pieces of evidence (evidence = appliances) (multiple sentences for each piece of evidence) 1 AMAZING scientific reason that will convince your parents to change / switch appliances Describe any and all trade-offs about becoming a more energy efficient household.

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