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Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going?

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Presentation on theme: "Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going?
Genesis Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going?

2 In the beginning Three biblical books open with the words “in the beginning” Genesis, the Gospel of John, and the First Letter of John Each refers to a different time frame Genesis refers to the beginning of the physical universe St. John’s Gospel to eternity before the world began St. John’s First Epistle to the eternal existence of God’s creative Word— both before creation and within space and time—as he is now seen and known, in the person of Jesus Christ

3 God is eternal, jesus is eternal
The infinite God existed eternally before the world was created. Time as we know was created by Him For this reason, we cannot imagine what was there before time Eternity is NOT A LOOOOONG TIME! Our soul will enter eternity once our life ends on the earth We will spend eternity in heaven or hell. God respects our free will. If we choose to go to hell, He will let us. Jesus was begotten, not made. Father and the Son are of of the same substance; Like how from milk we can only make milk based products.

4 The word Genesis Genesis means, “In the beginning”
In ancient days, the title of something was selected from the first few words of the write-up; hence, Genesis. God created everything “ex-nihilo” (out of nothing) So what did Charles Darwin say? Evolution? Catholic Church leaves it up to us. However, there are some fundamental beliefs every Catholic MUST hold Genesis is not a scientific treatise. Genesis wants us to know why we everything was created and why we aere created. TO KNOW AND LOVE GOD AS HE LOVES US

5 What must catholic believe
Catholics are obliged to believe that God created life man’s spiritual soul was and is created immediately by God A Catholic cannot hold that it was a matter of chance that brought about a process of evolution that matter existed eternally Catholics cannot hold that the soul of man evolved Catholic teaching informs us that man’s spiritual soul was and is a direct and conscious creation of God Whether you consider that Man was created from dust or by a process of divine evolution

6 Evolution? Just a theory
They have archeological evidence of monkeys changing There is a huge gap between the closest skull remains and human skull This is called the missing link This is missing because it was not there Evolutionists mock faith as a “cop-out” This is a complicated subject to discuss here However, just by looking at facts based on evidence evolution is just wrong Creation was there before evolution. So, until another factual evidence is produced let us hold on to what our honest intellect tells us….God made us in His image.

7 Dinosaurs lived millions of years ago?

8 Problem with Evolutionists’ timeline
Evolutionists claim that dinosaurs lived 66 million years ago Some fossil records show humans and dinosaurs lived together. Previous slide is an example (Some dispute this as carved. Advocates point to CT Scans as not carved) In temples in Cambodia and Indonesia there are carvings that match certain species of dinosaurs. People have seen dinosaurs. How can we dismiss these observations? We teach our children that evolution is a scientific fact. Bible is made irrelevant. Taken out of public schools. So, some dismiss everything that follows Genesis in the Bible. It is our duty to teach “creation” as at least one of the possibilities.

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