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Rice Lake Area Association Annual Meeting

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Presentation on theme: "Rice Lake Area Association Annual Meeting"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rice Lake Area Association Annual Meeting
May 7, 2019

2 Annual Meeting Agenda Call to Order RLAA Mission Statement Financials
General Lake Update Guest Speakers Fish Lake update – Dave Spatafore (FLARA) Eric Swenson – Dock and Marine resource (10000 Docks) Mary Newman – Carp Project (WSB & Associates) Open Forum Committees Board Member Election Rice Lake Trivia Contest Drawings Adjourn 7/2/2019

3 Board Members Officers Other Board Members:
George Schneider Secretary (Term expires in 2019) Mike Thiede Treasurer (Term 2021) Other Board Members: Scott Roeglin (Term 2021) Mark Ellingson (Term 2020) Luke Johnson (Term 2020) Rick Stulac (Term 2021) Jeremy Coenen (Term 2021) Curt Putland (Term 2020) By-laws allow up to 15 board members – We Need Your Help! Give Back to The Community Have a Voice in Helping Decide Rice Lake’s Future Board Members are Volunteers Elected by The RLAA Board 7/2/2019

4 Rice Lake Area Association Mission Statement
As stated in the bylaws: The Rice Lake Area Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to: preserving, beautifying and maintaining Rice Lake, and educating the general public in improving and preserving lake quality through their actions. 7/2/2019

5 How RLAA Operates Board meetings are held as needed at the Maple Grove Library from 7:00 – 9:00 PM Agendas and minutes are posted each month on our website RLAA members as well as any interested party may attend board meetings Board members receive no payment for serving 7/2/2019

6 2019 Financial Objectives Increase participation by homeowners to pay dues For the past year (2018) 2018 revenue was steady vs ($5,365 vs $5,390) 2018 had one less paying member vs. prior year (45 to 46) Five year running average of $5,288 per year collected Increase city funding for Rice Lake Projects Proceed with projects under the Lake Improvement Project (LIP) program from the City of Maple Grove 2019 Dues Discount when signing up a new member New in 2019, if an existing member brings in a new member, the existing member will receive a $25 discount on their dues 7/2/2019

7 7/2/2019 7

8 7/2/2019

9 Treasurer’s Report Fiscal year ending: May 1 2018 Contact Database
For the fiscal year 5/1/2018 – 5/1/2019 the Rice Lake Area Association collected $5,365 in member dues. Contribution rates of $ for members with water access and $60.00 for members with views. Our member dues were about the same as last year. This past year we collected approximately $1,350 more in dues than we had expenses. Starting the year for 2019 we have roughly $24, in the bank. Contact Database Our database has about 250 street addresses! We also have over 100 addresses in our database! Members Last year we had 45 paying members; this is one less than the year before. 2019 Goals Our goals include increasing our membership in 2019 to help cover some large project costs Our projected expenses include the following for 2019 Annual meeting $550.00 Carp Assessment $2,394.50 New Aerator $7,100.00 Channel Dredging? $16,500.00 7/2/2019

10 General Lake Update 2018-2019 Update Water Quality Reminders
Rice Lake surface water regulations quality/rice-lake/ 2018 Year in Review Lake Water Quality Impacts 2019 Potential Project Plans Water Quality Reminders How Carp impacts our water quality 7/2/2019

11 7/2/2019

12 No Wake in any part of Elm Creek or the backwater connection to Fish Lake!
West of I-94 to the bridge (A on map) Connection to Fish Lake (B on map) Elm Creek north of lake (C on map) C A B 7/2/2019

13 2018 Year in Review Timeline:
No drawdown was conducted in the past 4 years (last was in ) Winter Aeration was done the past 2 winters (to help sustain previous 2 fish stockings) Longer ice and snow cover reduced dissolved oxygen levels, which impacts fish Water levels were above normal for most of the 2018 open water season, due to more frequent rainfalls which helped “flush” out the lake Curlyleaf Pondweed (CLP) was observed more frequently again in 2018, although it was not enough of a nuisance to be considered treatable (yet). We need to monitor this closely in 2019 to see if treatment is warranted next winter. Water quality during the outdoor boating season was observed to be better than recent years without any major algae blooms Summer/Fall 2018 – Fishing seemed to be on an upswing as more game fish were caught (and released) compared to the last several years. Visiting fishermen numbers were again down significantly. Cormorants were again present most of the open water season. Do they have an impact on our fish population? Winter was a little more severe than the previous year with slightly higher precipitation than in recent years Spring 2019 water level has been slightly above average Ski Slalom Course was located in SE corner of the lake for the 1st time; feedback?? 7/2/2019

14 Lake Water Quality Impacts
Aquatic Plant Update BAD WEEDS Curlyleaf Pondweed Currently under control, but need to keep an eye on annual growth, particularly along the shoreline. Aquatic Plant Survey done in 2014 (pre-drawdown) showed a slight increase in growth, but not enough of a nuisance to require treatment for CLP only. There were very few visual sightings in 2015 & 2016, although in 2017 & 2018 there were more sightings of growth. We need residents to report any CLP sightings to stay ahead of the game. Eurasian Water Milfoil Not considered to be a nuisance for treatment at this time, although these plants have been increasing in number and locations. GOOD WEEDS Coontail Increasing recently, but still lagging behind. West side of lake much more growth than remainder of the lake. This can be controlled by cutting, which was in 2016 with volunteer help (no cutting done in 2017 or 2018). Other Native Plants Limited due to poor water clarity and Carp effects have been found to inhibit sprouting of new plants. Carp Enclosure project in 2010 demonstrated that many native plants can survive in our lake. 7/2/2019

15 Lake Water Quality Impacts - Continued
Fish Population update: Fish population was still out of balance through 2018, but we are hoping the restocking done in 2015 & 2017 will help reverse that trend. Also the joint Carp Removal Project with Fish Lake may help swing this balance by 2020. More predator fish is desirable Predator fish will eat the eggs and young of carp and bullhead Largemouth Bass, Crappies, Bluegills and some Perch were stocked Undesirable fish population continues to be very high in recent years Bullheads Carp Conclusion: Hopeful that 2019 begins to see an improvement in water quality with less algae (low Curlyleaf Pondweed levels) and more native plants, plus better quality fish. Will watershed TMDL improvements begin to show in Rice Lake water quality? Question to ask ourselves: Do you prefer a lake which is dominated by algae or by native plants? Many shallow lakes like Rice Lake will have to deal with one of these conditions. 7/2/2019

16 Completed Projects – 2018 Carp Assessment Project with Fish Lake
Objective: To determine if the biomass of carp is dense enough to require removal efforts. Both Fish and Rice Lake have evidence of carp. Action Taken: With help of City of Maple Grove, FLARA and RLAA, funding was obtained to hire WSB & Associates to measure the carp biomass by both electrofishing and trap netting. Results: Over 2.5 times the biomass threshold was found in both lakes. Next Steps Phase II – Track and remove carp in 7/2/2019 16

17 Postponed Projects – 2018 Channel Dredging Project
Objective: To deepen the channel entering the Boat Ramp Bay, which has never been dredged out before. Boaters sometimes hit bottom in this shallow bay entry. How the project would be completed: Approval of 100% of adjacent homeowners for the DNR permit. RLAA would need to secure a dredging contractor. Work could be done in either Summer or Winter: Winter: when ice is the thickest and can support the heavy equipment. Summer: conducted from a barge. Reason why the project was not completed: Unable to find a contractor willing to do dredging for an affordable price Next Steps Renew 100% homeowner approval to conduct dredging effort. Secure affordable contractor (<$15,000) to do work. Boaters Access Fund to help fund shoreline stabilization directly adjacent to the planned dredging area. (Open for discussion on how to achieve this) 54 motorized boats on the lake Need to fund $3,700 to help cover $5,700 total shoreline stabilization effort 7/2/2019 17

18 2019 Project Plans Continue to update the RLAA website
Dredge Channel by Boat Launch (Summer 2019 or Winter ) Not able to get any funding assistance; will need to self fund this project Encourage shoreline restoration projects subsidized by grants Hennepin County “Good Steward” Grant program Continue working with Elm Creek Watershed on TMDL Project Continue to increase our membership 2nd Saturday’s on the lake (May through September)? Winter Aerator replacement ($7,000) Planned joint effort with Fish Lake to track/remove carp ( ) See WSB & Associates presentation later during this meeting 7/2/2019

19 Maple Grove Lake Improvement Project program
History Prior to 2019, the City of Maple Grove, through the Lake Quality Commission, had been offering city residents up to $750 reimbursement for valid water quality projects they undertake on their property. This program was underutilized and dropped in 2019. Replacement Program in 2019 Hennepin County offers a “Good Steward” program to residents to improve their properties with various water quality projects. Grants can be obtained directly from the county via a link on the RLAA website. Examples of such projects include: Native Shoreline Restoration Bioengineered Shoreline (not riprap) Bioengineered Slopes Rain Gardens Native Buffer 7/2/2019

20 Maple Grove Lake Improvement Project program
Contact the program manager, Jim Kujawa, directly for information on either the individual “Good Steward” or group “Opportunity” grants. These grants are independent of the Maple Grove Lake Improvement programs. URL for this information is available at: 7/2/2019

21 Water Quality Requirements
How do Carp impact the water? Carp are bottom feeders that eat vegetation? Intake sediment as they search for food Export nutrients by filtering through their gills Dig up rooted plants As vegetation is eliminated, water clarity is reduced by a surplus of nutrients without any absorption. Nutrients have nowhere to go and become algae The next slide illustrates how carp impact the water…. 7/2/2019

22 Carp effect on water quality
P, N P, N P, N 7/2/2019 22

23 Water Quality – What can you do to help?
We all know what the issues are with the lake and creek, but what can we do today to help? Managing our shoreline Buffer Strip to strengthen bank/filter natural nutrient flow into the water Reduce nutrient use, especially near the water Keep the street drains free of debris Storm water run-off contributes a significant amount of nutrients Pick up litter along the shoreline/in the water Don’t use phosphorous in lawn treatment Some commercial applicators still use phosphorous in their treatments. Make sure you ask them before you commit! Consider aerating your lawn on a regular basis 7/2/2019

24 Update from Fish Lake Dave Spatafore will provide us with an update on Fish Lake Background on Fish Lake Projects Recent completed projects Current projects Future projects 7/2/2019

25 Rice Lake Resource Presented by Eric Swenson (10000 Docks)
Available services include: Dock work (installations, removals, maintenance) Watercraft maintenance Sponsor lake events (i.e.: ice fishing) 10000 Docks is local (based in Maple Grove) and has worked with several other local area lakes/residents in the past Contact them at or 7/2/2019

26 Joint Carp Removal Project
Presented by Mary Newman (WSB & Associates) Objective: Measure and determine if Carp are in fact a nuisance on both Fish and Rice Lakes. Phase 1 – Measure carp (completed in 2018) Phase 2 – Track & Remove carp (scheduled for ) Request support and financial assistance from these entities: Elm Creek Watershed Management Commission (ECWMC) City of Maple Grove Three Rivers Parks District Rice Lake Area Association (RLAA) Fish Lake Area Residents Association (FLARA) 7/2/2019

27 Open Forum Feel free to bring up any items not already covered tonight
If we do not have an answer for you tonight, we will get back to you after this meeting 7/2/2019

28 Join the Team Board Or Committee Membership Lake Management Committee
Membership/Fundraising/Media Committee Facebook page administration Go to RLAA website ( to learn more about the various projects the lake association has done in the past and what is planned for the future. You can also find us on Facebook at If you would like to be a part of these teams, please feel free to signup today at our meeting (Sign-up sheets are in the back of this meeting room – please sign up) or contact us by at 7/2/2019

29 RLAA Website Visit our website ( to learn more about the lake and association, as well as projects the lake association has done in the past and what is planned for the future. 7/2/2019

30 Rice Lake is on Facebook!
You can also find us on Facebook at 7/2/2019

31 RLAA Membership We need more members To fund and manage projects
To liaise with other organizations (other lake associations, DNR, MG Park & Rec, etc.) To enhance communication (i.e.: Facebook, website) To become better known in the MG community Overall: To improve the natural beauty and quality of Rice Lake to make it a greater asset to the community. Maybe you are familiar with the term “it’s a numbers game”? Basically, that means we can only do so much… and that’s really not enough to keep up with what needs to happen without killing those few that are actively engaged and giving their all to fight the good fight and wave the flag for attraction and show that the RLAA cares and wants to make a difference. As are membership grows, so to does our ability to manage more projects & activities as well as have the critical funds necessary to engage in the vital projects at a level that can achieve a recognizable difference and thus begin the process of changing the path that Rice Lake is headed down. We really need support in the form of increased membership including the funding these additional membership fees will bring. We really need our membership to be more active. We really need your participation to help manage the details of these important projects and to help coordination of multiple activities. If every member only had the time & energy to accomplish just 1 thing for the RLAA; one of the most important “To Do” needs is communications… talk with your neighbors, next door, across the street, etc. make them aware of RLAA, the situation that requires everyone’s help to accomplish and make a meaningful difference in the lake’s water quality and environment value as a sustainable wildlife habitat and beautiful area to enjoy… biking, walking, jogging, watching, boating, fishing and never avoiding due to the smell of a fresh algae bloom, or a massive fish kill because of low oxygen levels in the lake such that fish can’t survive. 7/2/2019

32 How do we increase membership and funding?
Talk to your neighbors and drum up interest in Rice Lake/Elm Creek! Educate yourself about the lake. Fundraising ideas: Table at Maple Grove Days Information box on the trail Occasional table giving out info on a Sunday afternoon Grants? Other ideas? Ask audience for feedback on these Engage attendees for their ideas & comments 7/2/2019

33 Board Member Elections
2019 Term Expiring George Schneider Has volunteered to serve another 3-year term ending in 2022 Accepting nominations for new board members 3-year term Open to any RLAA member 7/2/2019

34 Rice Lake Trivia Contest
Trivia Contest for all RLAA members: Complete the questionnaire handed out earlier Winner will receive a Gift Certificate Random Drawing for: Gift Certificate #1 Gift Certificate #2 Gift Certificate #3 Gift Certificate #4 7/2/2019

35 THANK YOU Comments? Questions? Volunteer!

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