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Presentation on theme: "Drama."— Presentation transcript:

1 Drama

2 Elements of a Play Script
Setting Characters Stage directions Dialogue

3 Lil’ Red: Scene 1 Characters: The Wolf
Grannie, Little Red’s grandmother Mom, Little Red’s mother The Woodcutter (Setting: During the afternoon outside of. Red is getting ready to ride her bike to school.) Mom: Now you be sure to call me when you get to Grannie’s house. She’s expecting you soon, so don’t hang out at the park or anywhere else on your way. Red: (getting off of her bike) I will, Mom. Promise! (Red rides off stage left.)

4 What character is missing from the cast?
A stage direction is wrong. What is it? What else should the setting tell you?

5 Answers to Script Questions
Lil’ Red is missing from the list of characters The stage directions “getting off of her bike” should be “getting on her bike” The setting should state outside of Little Red’s house

6 Copyright © 2010 Study Island - All rights reserved.

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