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Presentation on theme: "REGISTRARS’ CONFERENCE 2018"— Presentation transcript:

Dr. Loretta O’Donnell Vice Provost, Academic Affairs, Astana September 2018 . Registrar Conference - Closing Remarks

2 The conference is ending
Where are we going? How do we get there? Registrar Conference - Closing Remarks

3 The Registrar Community
Current reality Ideal future LEADERSHIP Registrar Conference - Closing Remarks

4 Registrar Conference - Closing Remarks
Registrars as leaders Registrar Conference - Closing Remarks

5 Registrar Conference - Closing Remarks
Consider: How can the Registrar community reinforce principles of academic integrity? What are the next steps? What resources are available? Registrar Conference - Closing Remarks

6 Creating a winning game: The integrity ecosystem
Registrar Faculty Students Registrar Conference - Closing Remarks

7 Changing expectations
From Local students Local regulations Local accountability Reactive “Just in case” To International students International regulations International accountability Proactive “Just in time” Registrar Conference - Closing Remarks

8 Registrar Conference - Closing Remarks

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10 Registrar Conference - Closing Remarks
Reflection: Which of the ideas from this conference would work in your university? What are the advantages and disadvantages of these ideas? What potential obstacles do you foresee? How would you overcome these obstacles? Registrar Conference - Closing Remarks

11 Registrar Conference - Closing Remarks
How do we get there? Registrar Conference - Closing Remarks

12 The Roles of the Registrar
1 Role models of international standards 2 Technical experts 3 Symbols of service 4 Reinforcers of integrity Registrar Conference - Closing Remarks

13 Capabilities for Renewal
Turner and Crawford Corporate Capabilities Model (1998) Exploitation Exploration Operational Reshaping Business Technology Market Responsiveness Performance Management Engagement Development Competencies Registrar Conference - Closing Remarks

14 Registrar Conference - Closing Remarks
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent; it is the one that is most adaptable to change.” Charles Darwin Registrar Conference - Closing Remarks

15 Managing resistance to change (Kanter, 1983)
Obstacle to change How to overcome obstacle 1. Loss of control Invite all relevant people to plan change 2. Excess uncertainty Create safe processes, clear timetable 3. Excess surprise Lay groundwork, plant seeds 4. Excess difference Keep what works, focus on key points of change 5. Loss of face Maintain dignity, celebrate past achievements 6. Concerns about competence Training, mentoring, support systems 7. More work Acknowledge and reward, include families if appropriate 8. Ripple effects Consult broadly – predict the ripples, manage them 9. Past resentments Gesture to the past before creating the future 10. Sometimes the threat is real Be honest, fair and fast Registrar Conference - Closing Remarks

16 Creating an integrity ecosystem
Asking hard questions… Personal change Explore beneath the surface Break the silence Ask “why?” five times Listen Respect colleagues Learn from mistakes Say sorry Be prepared to change our minds See ourselves as others see us Repertoire of leadership skills Registrar Conference - Closing Remarks

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18 Registrar Conference - Closing Remarks
Selected Resources Nazarbayev University – Office of the Registrar International Professional Associations Your students Your faculty Your colleagues International partners and international standards Registrar Conference - Closing Remarks

19 Registrar Conference - Closing Remarks

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