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Starter Which of these inventions is: Used most by people in Britain

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Presentation on theme: "Starter Which of these inventions is: Used most by people in Britain"— Presentation transcript:

1 Starter Which of these inventions is: Used most by people in Britain
Most important to society Least important to society Helps to save people most time Put them in order of importance from 1 to 3 (most to least). The car Gas to the home Computer code

2 About computer code Hardware
The parts of a computer that you can physically touch… but don’t if it’s plugged in! Software Programs that run on the computer The instructions and code that the computer ‘reads’ to carry out tasks.

3 About computer code Computer code is written in different programming languages. Languages have different rules about the order that words appear in and whether or not capital letters are used. We have to be very precise when writing instructions. Top tips… If your code doesn’t work, check it for: Spelling Capital letters Order of words

4 Objectives To be able to think like a computer and write pseudo code.
To be able to program your computer to print words on screen and get the user of the computer to input the answer to a question.

5 Task 1 – working with Python
Python is a programming language that you can use on Windows, Mac or Linux computers. You can even run it from a memory stick. We are going to learn how to write code in Python.

6 Task 1 – working with Python
Open PyScripterfrom the start menu. This is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE)… …in other words a program that you can use to write code.

7 Task 1 – Hello world! The first thing you will learn to do when you code is to get the computer to print some text on the screen. To do this we will use the print command.

8 Task 1 – the PyScripter window
After you’ve written your code you must run it. This area is the code editor The computer’s response to your code appears here in the interpreter

9 Task 1 – Hello world! Delete all of the text that is on the screen – we will start with a blank screen. Type in: print(“Hello world”) Press the RUN icon. What happened? Tasks Make a change to the code get it to print your name. Make a change the get it to print your name on one line and then your age on the next line.

10 Task 2 – inputs and prints
Now try typing this code in on 3 separate lines. print("Welcome") x = input("What is your name?") print (x) What happens in the interpreter window after you press run? Extension – get the computer to ask for your name and then your age and then print both out.

11 Task 2 – inputs and prints
Displays the word “Welcome” on screen print("Welcome") x = input("What is your name?") print (x) Asks the user to enter a word and then stores it in a variable called X. Variables are like postboxes, you can put data in and take it out. Print X puts the data in the variable on screen.

12 Task 2 – inputs and prints
What does input do? What does X = mean? How does the computer print out your name? print("Welcome") x = input("What is your name?") print x

13 Plenary Your teacher will show you 5 questions.
Show what you think the answer is with your fingers. This could be a competition where they all

14 Plenary What is the name of the programming language that you are learning to use? Visual Basic C# Cobra Python 4. Python

15 Plenary Which of these commands would you use to display a word on screen? output screen print display 3. Print

16 Plenary Which of these commands would you use to ask the user type in data? output input print enter 3. Print

17 Plenary What does a variable do? Edits data Search data Delete data
Store data 4. Store data

18 Plenary Which of these is correct? print(“Hello world)

19 Plenary PyScripter is an… Integrated Degenerative Environment
Integrated Development Environment Internal DOS Environment Orchestral Manoeuvre in the Dark 2. Integrated Development Environment

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