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2019-2020 Proposed Budget 4/23/19 Webutuck C.S.D.

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Presentation on theme: "2019-2020 Proposed Budget 4/23/19 Webutuck C.S.D."— Presentation transcript:

1 Proposed Budget 4/23/19 Webutuck C.S.D.

2 2018-2019 Current Budget & Levy 2018-2019 Adopted Budget $22,703,351
Tax Levy $13,893,572

3 Rollover Budget $23,679,779 an increase of + $976,428 or 4.3% Salaries - $262,691 Contractual - $157,691 Special Education Program - $105,000 + Ben. Teacher, Teaching Assistant, Teacher Aid Debt Service/Inter-fund Transfer - $262,484 Capital Bond - $177,000 Interest - $179,000 School Lunch Fund - $20,000 Bus Purchase BAN – ($114,240)

4 2019-2020 Rollover Employment Benefits - $225,393
Health - $179,928 ERS/TRS/FICA - $13,293 Medicare Reimbursement - $20,000 Other - $12,172 Special Education - $193,762 Out of District Placements (2 students) Settlement for SWD Placement Current Out of District & BOCES Program Increases BOCES - $111,178 Alternative Education Programs, Tech. Services, Other

5 Additional Program Needs
Music 0.5 FTE $28,000 Athletic Program $25,000 Total $53,000 $23,732,779

6 Revenue Required For Initial Budget
State Aid & Other ($6,624,179) App. Fund Balance ($2,100,000) $15,008,601 or 8.03% BOE Will Not Support this Increase

7 “Find More Savings with Minimal Impact on Student Program”
BOE Directive “Find More Savings with Minimal Impact on Student Program” $14,718,850 or 5.94% An increase of $825,278 Need to find Program Efficiencies, Reserves, Reductions totaling $289,751

8 Program Efficiencies/Reductions (Administrative Initial Recommendations)
Reduce Fund Balance ($100,000) Art .4 FTE ($24,000) (Photography 3 students enrolled, 2 free periods in current schedule) Teacher Aide 1.0 FTE ($16,500) (Student Exited) Teaching Assist. 1.0 FTE ($21,000) (Program change. No need) Mandarin Program ($25,000) (4 students enrolled)

9 Further Considerations For Efficiencies
Need to Find: $103,251 Social Studies 0.4 Teacher (7th/8th Gr. Class Size 26) $33,000 English Consultant $35,000 Reserves $35,251 Or Social Studies 0.4 Teacher $33,000 Reserves $70,251

10 Further Considerations For Efficiencies
English Consultant $35,000 Reserves $68,251 SRO $82,000 Reserves $21,251 Reserves $103,251

11 Budget & Levy Budget: $23,443,029 or +3.3% Levy: $14,718,850 or +5.94%

12 What will Amenia be Valued at w/SR?
Year Scenario Levy Levy % Tax Rate Per $1000 $50 Mil 18/19 Current $13,893,572 $12.43 19/20 Rollover $14,955,601 7.64% $13.38 $12.80 Proposed Levy $14,718,850 5.94% $13.16 $12.60 This is an Estimate. Actual rates will be finalized in August.

13 Transportation/Facilities Vehicle Proposition
· Purchase 1 maintenance truck · Purchase 1 mini van · Purchase 1 bobcat utility vehicle Total of $135,000

14 Amenia Incr. $50 Mil Tax Rate
Estimated Tax Calculation for Homeowners Assessed Value Incr. per $1,000 Annual Incr. Amenia Incr. $50 Mil Tax Rate Amenia Incr. of $50 Mil Annual Incr./Decr Rollover $100,000 0.95 $95 $12.80 0.37 $37 Proposed Levy 0.73 $73 $12.60 0.17 $17 $200,000 $190 $74 $146 $34 $300,000 $285 $111 $219 $51 This is an Estimate. Actual rates will be finalized in August.

15 What If Amenia is Valued at a Greater Value?
Year Scenario Levy Levy % Tax Rate Per $1000 $50 Mil $60 Mil $70 Mil 18/19 Current $13,893,572 $12.43 19/20 Proposed Levy $14,718,850 5.94% $13.16 $12.60 $12.49 $12.39 This is an Estimate. Actual rates will be finalized in August.

16 Voter Propositions Approval of 2019-2020 Budget
Election of Two Board Members Authorize the Transportation/Maintenance Vehicles: 1 Mini-Van, 1 Pick Up Truck, 1 bobcat

17 Important Dates Monday, May 13, 2019   - Annual Public Budget Hearing 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, May 21, 2019  - Annual School District Budget Vote     12:00 p.m. to 9:00 High School Gym

18 Please Remember to Vote
Please Remember to Vote! Tuesday, May 21, 2019 from 12:00 noon to 9:00 p.m. at the High School Gymnasium

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