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KVI Change Management Survey April 2019

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1 KVI Change Management Survey April 2019

2 Overview 1st Survey completed for year 2019/2020 (April)
Issued to approx. 450 Industry contacts KVI achieved against our target of 90% rated as ‘Always’ or ‘Usually’: KVI score for April 19 is 95% Overall score for the year 2018/2019 is 76.1%

3 Individual question responses April 19 vs Jan 19
I receive timely and fit for purpose information to enable me to manage new changes that impact my organisation Xoserve presents a range of solution options for each change to enable choice I trust Xoserve to identify solutions that benefit the whole Industry where possible Xoserve supports the ability for me to fully engage me in the change process, should I choose to I trust Xoserve to deliver changes to agreed costs, timescales and quality April 19 (4) Jan 19 (9)

4 Key Feedback Received – April 2019
2 customers provided further comments on the Change management process Where appropriate Customer Change will contact provider for further clarification. Where feedback is from named individual we will seek approval before publishing our responses. Key feedback: To understand whether a change is value for money a breakdown of costs would be beneficial. The change process has improved and streamlining the Stage gates would improve this further. To see learnings from EUC change reflected in future change processes. Concerns around potential blockage of BAU changes being implemented due to large changes being delivered. Minor and Major releases have worked with sensible approaches towards market trials compared to 2017 & 2018. Although improvements made from the Data Office, there is still a slowness in getting reports delivered. Hopefully planned activities will clear the bottleneck and speed up requests. Moving CP’s to Xoserve website makes them easier to find and navigate, which is a great example of something simple but effective.

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