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Christ-Like Attitude.

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1 Christ-Like Attitude

2 What is a Christ-Like Attitude?
Jesus stands out from many of the Old Testament prophets for his compassion, kindness and mercy, even to sinners e.g. associating with tax collectors and prostitutes, healing and forgiving sins However, Jesus would also not hesitate to stand up to injustice e.g. upsetting merchants’ tables in the temple, parable of saving a sheep on the Sabbath

3 Gospel Story-Starters
Would you have made the same decisions if you had been in Jesus’s shoes (or sandals)? Time to find out! For two of the Gospel stories provided, write an ending that reflects Christ-like love and wisdom i.e. If you write, “Fry everyone with lightning bolts from heaven,” you will probably not get any marks DO NOT LOOK UP THE ACTUAL ENDING (until after you have submitted your assignment)

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