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Medicine Cabinet Makeover

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Presentation on theme: "Medicine Cabinet Makeover"— Presentation transcript:

1 Medicine Cabinet Makeover
Do you want safer, cheaper, more effective healthcare?

2 Herbs, Supplements, and Essential Oils

3 Herbs, Supplements, and Essential Oils

4 Herbs, Supplements, and Essential Oils

5 Disclaimer This class is for educational purposes only and should not replace medical advice. Never make changes to your diet or medications without first consulting with your medical doctor.

6 In Other Words… Use Common Sense!!

7 Medical vs. Natural

8 Medical vs. Natural Cover up symptoms- never address root cause

9 Medical vs. Natural Cover up symptoms- never address root cause

10 Medical vs. Natural Cover up symptoms- never address root cause

11 Medical vs. Natural Cover up symptoms- never address root cause
Relieve symptoms by addressing the root cause

12 Medical vs. Natural Cover up symptoms- never address root cause
Synthetic, man-made Relieve symptoms by addressing the root cause

13 Medical vs. Natural Cover up symptoms- never address root cause
Synthetic, man-made Relieve symptoms by addressing the root cause Natural, plant-based

14 Medical vs. Natural Cover up symptoms- never address root cause
Synthetic, man-made Serious side effects Relieve symptoms by addressing the root cause Natural, plant-based

15 Medical vs. Natural Cover up symptoms- never address root cause
Synthetic, man-made Serious side effects Relieve symptoms by addressing the root cause Natural, plant-based Safe, no side effects

16 Medical vs. Natural Cover up symptoms- never address root cause
Synthetic, man-made Serious side effects Expensive Relieve symptoms by addressing the root cause Natural, plant-based Safe, no side effects

17 Medical vs. Natural Cover up symptoms- never address root cause
Synthetic, man-made Serious side effects Expensive Relieve symptoms by addressing the root cause Natural, plant-based Safe, no side effects Pennies per dose

18 Kitchen Tools and Utensils
Spoons, Ladles, Whisks, and Spatulas Salad Spinner

19 Everyone Gets Sick

20 Quality is EVERYTHING!!

21 Quality is EVERYTHING!!

22 Herbal Tinctures

23 Essential Oils

24 Which oils can you count on?
Grades of Essential Oil

25 DOTERRA is the BEST!

26 How to use them: Aromatic
Breathe in directly from bottle or on a tissue Inhale from a diffuser that atomizes the oils into the air Kill germs in the air

27 How to use them: Topical
Apply to skin- on troubled area Bottom of feet have larger pores- oils are in bloodstream in 30 seconds Use caution with sensitive skin- dilute with olive oil

28 How to use them: Internal
Can only use doTERRA’s oils internally Place 1-2 drops of essential oil into water and drink Use directly in mouth Put into a capsule for higher doses

29 Natural Solutions

30 Acne Lemon Essential Oil used topically Liver cleanse Clean up diet!!

31 Allergies Vitamin C with Quercitin
Lavender essential oil is a natural anti-histamine. Use 1-2 drops on feet daily or in a capsule 1 teaspoon of local raw honey daily

32 Anti-Biotic Alternative
Core Berberine Blend by Energetix: contains anti-bacterial herbs such as Goldenseal, Oregon Grape Root, etc… Take 2-4 dropperfuls per day- can be diluted in a little bit of water.

33 Anti-Biotic Alternative
Raw Garlic is a natural antibiotic Called “Russian Penicillin” How to take: Mince 4 large cloves, swallow with water, on a FULL stomach!

34 Athlete’s Foot Melaleuca Essential Oil, also called Tea Tree applied topically

35 Coughs Onion Honey Cough Syrup
How to make: Put 1 inch thick slice of onion in a blender with 1/4 cup water, blend and strain. Mix in a couple of tablespoons raw honey. Take 1 tablespoon as needed for coughs.

36 Colds/Flu On Guard Essential Oil-
Internally, topically for sore throats Elderberry Juice Concentrate- 1 Tbsp. 3x a day Cod Liver oil for Vitamin D Zinc and Vitamin C

37 Cold Sores Melissa Essential Oil- applied topically
L-lysine taken internally

38 Canker Sores Melissa Essential Oil- applied topically
Lavender Essential Oil- applied topically These can indicate a food allergy

39 Constipation Foods: more raw foods, prunes, ground flaxseeds (1-2 Tbsp. per day) Magnesium- Natural Calm is a good brand. Colon Clear by Energetix

40 Depression Vitamin B3 (Niacin)- start with 100 mg per day taken with food and increase gradually as needed. Evening Primrose Oil- 4-6 gel caps per day Frankincense Essential Oil

41 Diarrhea Slippery Elm Bark Powder- take 4-6 capsules or 2 tsp. of powder mixed into food

42 Fever Peppermint Essential oil- topically on head, neck, feet
Elderberry Concentrate- 1 Tbsp. in water 2-3 times a day

43 Food Poisoning Stomach Rescue by Peaceful Mountain- actually tested on E.Coli, Salmonella, etc.. Oregano Essential Oil- several drops in a capsule taken every hour until resolved

44 Gas DigestZen Essential Oil- 1-2 drops internally as needed
Probiotics- Klaire labs Ther-Biotic Complete is an excellent brand. Digestive enzymes for better digestion

45 Headaches Peppermint or Lavender essential oil-apply 1-2 drops topically to temples and base of skull. Apply pressure to pressure points between thumb and first finger, massage neck and scalp.

46 Indigestion/Heartburn
DigestZen or Peppermint essential oil- internally as needed Digestive enzymes, such as Catalyst-U taken with every meal

47 Insomnia Lavender essential oil- aromatically or topically
Magnesium at bedtime Theanine at bedtime Chamomile Tea

48 Nausea Peppermint Essential Oil- internally or aromatically

49 Pain Deep Blue Essential Oil- used topically only! Deep Blue Rub-
Apply topically

50 PMS Evening Primrose Oil: 4-6 capsules taken daily.
B-Complex with extra B6 Calcium, Magnesium, and Vitamin D “NO!! I DON’T HAVE PMS!!!”

51 Rashes Lavender Essential Oil- used topically to heal and relieve itching Dilute with olive oil if used on children’s skin

52 Sinus Congestion Peppermint Essential Oil- used topically on face over sinus area Use a sinus rinse bottle to flush sinuses

53 Sore Throat Elderberry Juice Concentrate- 1 Tbsp. in water, 2-3 times a day On Guard Essential Oil- used internally and topically on throat

54 Wounds Frankincense Essential Oil- topically
Helichrysum Essential Oil- used topically is good for stopping bleeding and healing wounds.

55 Helpful Tips Acute Problems: use natural remedies more frequently (i.e. every hour) Chronic Problems: Use natural remedies 2 times a day Use caution with sensitive skin- dilute essential oils with equal parts of olive or coconut oil. Children’s dosage: Determined by body weight. (Example: 50 lb. child would take half of the adult dose)

56 Choose Your Cost: $672 $350 Medicine Cabinet Treats Symptoms Synthetic
Side Effects Expiration Date $672 Natural Solutions True Healing Natural No Side Effects Extended Shelf Life $350

57 Your next Step doTERRA’s Introductory Kit Includes: Lavender Lemon

58 Cool KeyChain Case Take your wellness with you wherever you go!

59 Your next Step Family Physician Kit includes 10 of most common
essential oils

60 The Complete Kit Are you ready to have a total makeover?
Get everything you need for only $350

61 Start your Makeover Today to order

62 Take Control of Your Health!

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