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Blood Type and Multiple Alleles

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Presentation on theme: "Blood Type and Multiple Alleles"— Presentation transcript:

1 Blood Type and Multiple Alleles

2 What is blood type? Inherited Trait
Phenotypic expression: antigenic surface proteins (markers) ABO possibilities (multiple alleles each person inherits 2) Example: AB+ means surface antigens for A, B and Rh markers O- no surface markers.

3 What is RH (Rhesus)? inherited protein surface of red blood cells.
Rh positive w/ protein No Protein = Rh negative Think with partner RH negative blood makes RH antibodies Can RH positive receive RH negative blood? Vice versa? What is RH (Rhesus)?

4 What type of inheritance is blood type?
Autosomal inheritance (non-sex chromo) Chromosome 9 Remember autosomes are homologous (similar size and corresponding type of genes)


6 All Genes Have a Set Location
Gene Loci

7 Reminder!

8 Antigens on Red Blood Cells
Type Antigens Type Antigens AB+ AB- A+ A- B+ B- O+ O-

9 Antibodies – Opposite of Antigen
Type Antigens Antibody Type Antigens Antibody AB+ AB- A+ A- B+ B- O+ O-

10 Who Can Receive or Donate Blood!
Type Give to Get From Why? AB+ No Antibodies made A+ Antibodies B B+ Antibodies A O+ A, B Antibodies AB- A- B- O-

11 What patterns do you notice for blood type
What patterns do you notice for blood type? Title: Patterns and list 2-4

12 What are inheritance possibilities?

13 What type of inheritance is Blood Type
AB is Codominance (both dominant) O is complete dominance- recessive to type A or type B Thus, Blood type O needs two OO alleles Type A can be genotype AA or AO B can be genotype BB or BO

14 Do the following practice problems
Cross type O blood type (O is recessive) with homozygous A (AA). List genotypic and phenotypic ratios. Cross AB blood type with heterozygous B. List genotypic and phenotypic ratios. Cross a heterozygous A with heterozygous B.

15 Number 1

16 Number 2

17 Number 3

18 Who can save Fluffy? Test Muffy, Scruffy and Tuffy’s blood type.
use information from notes and blood type info to determine the best match! The blood agglutinates if antibodies are present. Use your notes to help determine the blood type.

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