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PTA April 2019 (Shorthorn base)

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1 PTA April 2019 (Shorthorn base)
Skyhigh Oscar St Hallebo x Peterslund x Syd Darla PTA April 2019 (Shorthorn base) Production Traits PLI £421 Milk 348kg Fat kg % Ptn kg % 157dtrs/40hds (96%Rel) Management Traits Fert Index na Lifespan -0.2 SCC 0 DOB – 24/08/2009 HBN – AI Code – SR2038 SIRE: St Hallebo DAM: 690 Orreja EX93 G DAM: Denmark 3 DAM: Denmark 5 lacts average 6543kg %F %P Lact Age Milk Days Fat % Ptn % 2/01 7716 305 5.22 4.10 3/01 9528 5.41 3.92 4/01 10056 5.52 3.66 5/01 10432 296 5.08 3.71 5 6/00 9142 5.42 3.58 6 7/05 7454 277 5.28 3.46 Skyhigh Oscar 690 Orreja, dam of Oscar Lacts. Milk Fat % Ptn % average 8824kg 4.46 3.67 Sire Analysts Notes... Skyhigh Oscar has fantastic production figures, based on crossbred progeny milking in the UK. He has a PLI of £421 and combines high milk production with very good milk quality. Oscar has an excellent pedigree and his EX93 dam was the top protein percent cow in the Skyhigh herd and sold for 4,000gns in the 2013 Skyhigh dispersal sale.

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