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TRADD is recruited to the TLR4 signaling complex upon LPS stimulation.

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1 TRADD is recruited to the TLR4 signaling complex upon LPS stimulation.
TRADD is recruited to the TLR4 signaling complex upon LPS stimulation. (A) TRADD participates in the TLR4 complex. RAW cells were stimulated with LPS (100 ng/ml) for the indicated times, and lysates were subjected to IP with anti-TLR4. TRADD and RIP were identified by Western blotting to be components of the TLR4 complex. (B and C) TRADD associates with TLR4-TIR but not IRAK4. 293T cells were cotransfected with a TRADD-expressing vector plus vectors expressing the indicated Myc-tagged mediators. Proteins associating with TRADD were identified by TRADD-IP and anti-Myc Western blotting. IRAK4KO was used as a negative control; pCDNA3 and pBABE were used as empty vector controls. (D) TLR4-TIR associates with TRADD; reciprocal IP involving anti-Myc IP and anti-TRADD Western blotting. For A–D, data are representative of at least two independent experiments. Nien-Jung Chen et al. PNAS 2008;105:34: ©2008 by National Academy of Sciences

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