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Social Media Farmers Facebook Twitter Pinterest SnapChat

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Presentation on theme: "Social Media Farmers Facebook Twitter Pinterest SnapChat"— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Media Farmers Facebook Twitter Pinterest SnapChat
Total Database 820,000 151,800 535,346 164,000 1+ Corn Growers 250,000 26,100 168,711 63,000 1+ Soybean Growers 210,000 39,500 141,266 54,000 1000+ Acres Any Commodity 84,000 16,200 58,264 23,000 1+ Cattle Ranchers 180,000 15,400 127,966 43,000 1+ Dairy Operators 6,381 29,016 11,000 Produce titles 1,581 4,816 too small Dealers/Distributors 9,300 1,307 3,547 1,000

2 Weekly sponsorship cost
Facebook Target your Facebook ads with us! Find your target audience based on Farm Journal data matching to Facebook users. We have 660,000 total available audience on Facebook, but you can segment down to the list that meets your needs. Drive them to your Web site, promote your posts, seek out page likes, get app installs, event responses or offer claims. Desktop AND mobile! Plus, receive metrics like you’ve never had before – engagement, post shares, likes, reach, etc. Matches Weekly sponsorship cost $ ,100.00 $ ,600.00 $ ,100.00 $ ,600.00 $ ,100.00 $ ,600.00 $ ,100.00 $ ,600.00 $ ,100.00 Farmers Matches Total Database 820,000 1+ Corn Growers 250,000 1+ Soybean Growers 210,000 1000+ Acres Any Commodity 84,000 1+ Cattle Ranchers 180,000 1+ Dairy Operators 43,000 Produce titles 11,000 Dealers/Distributors 9,300

3 Weekly sponsorship cost
Twitter Target your Twitter ads with us! Find your target audience based on Farm Journal data matching to Twitter users. We have a highly engaged group of farmers matched on Twitter, and you can segment the list that meets your needs. Drive them to your Web site, promote your tweet, promote following, get app installs, etc. Desktop AND mobile! Plus, receive metrics like you’ve never had before – engagement, tweet shares, follows, reach, etc. Twitter Matches Weekly sponsorship cost $ ,100.00 $ ,600.00 $ ,100.00 $ ,600.00 $ ,100.00 $ ,600.00 $ ,100.00 $ ,600.00 $ ,100.00 $ Farmers Matches Total Database 151,800 1+ Corn Growers 26,100 1+ Soybean Growers 39,500 1000+ Acres Any Commodity 16,200 1+ Cattle Ranchers 15,400 1+ Dairy Operators 6,381 Produce titles 1,581 Dealers/Distributors 1,307

4 Weekly sponsorship cost
Pinterest One of the latest social media products that allows for publishers to pinpoint target based on first-party data. Pinterest touts a user base that is more apt to share than Twitter and more lifespan to their pins than on Facebook. A recent test showed activity for the ad message for an entire month despite only paying to run it for a week. Do It Yourself projects, ideas, new uses for on-farm products, and things that are highly visual perform the best in this environment. If you or your client is concerned about targeting a specific gender with messages, the tool allow us to target gender. However, don’t be too skittish: One-third of all Pinterest sign-ups come from men. Pinterest Matches Weekly sponsorship cost $5,100 $4,600 $4,100 $3,600 $3,100 $2,600 $2,100 $1,600 $1,100 $600 Farmers Matches Total Database 535,346 1+ Corn Growers 168,711 1+ Soybean Growers 141,266 1000+ Acres Any Commodity 58,264 1+ Cattle Ranchers 127,966 1+ Dairy Operators 29,016 Produce titles 4,816 Dealers/Distributors 3,547

5 Weekly sponsorship cost
Snapchat The latest social media product that allows for publishers to pinpoint target based on first-party data. We have matched 164,000 of our 800K+ records on SnapChat. Snap offers a highly mobile audience, so the creative execution needs to keep that in mind. Run a Top Snap to highlight images. Run a Web View to drive the audience to your web site. App installs and long-form videos are also options. Snapchat Matches Weekly sponsorship cost $ ,700.00 $ ,200.00 $ ,700.00 $ ,200.00 $ ,700.00 $ ,200.00 $ ,700.00 $ ,200.00 $ ,700.00 $ ,200.00 Farmers Matches Total Database 164,000 1+ Corn Growers 63,000 1+ Soybean Growers 54,000 1000+ Acres Any Commodity 23,000 1+ Cattle Ranchers 43,000 1+ Dairy Operators 11,000 Produce titles too small Dealers/Distributors 1,000

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