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The Mauryan Empire Began under the leadership of Chandragupta Maurya

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1 The Mauryan Empire Began under the leadership of Chandragupta Maurya
Arthashastra - government handbook Methods for collecting taxes, administering trade and foreign relations Controlled much of present-day India and Pakistan between 322 B.C.E. and 180 B.C.E.

2 The Mauryan Empire Government Structure
Large, beurocratic government Divided into provinces Each province was ruled by a prince Similar to Persian Satraps Council of ministers assisted princes Province was divided into districts Led by a minister, they would be in charge of government officials Regulate trade Large army helped keep control Paid for by taxes

3 Ashoka Maurya Ruled from 268 - 232 B.C.E.
Fought extensive battles to gain control of parts of India Converted to Buddhism Built monasteries and sent missionaries across his kingdom

4 Ashoka Maurya Key ideas under his rule:
Infrastructure was built via tax system Roads throughout the kingdom Increase trade Ended slavery in the empire Traveled throughout the empire to help keep rule Edicts of Ashoka Laws that were engraved on rocks and pillars throughout the kingdom Similar to Hammurabi’s Code - potential synthesis point

5 Decline Of The Mauryans
Not long after the death of Ashoka, the empire began to decline No leader with same skills for governing as Ashoka

6 The Gupta Empire Mid 3rd century C.E. - 590 C.E.
Often traded with European merchants and on the Silk Road

7 The Gupta Empire Government Structure
Like the Mauryan Empire, the Gupta was divided into provinces Did not oversee empire like Ashoka did Allies ruled local governments

8 Gupta Achievements Medicine:
Hospitals were built throughout the empire Medical practices - resetting broken bones, skin graphs, inoculation Math: Developed numerical numbers 0-9

9 Decline Of The Guptas Much more decentralized government than Mauryans
White Huns invaded around 500 C.E. 550 C.E. - empire collapsed

10 Quick Recap Mauryan Empire: Chandragupta Mauryan Arthashastra Ashoka:
Converted to Buddhism Hands-on administration Government structure under Mauryan Gupta Empire: Math and Science Achievements Importance of trade in both empires

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