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AWS Migration Made Easy

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Presentation on theme: "AWS Migration Made Easy"— Presentation transcript:

1 AWS Migration Made Easy
YM’s Guide to a Successful and Painless AWS Migration Rob Fournier – Training & Resource Specialist Jacob Parker – Manager, YM Product

2 What Do You Need to Do? We need your help!
Right click on the slide background to change photo What Do You Need to Do? We need your help!

3 What Do You Need to Do? We Need Your Help!
One big advantage to AWS is its ability to immediately scale and re-route network traffic. This happens independently of any human interaction, meaning that you and your members will be connected to the Yourmembership AMS via the fastest route. AWS’ routing takes into account geographic location, network congestion, types of content being served, and other factors. This also means that we need to have access to change the routing (DNS records) for the domain used by your members and staff to access the Yourmembership AMS. END OF SLIDE: …and we have two options available for you in making that change. Currently, your DNS records are likely associated with the registrar used to register the domain name ( for your organization (GoDaddy, Network Solutions, Namecheap, etc.). You may recall updating these records in the past when first launching your site with the Yourmembership AMS. We just need to make one more change…

4 What Do You Need to Do? Updating Your DNS Records – Option #1
One big advantage to AWS is its ability to immediately scale and re-route network traffic. This also means that some reconfiguration of your domain is necessary for proper network routing. Point your name server records to YM – this is our recommended approach, whereby YM can provide a seamless transition to the AWS environment and ensure that your organization is positioned to take full advantage of the AWS tools and services. YM Support will work with your team to assess your existing setup and recreate any critical DNS records within our system to ensure that things like or other sites on your domain are not impacted. Upon cut-over to AWS, YM will provide all of our clients who have made the nameserver change with the option of managing their DNS records from directly within the AMS. You will no longer need to manage these records from your registrar portal. END OF SLIDE: If you’re taking option 1, you’ll receive access to our new DNS Record Management Tool.

5 What Do You Need to Do? Our New DNS Tool
Once you’ve moved your nameservers over to Yourmembership, we’ll provide access to a DNS Record Management Tool, allowing you to make any future necessary changes to your DNS records directly from the AMS back-end. This includes adding, editing, and removing records like A, AAAA,TXT (includes SPF), CNAME, PTR, and SRV.

6 What Do You Need to Do? Our New DNS Tool
Our new DNS tool is accessible from the back-end of the AMS. Simply by navigating through your Content & Settings menu, you’ll be able to quickly and easily add new DNS records, or edit the records that already exist. This means that we’re not limiting you from utilizing third party products or other capabilities that may also utilize your domain.

7 What Do You Need to Do? Our New DNS Tool
In addition, should you wish to add new domains in the future, the existing process will ensure these are dynamically added as editable domains within the tool.

8 What Do You Need to Do? Our New DNS Tool
Adding new records is simple, and follows the same fashion that you might find from your current registrar.

9 What Do You Need to Do? Our New DNS Tool

10 What Do You Need to Do? Updating Your DNS Records – Option #2
Continue to manage your DNS and manually update your DNS records. YM will provide 3 new IPs upon our transition that you will need to update within your DNS. Some considerations with this approach: If you have not made the DNS IP changes by cut-over day, your site will still be accessible via the YM-subdomain (ex: Unless you’ve made the name server changes, your vanity SSL will not be available on cut-over day. However, your YM subdomain will maintain a secure connection. You will need to work with YM to determine your options in bringing any existing SSL certificates to our new environment. Any changes in our network that might require DNS changes to your website services will need to be made by you manually as they become necessary. In the event of a disaster recovery situation, you will be required to make any correlated IP changes manually once this information is provided to you by YM. END OF SLIDE: If you’re unsure of which options is right for you, don’t fret about it. We have a team of DNS experts that are going to help you through this migration…Regardless of which option you’re going to take advantage of, your next step is to contact our support team and provide them with some specific information.

11 What Do You Need to Do? Provide Information to our Support Team
1. Open a Support Ticket. 2. Be sure to select AWS (Amazon Web Service) as the Product Area 3. Provide the contact information for the person with knowledge and access to your DNS records. 4. Submit the support ticket.

12 What Do You Need to Do? Await Follow-Up from JPH Support Services
Once your support ticket has been submitted, please be patient. The person whose contact information has been provided will be contacted by JPH Support Services. JPH Support Services is an extension of our support team, offering technical expertise in all things regarding DNS. JPH Support Services is our trusted partner in performing this migration and are experts in DNS configuration. They will be able to walk you through the changes, and address any questions or concerns about your DNS records.

13 More Response, More Control
Right click on the slide background to change photo Moving Forward More Response, More Control

14 Moving Forward Increased Performance & Scalability
Our intention with this migration is to offer increased performance and scalability for our clients and their members. Your entire site will be secured with SSL through all access points, rather than the current practice of SSL applied to member and commerce related areas and content. Connection speeds will increase for clients in Asia, Australia, and other geographies that may currently connect slower than North American or European clients. Improved scalability means that we’ll be able to offer upgrades and features quicker, as they are developed in the future. You will maintain control of your DNS records to add, edit, and remove records such as A, TXT, and CNAME entries.

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