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2 Video of the day

3 Bell Work 2-16 What is Kristallnacht? (tell me what happened, not the translation) Hitler wrote Mein Kampf, what is it about? (what’s in it, not the translation) The Nazi-Soviet Pact, what was that?

4 Hitler’s Blitzkrieg “Lightning War”
New tanks New airplanes Bombing raids

5 France is conquered Hitler wanted Paris Mussolini invades from South.
France Surrendered Different from WWI?

6 Operation Sea Lion– Hitler
Hitler tries to invade England. Bombs southern England, but the held up. Bombed London for 57 days. Failed. “The Blitz”

7 Nazi-Soviet Pact? Hitler sees Stalin’s resources.
Hitler sees Stalin as a political rival. He invades Russia, ends the pact.

8 Hitler & Napoleon?

9 Invasion of Russia– falls short
Germany got very deep into Russia. Stalin wanted a 2nd front for war against Germany. Russian winter stopped them. British answered the call. Hitler wanted Leningrad– failed.

10 Battle at Leningrad
Frozen soldier

11 How the US is relevant US is neutral, still wants to help Western Europe. 1941– Lend Lease Act- FDR gives weapons to “important countries.” The ones that fight for “freedom.”

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