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PAUL MUTUA Chief Engineer, R & D – Central Office

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Presentation on theme: "PAUL MUTUA Chief Engineer, R & D – Central Office"— Presentation transcript:

1 PAUL MUTUA Chief Engineer, R & D – Central Office
MSc. and BSc. degrees in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (UoN) Diploma in Business Management from Kenya Institute of Management (KIM). Joined the company in 1989 to 1990, in the then Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC) From 1991 to 2006, worked at Olkaria Geothermal Power Station, Naivasha, as the team leader of the Technical Services Department Previously the Chief Engineer Technical Services Kipevu then Central Office

2 Conscience as guide for making right decisions right first time
Presented by: Paul W. Mutua Chief Engineer, Research & Development 2017 G2G INNOVATION SEMINAR, ENASHIPAI RESORT - NAIVASHA 3RD - 7TH JULY 2017

3 Presentation Outline Introduction The Problem Research Methodology
Results Conclusion Recommendations

4 Introduction: - What is it about?
This is about an on-going research on conscience and how it can be modelled in form of organizational code of conduct for purpose of improving efficiency in making decisions. The research also seeks to find possibility of conscience concept being artificially installed in the modern intelligent machines for optimum performance.

5 Introduction: Why Right Decisions Right First Time?
Decision-making is regarded as the mental process of reasoning which results to selection of a course of action among several alternative possibilities. A right decision is a selected plan to do good to one-self and the environment. A wrong decision is a selected plan to do bad to community and the environment; with hope that the one-self would feel good. Making Right Decisions Right First Time is about planning to do good and being sure of doing it correctly without trial and error process.

6 Is there a problem to solve?
The globalization and internet system has brought another challenge where there are too many choices, which not only makes decision making a tedious process, but also makes it more likely to regret the selection. Efficiency in decision making process is still far to be achieved. It is not easy to make Right Decisions Right First Time

7 Problem in trying to make Right Decisions
The forum for African business leaders – Abidjan March 2016 It is not easy to make Right Decisions Right First Time

8 The Research Methodology
This was a desktop research where the study dwelt with observed life phenomena and the corresponding developed descriptives. The research sought for the meaning and purposes of consciousness, conscience, moral reasoning, natural intelligence and artificial intelligence in the context of life and businesses.

9 Results - Consciousness
Consciousness is the ability of a physical item (agent) to sense and be aware of itself and the environment within and without. Consciousness is confirmed through the agent’s physic change process which occur in order to sustain its good operating parameters as the environmental conditions change. Schema of the neural processes underlying consciousness, from Christof Koch (

10 Results – Conscience – Moral sense
Conscience is a sub-set of consciousness: It is the silent adviser to the self-conscious agent on making right decisions for purposes good actions. It is the moral sense: an aptitude, faculty, intuition or judgment that assists in distinguishing right from wrong. Its advice is based on the universal truth; universally acceptable as good for everyone.

11 Results – Conscience software
Conscience is found in each single social living being in the world. All social living items know how to, individually and collectively, react to environmental changes for purpose of sustaining life.

12 Results – Intelligence and systems
Intelligence is the ability of a self-conscious agent to perceive information, and to retain it as knowledge to be applied towards adaptive behaviors within an environment. An intelligent agent is a system that perceives its environment and takes actions which optimize its chances of success. Artificial intelligence is all the systems of control that are not natural, but rather are present in man-made items (artifacts).

13 Results – Examples artificial intelligent systems
Driverless vehicles: Uber employees testing a self-driving Ford Fusion in Pittsburgh 2016. Credit Jared Wickerham/Associated Press (

14 Results – Examples artificial intelligent systems
KenGen Workfowgen portal ( is a semi-artificial intelligence system. Among other services, it recognizes KenGen’s staff number and automatically allocates the appropriate personal services in financial needs, transport allocation, and work performance. Screen shots of KenGen workflowgen pages

15 Conclusion - conscience
Every person has conscience. Conscience is a natural computer-like software, which accurately predicts the future events and simultaneously advises the self-conscious agent, on the best option of selectable course of actions that would optimize the chances of success and survival. Conscience advice is always right on moral context. Conscience advice is only available if the self-conscious agent is genuinely seeking to do what is universally considered good to self, community and the environment.

16 Conclusion – corporate conscience
Organizations also have conscience through their established system of employees’ code of conduct. An organization’s conscience is usually within the boundaries of political and obedience of the legal systems.

17 Conclusion – it is possible
Research is still ongoing in making artificial conscious machines. It is possible to model a computer-based conscience system in an organization employees' code of conduct for efficient and effective decision making process. It is possible to configure artificial conscience system within a machine for purpose of automatic self-compelling good operations.

18 Recommendations – Corporate culture
Research and outline, as many as possible, conscience advices for artificial intelligence systems in the format of “IF … AND … AND … THEN …” in the context of corporate culture. Set up a computer software system, utilizing the artificial intelligent format of “IF … AND … AND … THEN …”, and model a conscience corporate decision making workflow to suit the preferred organizational culture.

19 Recommendations: Machine conscience
Research and outline, as many as possible, conscience advices for artificial intelligence systems in the format of “IF … AND … AND … THEN …” for purpose of machine operations. Set up a computer software system, utilizing the artificial intelligence format of “IF … AND … AND … THEN …”, and configure it within the specific machine control system (DCS) for purpose of automatic announcing and self- control in operations and just-in-time condition based maintenance services.

20 I am “GRATEFUL”

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