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Burden reduction in Prodcom

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1 Burden reduction in Prodcom
Experiences of Statistics Denmark Ingeborg Vind,

2 Outline Prodcom in Statistics Denmark
Response burden – different types Measures to reduce response burden Prefill in survey form Online data validation Use of admin. data and other sources Idep.web Use of CN instead of Prodcom codes

3 Prodcom in Statistics Denmark
Prodcom - quarterly survey in Denmark for quarterly National Accounts All enterprises in manufacturing (B+C) with 10+ employees are surveyed (~3,000) Survey is mandatory Electronic survey form Enterprises report all sales according to CN codes and additional categories for services and other turnover

4 Two kinds of response burden
Measured response burden Time spent to fill out survey (x salary of person doing the work, x number of enterprises, x number of surveys pr year) Quantitative measure Comparable across surveys and countries Experienced response burden Irritation, sense of uselessness/redundancy/irrelevance, etc. Qualitative assessment Often just as significant to the respondents as the measured burden We work on reductions of both types

5 Pre-fill of survey form
Survey form is pre-filled with: codes, values and quantities from previous report For new enterprises in survey, prefill is with codes typical for their NACE code Easy for respondents to remember how to fill Stability: same code used for same products Perhaps sometimes ‘too easy’, i.e. a tendency to always use the same codes, even if production changes

6 Online validation – at ‘’
Prompts when the form is filled Missing fields (e.g. quantity) Unlikely values (compared to last report) Reduces burden by reducing re-concact by phone to verify data Respondents expect electronic forms to be ‘smart’ But not always easy to communicate through simple one-way messages

7 Example, online validation
What does the respondent do? Fill in actual quantity? Nothing? Fill in fictive number (e.g. ‘1’)?

8 Use of admin. data and other survey data
Tools for easy comparison of Prodcom data with VAT data and IPI survey data during data validation Less re-contacting through cross-check; if same development is found in VAT or IPI data, we will not re-contact to verify Future initiatives easier comparison with Intrastat export data analysis of possibilities to reduce sample for quarterly survey, by using VAT data for smaller enterprises

9 Idep.web – easy reporting of many codes
Idep.web: already in use for Intrastat 1/3 of Prodcom respondents already use Idep.web for their Intrastat reporting (more among larger companies with many products) Online reporting tool Upload reporting file (spreadsheet) generated by accounting system in enterprise Build-in validation of codes Faster than the online form ( when enterprises have many codes Adapted for Prodcom use possible because we use CN-codes To be launched for data collection for 3rd quarter 2014

10 Use of Combined Nomenclature (CN)
Danish ‘Prodcom’ survey is older than Prodcom We have ‘always’ used CN-based codes, for data collection as well as publication Prior to 2007, national sub-divisions of some CN-codes Discontinued as a burden reduction initiative ~80 pct. of Prodcom respondents are also exporters reporting to Intrastat/Extrastat Response burden is reduced as enterprises only need to know one set of codes Disadvantages services are only covered in very broad categories z-codes must be estimated

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