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Local & State Government

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1 Local & State Government
Mr. Rockwell

2 Georgia has 159 counties-more than any other state except Texas.
Most counties are run by an elected Board of Commissioners. There are 5 other elected county officials: Sheriff, Tax Commissioner, Coroner, Probate Judge, and Superior Court Clerk.

3 County government provides services and protection like police/fire, school districts, transportations, public utilities, and parks. Cities are governed by either a mayor, a city council, or a city manager.

4 There are 3 different forms of city governments:
1. The Council-Manager Form-in this form of government, the city council chooses a city manager to handle the budget and other city functions. 2. Strong Mayor-Council-in this form of government, the mayor has total responsibility for day to day operations. He/she hires and fires city staff, takes care of the budget, and may have veto power over council actions. 3. The 3rd type of City Government is the Weak Mayor- Council. The mayor and the city council share the policymaking role. The city council has more power than the mayor

5 A special purpose government is set up by a city or county to meet a specific need. Three examples are MARTA, Hartsfield-Jackson Airport, and schools. The major source of revenue for local government is taxes.

6 There are 3 types of Property Taxes:
1. Real Property Taxes on immovable property (house, land, buildings) 2. Personal Property Taxes on Movable items such as cars, boats, business machinery. 3. Intangible Property Taxes on such items as stocks and bonds.

7 Some other forms of funding local government:
1. Ad Valorem Taxes – Taxes based on the value of the property (cars & boats) 2. User Fees-paid by the user of the service. 3. Sales Tax-Are placed on the sale of rental, and storage of goods and services. 4. SPLOST is a tax voters have agreed to support over a 5 year period. Examples – fixing roads and bridges.

8 Political Parties Organized groups of people with common ideals-seek to influence government policies. Two major political parties in US: Democrats and Republicans Minor political parties also exist. Independents are not part of a particular political party.

9 Naturalized Citizen Foreigner who chooses to become a US Citizen
Process to become naturalized citizen requires much time and effort Responsibilities go along with rights: Participation in government (voting, running for office) Upholding the laws of the nation and state Defending the nation against enemies Serve on juries.

10 The state of Georgia has the burden of proof in a criminal case.
The plaintiff has the burden of proof in a civil case.

11 Separation of powers refers to the designation of certain powers to each of the three branches: Executive, Legislative, and Judicial.

12 The process of checks and balances ensure that no one branch becomes too powerful. Examples- Executive Branch can veto bills passed by the Legislative Branch. The Judicial Branch determines whether or not laws are constitutional.

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