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Tooth Regeneration Kaitlin Bramhall. American alligators have similar tooth structure to humans They can regrow teeth up to 50 times! How can scientists.

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Presentation on theme: "Tooth Regeneration Kaitlin Bramhall. American alligators have similar tooth structure to humans They can regrow teeth up to 50 times! How can scientists."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tooth Regeneration Kaitlin Bramhall

2 American alligators have similar tooth structure to humans They can regrow teeth up to 50 times! How can scientists mimic this for humans? Background

3 Dr. Rena DSouza has studied using stem cells from wisdom and baby teeth to regrow teeth pulp Ping Wu and his team are trying to replicate how alligators regrow their teeth Studies… PNAS Journal - Ping Wu

4 Regenerating tooth pulp can put an end to root canal procedures Possible full tooth replacement, ending dental implants Could lead to more bone and tissue regeneration Benefits

5 50% of Americans have a cavity that can lead to a root canal by the age of 15 Root Canals Pain Level Age MildSevereIntenseUnbearable 18-2011.8%18.2%50.0%0% 21-3029.4%18.2%33.3% 31-4029.4%31.8%16.7%66.7% 41-5017.6%31.8%0% 51-60 5.9% 0%

6 Dental Implants: Painful Expensive Lots of risks Tooth Replacement Cosmetic Dentistry of SD

7 The possibilities are endless!!

8 DSouza, Dr. Rena. The Wall Street Journal. 2 July 2013. University of Utahs School of Dental Medicine. canals- scientists-aim-to-regrow-teeth-using-stem-cells/ (10 Nov. 2013). canals- scientists-aim-to-regrow-teeth-using-stem-cells/ Jafarzadeh, Hamid and Christopher Udoye. Pain during root canal treatment: an Investigation of Patient Modifying Factors. The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice. July 2011. 302-304. Wu, Ping. Specialized stem cell niche enables repetitive renewal of alligator teeth. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America.28 March 2013. Works Cited

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