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Special Education & Section 504

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1 Special Education & Section 504
Utilizing the principles of support to ensure program compliance

2 Guiding Principles: Support Matrix
Collaboration Quality Instruction Compliance Monitoring Professional Development Student Achievement

3 Compliance Monitoring: “Inspect What We Expect”
Compliance is threefold: Federal, State, & Local Mandates Proactively address potential areas of non-compliance Multi-faceted process that involves multiple stakeholders Trust, but verify to promote staff accountability Focus on compliance as a result of multiple factors, including: litigation – mediation/due process/OCR, inaccurate reporting to the state/feds, and all-too-frequent occurrences of an IEP not being implemented with fidelity.

4 Compliance Monitoring: Focus Areas (Sped)
Prior Written Notice Progress Reports Duly Constituted Committees Documentation of Accommodations, Modifications, and Supports State Assessment Decisions Prior Notice of/invitation to ARD meeting Importance of the prior written notice Timeliness of the prior written notice of ARD Occasional need to schedule ARDs outside of routine day and time in order to provide parent opportunity to participate The notices are created in eSped and each one should be archived and also filed in the eligibility folder Prior Written Notice of Decision This is the summary of considerations and decisions of the ARD committee, and is a critical document. (We have found that many principals are less familiar with the PWN.) Progress reports The ARD committee should review the progress report at the annual ARD (in the context of the PLAAFPS), and a copy should be attached to ARD/IEP Duly constituted ARD committee All ARD meetings (initial, review, revision, REED) require a duly constituted committee Administrator or designee needs to be present for full meeting There are procedures and forms for excusing other members of the committee A clerical amendment is very narrow in focus, and although it does not require a committee meeting, clerical amendments do require agreement of parent and administrator. Copies of the revised document are provided to the parent and placed in the student’s file Documentation of accommodations, modifications, and provided supports Choose purposefully and based on student data Teachers need to document provision. Examples: Lesson plans On the actual assignment Gradebook EasySped Tracker for in-class supports and co-teaching ReThink Decisions about state assessments Participation requirements Online testing has natural supports and accommodations that are not available with paper tests

5 Compliance Monitoring: Focus Areas (504)
Duly Constituted Committees Documentation of Meeting Notice and Parental Response Documentation of Initial Referral with a Data Documentation of Accommodations and Required Supports Documentation of the Health Plans

6 Compliance Monitoring: Improvement Processes
Revise current Special Education & 504 operating guidelines Target specific IDEA Mandates, PBMAS, and SPP indicators Develop program evaluation process Special Education personnel is in the process of implementing district-wide compliance monitoring processes and procedures by:

7 Questions & Comments Gerard G. Cortez
Executive Director of Special Education North East Independent School District 8961 Tesoro Drive, Suite 500 San Antonio, Texas 78217

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