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Presentation on theme: "Refraction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Refraction

2 n1sinθ1= n2sinθ2 Index of refraction = n = speed of light in vacuum
speed of light in material

3 Total internal reflection (critical angle)
Sin θc= n2/n1

4 Spherical Lenses Ray Tracing Parallel : Toward/From Focal Pt.
3. Straight through center of lens




8 The lens Equation 1/f = 1/do + 1/di M = hi/ho = -di/do
di + : Real image di - : Virtual image M + : Upright image M - : Inverted image |M| > 1 : larger image |M| < 1 : smaller image do + in Front do - Behind di - in Front di + Behind

9 Lenses in Combination The image of the first lens becomes the object of the second lens.

10 Two converging lenses (f1 = 9. 00cm and f2 = 6
Two converging lenses (f1 = 9.00cm and f2 = 6.00cm) are separated by 10.0cm. The lens on the left has the longer focal length. And object stands 12.0cm to the left of the lens on the left. (a) Where is the final image located relative to the right lens? (b) What is the overall magnification of this setup? (c) Is the final image real or virtual? (d) Is the final image upright or inverted? (e) Is the final image larger or smaller that the object?

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