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Presentation on theme: "REGENTS BIOLOGY MIDTERM ANSWER SHEET"— Presentation transcript:

Name _________________________________________ Date ___________________ Period _________ REGENTS BIOLOGY MIDTERM ANSWER SHEET A B 43 X 10 = 430x C 6 protons 2 e- in the first shell; 4 e- in the second shell 4 e- 9. B – you don’t use energy for diffusion! D D – inorganic compounds like water and carbon dioxide C – because they are using oxygen to do cellular respiration Both have a cell wall, both are heterotrophs, both can be single-celled (but not all!), etc. Use several containers for each solution, not just one; add one type of solution to each set of containers, and keep one with distilled water as a control; keep temperature, pressure, humidity, light, etc. constant; record how many eggs in each setup hatch; organize the data in a chart or graph; the setup with the most eggs that hatch would be the best. SEE YOUR NOTES ON ORGANELLES! Iodine turns blue-black in the presence of starch. D -- Proteins CAN be used for energy! A protist would use pinocytosis or phagocytosis to engulf a food particle. DNA evidence, colors, use things that are objective, not subjective (open to discussion).

2 B Process 2 is digestion. The enzymes of cellular respiration can only break down simple sugars like glucose, not complex sugars, like starch. Cellular respiration ATP It’s volume increases faster than its surface area. Shape – must fit in with the substrate, pH – can change the shape, temperature – can change the shape. C Autotroph – plants, green bacteria; heterotroph – fungus, protist, animal, etc. A Glycolysis – breaks glucose into two pyruvates, creates a lil’ ATP; Krebs – breaks down pyruvate to make lots of reduced compounds/electron carriers; ETC – uses electrons from electron carriers to create a proton gradient to make lots-o-ATP. Make proteins Protection, control of what goes in/out, regulation, etc. Protection, support Protist cells have no cell walls, bacterial and fungal cells do, all are heterotrophs, etc. Spore


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