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Course Orientation Promotion of the Protocol on Forced Labour

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1 Course Orientation Promotion of the Protocol on Forced Labour
ITC-ILO/ACTRAV Course (A ) Promotion of the Protocol on Forced Labour 3 to 6 May 2016, Turin Centre Course Orientation

2 Aims of the Orientation Session
To explain the objectives and expected outcomes of the course To review and confirm the course program (timetable)

To contribute to the development of advanced knowledge and skills; labour education capacity and competencies of trade union leaders and members on the ILO’s standards on forced labour as well as the role of trade unions in the global fight against the elimination of all forms of forced labour

4 IMMEDIATE OBJECTIVES Describe the ILO’s Protocol and its accompanying Recommendation to the Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (No. 29) and undertake action towards its ratification and implementation; Explore the relevance of an integrated approach towards core standards in the fight against the relative spread of forced or compulsory labour with a specific focus on freedom of association and non-discrimination Examine the incidence of forced labour in supply chains and the possible role of the MNEs Declaration in curbing this menace Discuss the role of the ILO’s supervisory system in the combat against forced labour and explain follow-up union and ACTRAV actions on the Conclusions and Recommendations of the supervisory mechanisms Explain the importance of ITUC campaigns on forced labour and the need for using them at national level Formulate integrated strategies to reinforce global and national alliances as well as solidarity action for the promotion of the ratification and application of ILO’s Protocol to the Forced Labour Convention, 1930 and other related standards concerning fundamental principles and rights at work Develop action plans for the transfer of the knowledge and skills gained during the training to other union members

5 Course Structure and Contents
The course will comprise the following sessions: Opening ceremony and introductions An overview: Presentations and plenary discussion on national reports Forced labour: Trends and challenges in the present day context Integrated approach towards core labour standards in the fight against forced labour: A specific focus on FoA and Non-discrimination ILO Protocol to the Forced Labour Convention, 1930 and its Recommendation 203: Tools for ending forced labour Monitoring incidence of forced labour in supply chains and the possible role of the MNEs Declaration The use of ILO supervisory system in the combat against forced labour ITUC campaigns on forced labour Building social partners’ alliances to eradicate forced labour: Networking between workers’ and employers’ organizations at all levels

6 Continues… Eradicating forced labour: Building dialogue with civil society Extending social protection to all: Strategy for ensuring the protection of vulnerable workers Bipartite and tripartite social dialogue defining means and actions for eradicating forced labour Defining next steps: Action planning towards the ratification of the Protocol and its application to combat forced labour Final warp-up: Conclusions and Recommendations End of course evaluation, closing and certification ceremony

7 METHODOLOGY The training course will be participatory and will involve a variety of active learning methods and interactive sessions We grave your indulgence to be active and remain committed towards the realization of the immediate objectives of the course Your experience would not only inform everyone but also enable all of us to come up with Action Plans to address relevant challenges An interactive-final session will help in reviewing and in rendering conclusions operational

8 Strategy Each participant will prepare a follow up Action Plan to enable him/her transfer the knowledge and skills gained to his/her union and co-worker The individual Action Plans will be used for impact assessment and as yardsticks to determine future follow up activities Guidelines for preparing follow up proposal will be provided at the appropriate time

9 Evaluation Daily course evaluation Mid-term course evaluation
End of course evaluation Note: Give constructive feedback and in the right way Share your observations with others about the course

10 Participants’ Responsibilities
We ask for everyone’s participation and openness to new ideas - your experience is a valuable asset and source of education for all, including us. Listen to each other and limit interruptions – commit to ensure the productiveness and success of this course Be PUNCTUAL! – please commit to begin and end on time Daily Recaps in the morning of each day: Each participant will inform the group of one or two key ideas that s/he learnt or found useful from the previous day’s sessions Come up with ideas for follow up work plan and the final outcomes

11 Participants’ Responsibilities
Volunteers: A SCRIBE for each workshop day: Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Time keeper for the entire week

12 Any Questions?

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