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Health and Wholeness.

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Presentation on theme: "Health and Wholeness."— Presentation transcript:

1 Health and Wholeness

2 HELLO! GOOD DAY! God Bless You

3 The SHALOM greeting means that I wish for you all that God has wished for his children. A good life, with health, happiness, enough food, an abundant harvest, enough rain, a happy family, work that you like, freedom, peace with justice and spiritual salvation. In order to have SHALOM as a community, churches, schools, health centers, businesses, and families have to work together.

4 Jesus said that he came to bring abundant life.
When Jesus walked on Earth, he told people to be compassionate. In Matthew 25: 34-36, Jesus said that when we serve the hungry, the naked, the sick and the incarcerated, we are serving him. Jesus said that he came to bring abundant life. The apostle John says “My children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth.” First John 3:18

5 Jesus demonstrated his love in human suffering, feeding the hungry, healing the sick, and comforting the afflicted. The confronted those who abused the vulnerable of society.

6 Jesus wants his followers to live a new life following his example.

7 He wanted his laws to be just.
In the bible, God says that his fury burns when he hears the cries of the innocent who are afflicted by the powerful. God’s commands to his children are: Untie cords of injustice Remove the burdens of oppression Share your bread with the hungry Give shelter to the poor wanderers He wanted his laws to be just.

8 The gospel will be preached with words and lived with actions.

9 The gospel changes society
When we become Christians, we will not continue to do actions that harm others. When the people repent and return to God, they will begin to work together to protect innocent children, the humble, and the poor.

10 It was the prayer of Jesus that his disciples lived and worked
together in harmony. When the church of Christ works together in society, it is a strong moral influence. Community Activities Garden Projects

11 If we spend our lives fighting with each other, we abandon society

12 Goodbye! SHALOM Go with God

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