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Marine Option NROTC Scholarship

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1 Marine Option NROTC Scholarship

2 $$$$.....

3 Stats The average Class of 2014 graduate with student-loan debt has to pay back some $33,000- The Wall Street Journal Over 70% of this years bachelor’s degree recipients are leaving with student loans- National Center for Education Statistics In 2013, more than six in ten Oregon college graduates left school owing on average more than $26,000- The Oregonian

4 The Benefits Pays full tuition, lab fees, books, and uniforms!
Provides leadership opportunities Structured academic environment $ $ per month stipend (freshman-senior years, increasing $50 per year) Some universities will help with room and board Full scholarship worth up to $180,000!!! Begin accruing GI Bill benefits following initial contract Becoming a commissioned officer in the United States Marine Corps

5 Opportunities After Marine Corps
Military officers are overrepresented amongst CEOs of S&P 500 companies. CEOs who served as military officers constitute nearly 10% of the S&P 500, compared to only 3% of all US adult males who served as officers. Military officers are almost three times as likely to serve as CEOs as are other Americans.

6 Opportunities After the Marine Corps
After completing initial 4 year active duty commitment, NROTC recipients begin accruing Post 9/11 GI Bill Benefits. At 7 years of service you could have your undergrad and graduate school paid for. NROTC (undergrad) and Post 9/11 GI Bill (grad).

7 Some Participating Schools
Large and well known - UC Berkeley Stanford - U of San Diego Oregon State University - U of Washington Duke - MIT UCLA - Florida State University of Idaho - USC Ohio State - Notre Dame Marquette - Texas Florida - Harvard Colorado at Boulder - Cornell Penn State

8 Eligibility Requirements
U. S. Citizen 17-23 years of age Be physically qualified by USMC standards No moral disqualifications Be a high school graduate. No more than 30 SEMESTER OR 45 QUARTER college units (only credits after HS are counted against you)

9 Minimum Eligibility Requirements (Continued)
1000 SAT (critical reading and math combined) 22 ACT (composite), 74 on the Armed Services Aptitude Battery Test (ASVAB). Score 185 out of 300 on your PFT Be admitted to a participating NROTC college or university

10 Obligation Upon graduation you will be commissioned as a second lieutenant in the USMC You will be required to fulfill FOUR years of active duty service in the USMC upon graduation and four years Inactive Reserve. Flight training guarantees require additional active duty obligated time

11 Obligation (continued)
Q: What if I am disenrolled OR I decide I no longer want to be in the program? A: After the first day of your sophomore year, you will be required to serve a two year active duty enlisted tour or pay recoupment of all tuition dollars. Should you terminate before your first day of your sophomore year, there is NO reimbursement obligation in either service time or dollars.

12 Summer Training First summer, “Cortramid” (Core Training for Midshipmen) At conclusion of Freshman year, designed to help individual confirm in their mind what Service they want, Navy or Marine Corps option. 2 week familiarization training. Second summer, Marine-specific training “MCMWTC” – Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Training Center, Bridgeport, Ca. 2-3 week training package. Third summer, “OCS,” Officer Candidate School, Quantico, Virginia-Six Weeks at Quantico, VA Leadership 50%, Academics 25%, Physical training 25%,

13 How To Apply Go to and complete the online application. Once fully complete, ensure you click “submit.” Take the SAT or ACT, requesting that one of the three agencies to receive your scores be “Marine NROTC, Code 0656” Apply to any of the eligible NROTC colleges or universities. To look at which schools offer NROTC programs go to

14 How To Apply (Continued)
5 NROTC UNIT CHOICES!!!! Be realistic with your choices Pick 1 school you wish for Pick 2 you think you can get into Pick 2 you know you can get into Apply to these schools!!!

15 How To Apply (Continued)
Physical Fitness Test MALES Maximum score: Pull-Ups pts Crunches 100 (in 2 min) 100pts 3 Mile Run 18: pts Average score for FY15 male applicants was 239 out of 300

16 How To Apply (Continued)
Physical Fitness Test FEMALES Maximum score: Flex Arm Hang 70 Sec 100pts Crunches 100 (in 2 min) 100pts 3 Mile Run 21:00 100pts Average score for FY15 female applicants was 237 out of 300

17 Selection Boards Two Marine Option NROTC Boards:
Early Board – held Mid November/results January Regular Board – held Mid February/results April

18 Selection Criteria SAT/ACT Scores Class Standing Cumulative GPA
Athletics and extracurricular activities Student Government/Leadership Community service/employment Two Marine officer interview results Two teacher evaluations’ comments One Counselor evaluation and comments Two essay questions

19 Average Selectee Statistics 2015
Male Female Avg SAT (Critical Reading/Math) 1190 1154 Avg ACT (composite) 26 25 Avg AFQT 82 85 Avg GPA 3.66 3.69 Avg Physical Fitness Test 272 259 These numbers do not tell the whole story. Have you overcome adversity? Have you led your peers? Are you humble? Hard to quantify, however they are critical in the evaluation.

20 Frederick C Branch Scholarship
Additional scholarship opportunity named after the first African American officer in USMC Same benefits/requirements as NROTC board Specifically for 17 historically black colleges/universities to include: Allen University Clark Atlanta University Dillard University Florida A&M University Hampton University Howard University Morehouse College Huston-Tillotson College Norfolk State University Prairie View A&M Univ Tennessee State University Savannah State Univ Texas Southern University Southern University and A&M College Tuskegee Southern University Spelman College Xavier University of Louisiana

21 Pedro De Valle Scholarship
Additional scholarship opportunity named after the first Hispanic Lieutenant General in USMC Same benefits/requirements as NROTC board Specifically for : - San Diego State - University of New Mexico - Cal State-San Marcos

Is your goal to be a Marine? Join the Delayed Entry Program (DEP) concurrently while applying for the NROTC Scholarship. Being part of the DEP is looked upon favorably at the NROTC selection board. Do NOT join the DEP just to have one more positive item to add to your package.

23 Class of 2015 Local Winners Zach Dupee- Parkrose HS, Portland OR - OSU
Josiah Poole- Central Christian, Bend OR - OSU Nicole Carlson- Union HS, Vancouver WA- OSU Sabrina Johnson – Union HS, Vancouver WA- University of Washington John Nguyen- Clackamas HS, Clackamas OR- Penn State University Anthony Peterson- Brookings Harbor HS, Brookings OR- USC Chase Hammer- Wasilla HS, Wasilla AK- Norwich University Nathan Simmers- Anchorage Christian Schools, Anchorage AK- Ohio State Connor McGlothlin- Grants Pass HS, Grants Pass OR- Texas A&M Morgan Baek- South Korea- OSU

24 JOSIAH POOLE Central Christian High School Oregon State University
Wildlife and Fisheries Science degree 2015 NROTC Winner

25 MAUDEY VORE North Lake High School University of Idaho
All-State Volleyball Criminal Justice degree 2016 NROTC winner

26 Current Officer Pay Chart

27 Pay Chart (cont.)

28 Questions Contact
Capt Sean McCullough Office Phone: (503) Cell: (503) Or your local Marine Recruiter

29 Closing 10 of the 32 applicants submitted from this region (AK/OR/Southern Washington/Northern CA) were selected for the scholarship 4 years from now they will be leading Marines, debt free. What will you be doing?

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