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Review Officer Promotions and Selections
Adjutant General School WOBC/BOLC SHOW SLIDE 1: REVIEW OFFICER PROMOTIONS AND SELECTIONS Title: Review Officer Promotions and Selections References: AR , Officer Promotions SECTION I. ADMINISTRATIVE DATA Academic Hours/Methods 0 hr/ 5 mins Introduction 6 hrs/ 45 mins Conference / Discussion 1 hr / 0 min Practical Exercise 0 hr/ 30 mins Quiz 0 hr/ 30 mins Quiz Review 0 hr/ 10 mins Summary 9 hrs / 00 Min Total Hours SECTION II. INTRODUCTION: Today we are going to discuss Officer Promotions and Selections. Method of Instruction: Conference / Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio is: 1:36 Time of Instruction: 5 mins Media: Large Group Instruction MOTIVATOR: As AG officers, you are entrusted to be the Army’s personnel managers and will in varying capacities have responsibilities for portions of the officer promotion system during your career. This involvement could range from simply ensuring promotion packets are current, to reviewing and screening promotion lists, to recommending approval or not on promotions, to finally sitting on a promotion board that determines which officers will indeed be promoted to further responsibilities in the Army. INSTRUCTIONAL LEAD-IN: One of the quickest ways to sabotage your credibility with your customers, boss and rating chain is to mess up promotions. Promotions are a very public event and directly impact your rater’s and senior rater’s reputation. Consequently, some officers who have mismanaged the promotion system have been fired. Promotion of personnel is essential in the life of our Army. The Army needs and will continue to need officers to fill its ranks, but also a system by which to promote these officers to various jobs and levels of responsibility. The officer promotion system exists to ensure sufficient personnel exist at various ranks to meet the needs of the Army. Ideally these officers represent the best available. Instructor Material and Student Materials: Regulations, Slides, Student Handouts, and PEs Review Officer Promotions and Selections
Terminal Learning Objective
Army Learning Areas (ALAs) – General Learning Outcomes (GLOs) 1. Professional Competence – GLO 13 &14 ENABLING LEARNING OBJECTIVE Action: Review Officer Promotions and Selections. Conditions: In a classroom environment given access to AR (Officer Promotions), student handouts including pertinent MILPER Messages, and awareness of Operational Environment (OE), variables and actors. Standards: The students will meet the standard of 70% accuracy when they: 1.Describe the purpose of officer promotions 2.Identify procedures for Decentralized Officer Promotions 3.Calculate Promotion Eligibility Date (PED) for 1LT/CW2 Demonstrate Automated eMILPO Promotions Identify the procedures for the Centralized Promotion System Describe Other Promotion Guidelines SHOW SLIDE 2: TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE SAFETY REQUIREMENTS: In a training environment, leaders must perform a risk assessment in accordance with DA PAM , Risk Management. Leaders will complete a DD Form 2977 Deliberate Risk Assessment Worksheet during the planning and completion of each task and sub-task by assessing mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available-time available and civil considerations, (METT-TC). Local policies and procedures must be followed during times of increased heat category in order to avoid heat related injury. Consider the work/rest cycles and water replacement guidelines IAW TRADOC Regulation Everyone is responsible for safety. No food or drink is allowed near or around electrical equipment (CPU, file servers, printers, projectors, etc.) due to possible electrical shock or damage to equipment. Exercise care in personal movement in and through such areas. Avoid all electrical cords and associated wiring. In event of electrical storm, you will be instructed to power down equipment. RISK ASSESSMENT LEVEL: Low ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS: Environmental protection is not just the law but the right thing to do. It is a continual process and starts with deliberate planning. Always be alert to ways to protect our environment during training and missions. In doing so, you will contribute to the sustainment of our training resources while protecting people and the environment from harmful effects. Refer to FM Environmental Considerations and GTA ENVIRONMENTAL-RELATED RISK ASSESSMENT. Instructional Guidance: Before presenting this lesson, instructors must thoroughly prepare by studying this lesson and identified reference materials. Throughout this lesson, solicit from students the challenges they experienced in the operational environment (OE) and what they did to resolve them. Encourage students to apply at least one of the critical variables: Political, Military, Economic, Social, Information, Infrastructure, Physical Environment and Time (PMESII-PT). NOTE: Army Learning Areas (ALA) are the baseline focal points Soldiers and Army Civilians must possess to prevail in the ambiguous environments that challenge the Army today. The four ALAs are: Army Profession and Leadership; Mission Command; Human Dimension; and Professional Competence. The Army Learning Area taxonomy provides a framework to assist in grouping the General Learning Outcomes (GLO). The four Army Learning Areas serve as the framework to catalogue the 14 General Learning Outcomes. The GLOs are essential outcomes resulting from training, education, and experience along a career continuum of learning. There are three primary purposes for the Army General Learning Outcomes. First, they provide trainers and educators a lens into how effective they are in conveying their support material. Second, it assists in improving instructional design and/or training support packages. Finally it places responsibility on training and education proponents to be nested with ALAs. ALA: Professional Competence is the demonstrated technical and tactical proficiency in Army and joint doctrine largely revolving around the concept of ULO codified in ADP There are three GLOs for the Professional Competence ALA. GLO 13: Soldiers and Army Civilians support Army policies, programs and processes; includes Understanding and contributing to Army Systems that manage, develop, and transform the Army. GLO 14: Soldiers and Army Civilians are technically and tactically competent; includes Branch and Career Management Field proficiency, Career Programs, Series Technical Certifications, and Warfighting Skills. Conditions: With an awareness of the Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors. EVALUATION: You will be given a graded end of module examination which will include Review Officer Promotions and Selections. A passing score on this end of module examination is 70% for AC students and 60% International Students.
Governing Laws & Regulations
AR (RA Officer Promotions) AR (USAR/ARNG Officer Promotions) NGR , Chap 8 (ARNG Commissioned Officer Promotions) NGR , Chap 7 (ARNG WO Promotions) Title 10, United States Code DOPMA - Defense Officer Personnel Management Act WOMA - Warrant Officer Management Act MILPER Messages SHOW SLIDE 3: GOVERNING LAWS AND REGULATIONS AR applies to ARNG and AR Commissioned Officers and AR Warrant Officers. It does not apply to ARNG Warrant Officer promotions. I want to point out Title 10 – federal law governing promotions, among other things. What our Army Regulations are based on.
Purpose of Officer Promotions
Provide a Equitable System Preclude Promotion of Ineligible Provide Career Incentive Based on Potential Ensure that the Best Qualified Officers Advance SHOW SLIDE 4: PURPOSE OF OFFICER PROMOTIONS SECTION III. PRESENTATION. Learning Step / Activity 1: Describe the Purpose of Officer Promotions Method of Instruction: Conference / Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:36 Time of Instruction: 30 mins Media: Large Group Instruction Read 1-1, starting with 3d sentence “This regulation supports…” Looks to future potential to serve in positions of increased responsibility, to determine who to promote. Not based on past performances. The success of this system is something that you will have to determine personally as you progress through your Army career. While promoting the best-qualified officers, the system is also established to preclude the promotion of those deemed unworthy for advancement. The encompassing idea with the officer promotion system is that it provides an equitable system for the Army to provide those officers whose actions and performances merit promotion while those who lack such attributes are not promoted. The success of this system is something that you will have to determine personally as you progress through your army career. Reference: Para 1-1
Types of Promotion Systems
Decentralized Promotion to 1LT and CW2 Authorized by CDRs, rank LTC or higher Centralized Promotion to CPT to MG Promotion to CW3 to CW5 Conducted by convening boards at DA Presidential Appointment Promotion to LTG and GEN SHOW SLIDE 5: TYPES OF PROMOTION SYSTEMS There are three promotion systems that exist for officers in the Army: (1) Decentralized – what most of you fall under (2) Centralized (3) Presidential Appointment – Governed by Section 601, Title 10, US Code (Para 1-9) This lesson will only cover the first two as you will have no involvement in the third. The third category is self-explanatory and will be addressed in no greater detail than is indicated on this slide. Reference: Para 1-7
CHECK ON LEARNING Q: Which of the following is / are the primary purpose(s) of the officer promotion system? a. Provide an equitable system b. Ensure the best qualified officers advance c. Preclude the promotion of ineligible officers d. All of the above e. Both b and c Q: What are the three promotion systems that exist for officers? a. Automatic, Centralized, and Decentralized b. Centralized, Decentralized, Semi-Centralized c. Centralized, Decentralized, and Presidential Appointment d. Semi-Centralized, Decentralized, and Presidential Appointment SHOW SLIDE 6: CHECK ON LEARNING NOTE: Conduct a check on learning and summarize the learning activity. Q: Which of the following is / are the primary purpose(s) of the officer promotion system? a. Provide an equitable system b. Ensure the best qualified officers advance c. Preclude the promotion of ineligible officers d. All of the above e. Both b and c Q: What are the three promotion systems that exist for officers? a. Automatic, Centralized, and Decentralized b. Centralized, Decentralized, Semi-Centralized c. Centralized, Decentralized, and Presidential Appointment d. Semi-Centralized, Decentralized, and Presidential Appointment
Decentralized Promotion System
Promotion to 1LT/CW2 SHOW SLIDE 9: DECENTRALIZED PROMOTION SYSTEM Learning Step / Activity 2: Identify Procedures for Decentralized Officer Promotions Method of Instruction: Conference / Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:36 Time of Instruction: 1 hr 30 mins Media: Large Group Instruction It is called decentralized because the promotion authority for this system is that of the local battalion commanders for whom you will work. They are not intended to be automatic promotions after a given period of time; rather they are to be based on demonstrated potential for increased responsibility. They can be denied.
Promotion Management Promotions via web-based application on eMILPO
Direct access for Promotion Authority and authorized representatives (BN S1) BDE S1s can monitor promotion submissions for units serviced Automatic unless CDRs actively preclude them (effective Jan 04) SHOW SLIDE 10: PROMOTION MANAGEMENT Can view eligible officers 2 months prior to PED thru eMILPO Automatic update to TAPDB and DFAS – Orders posted in eTOPMIS We’ll look at demo slides later.
Promotion Authorities
Normally Rater Recommending Authority Must be LTC or frocked MAJ (P) in command Normally Senior Rater (BN CDR) Approval Authority CDR having GCMA 1st General Officer (GO) in chain of command with a Judge Advocate available Promotion Review Authority (PRA) SHOW SLIDE 11: PROMOTION AUTHORITIES (1) The Recommending Authority is the eligible officer’s rater. This officer makes the initial recommendation on whether or not an officer should be promoted. The Approval Authority is normally the eligible officer’s senior rater, but does not have to be. It may be the same person as the recommending authority, provided the officer is a commander who is at least a LTC or frocked MAJ(P). The approval authority approves or disapproves the recommending officer’s recommendation and in doing so approves the eligible officer’s promotion. An officer is frocked when they are promotable and serving in a position that merits the higher grade (ex: BN CDR). The frocking must be approved by DA. (3) The Promotion Review Authority (PRA) takes the final action in all cases in which the approval authority recommends against promotion. The PRA is one of the following: a. The commander having general court-martial convening authority (GCMA). b. The first Army general officer in the chain of command that has a judge advocate available. For Reserves – it’s CDR, HRC, St. Louis For ARNG – It’s Chief, NGB Reference: Para 3-5
Promotion Eligibility
Based on Promotion Eligibility Date (PED), which is calculated from the Entrance on Active Duty (EAD) Active Date of Rank (ADOR) Determined by Army G1 (formerly DCSPER) Approved by Secretary of the Army (SA) SHOW SLIDE 12: PROMOTION ELIGIBILITY An individual’s PED determines when the officer is promoted. The officer’s Active Date of Rank (ADOR) and Time in Grade (TIG) drive the PED. In USAR, WO1 must serve 2 years and WOBC completion. In ARNG, also Federal Recognition Board processing. In RA, WO1 must serve 2 years (24 months) as a WO1 and 18 months on Active Duty to be eligible for promotion to CW2. (1-10c3) ARNG - If served 2 consecutive years as SFC, can be appointed to CW2 following WOCS if certified by DA MOS proponent. Otherwise, promoted to CW2 following WOBC. If formerly commissioned for 2 years as CPT or above with at least 4 years experience in AOC and certified by DAMOS proponent, may be appointed to CW2 with no attendance at WOBC required If formerly commissioned for 2 years as CPT with no experience in AOC, become CW2 following WOBC If served 2 consecutive years as E7-E9 with experience in AOC (certified by DAMOS proponent, can be appointed to CW2 following WOCS (but still attend WOBC). If served 2 consecutive years as E7-E9 with no experience in AOC, become CW2 following WOBC 2LTs are not so cut and dry. Generally, 2LT must serve 18 months as a 2LT to be eligible for promotion to 1LT. (1-10c1). For USAR/ARNG, it’s strictly 18 months and completion of BOLC (except aviators). ARNG have up to 36 months to complete BOLC. Generally, that’s commission date+18 months. However, if you’re ROTC and graduated in May or June, it’s USMA grad date + 18 months (para 4-16, ) For Active Duty, there’s a lot of variation. Why? The Army G1 determines promotion eligibility, then the Secretary of the Army approves it. Standards can change based on guidance from HRC. Reg says DCSPER instead of G1 because the name changed after the reg was published. Table 3-1 explains the various ways to calculate PED. There’s also a handout, which can be used on the test. Reference: Para 1-10b and c
If EAD is May or June (of the year commissioned), then: PED = DOR + 18 months If commissioned in May or June, then: DOR = USMA main graduation date (for the year commissioned) RULE 1 ROTC EAD = BOLC report date (usually - unless they snowbird, are Green to Gold, etc.) If EAD is July or later, then: PED = The earlier of: DOR + 2 years – 1 day EAD + 18 months RULE 2 If commissioned any month other than May or June, then: DOR = Commissioning date PED = The earlier of: DOR + 2 years – 1 day EAD + 18 months RULE 3 If officer received an Active Duty commission, then: EAD = OCS graduation date PED = The earlier of: DOR + 2 years – 1 day EAD + 18 months OCS DOR = OCS graduation date RULE 4 SHOW SLIDE 15: DETERMINE PROMTION ELIGIBILITY DATE (PED)-ACTIVE DUTY 2LTs Learning Step / Activity 3. Calculate the Promotion Eligibility Date (PED) for 1LT/CW2 Method of Instruction: Conference / Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:36 Time of Instruction: 1 hr 40 mins Media: Large Group Instruction If officer received a USAR or ARNG commission, then: EAD = the date the officer switches to the active component USMA DOR = USMA graduation date EAD = USMA graduation date PED = USMA graduation date + 18 months RULE 5 Reference: Table 3-1
Computing PED for 2LT (1 of 3)
Commission Source: USMA Graduated USMA: USMA Main Graduation Date 1 6 SHOW SLIDE 16: COMPUTING PED FOR 2LT (1 of 3) Table 3-1
If EAD is May or June (of the year commissioned), then: PED = DOR + 18 months If commissioned in May or June, then: DOR = USMA main graduation date (for the year commissioned) RULE 1 ROTC EAD = BOLC report date (usually - unless they snowbird, are Green to Gold, etc.) If EAD is July or later, then: PED = The earlier of: DOR + 2 years – 1 day EAD + 18 months RULE 2 If commissioned any month other than May or June, then: DOR = Commissioning date PED = The earlier of: DOR + 2 years – 1 day EAD + 18 months RULE 3 If officer received an Active Duty commission, then: EAD = OCS graduation date PED = The earlier of: DOR + 2 years – 1 day EAD + 18 months OCS DOR = OCS graduation date RULE 4 SHOW SLIDE 17: DETERMINE PROMOTION ELIGIBILITY (PED) – ACTIVE DUTY 2LTs If officer received a USAR or ARNG commission, then: EAD = the date the officer switches to the active component USMA DOR = USMA graduation date EAD = USMA graduation date PED = USMA graduation date + 18 months RULE 5 Reference: Table 3-1
Computing PED for 2LT (2 of 3)
Commission Source: ROTC Commissioned: Reported to BOLC: USMA Main Graduation Date: EAD ADOR 6 1 = +1 -12 SHOW SLIDE 18: COMPUTING PED FOR 2LT (2 of 3) Table 3-1
If EAD is May or June (of the year commissioned), then: PED = DOR + 18 months If commissioned in May or June, then: DOR = USMA main graduation date (for the year commissioned) RULE 1 ROTC EAD = BOLC report date (usually - unless they snowbird, are Green to Gold, etc.) If EAD is July or later, then: PED = The earlier of: DOR + 2 years – 1 day EAD + 18 months RULE 2 If commissioned any month other than May or June, then: DOR = Commissioning date PED = The earlier of: DOR + 2 years – 1 day EAD + 18 months RULE 3 If officer received an Active Duty commission, then: EAD = OCS graduation date PED = The earlier of: DOR + 2 years – 1 day EAD + 18 months OCS DOR = OCS graduation date RULE 4 SHOW SLIDE 19: DETERMINE PROMOTION ELIGIBILITY DATE (PED) – ACTIVE DUTY 2LTs If officer received a USAR or ARNG commission, then: EAD = the date the officer switches to the active component USMA DOR = USMA graduation date EAD = USMA graduation date PED = USMA graduation date + 18 months RULE 5 Reference: Table 3-1
Computing PED for 2LT (3 of 3)
Commission Source: OCS (Received an ARNG Commission) Graduated OCS: Reported to BOLC: Switched to Full Time Active Duty: EAD ADOR 6 1 SHOW SLIDE 20: COMPUTING PED FOR 2LT (3 of 3) Table 3-1
If warrant officer received an Active Duty appointment, then: EAD = WOCS graduation date PED = The LATER of: DOR + 2 years EAD + 18 months DOR = WOCS graduation date If warrant officer received a USAR or ARNG appointment, then: EAD = the date the warrant officer switches to the active component *Must meet both requirements. Always check to ensure 18 months of Active Duty as a WO1 is met (EAD +18 months). *Remember – WO1 PED is the LATER date. 2LT PED is the EARLIER date. SHOW SLIDE 21: DETERMINE PROMOTION ELIGIBILITY DATE (PED) – ACTIVE DUTY WO1s NOTE: If the calculation results in a date that doesn’t actually exist, use the last prior real date for the PED. ex: = because November has 30 days.
Computing PED for WO1 Graduated WOCS: Reported to WOBC: EAD ADOR 6 + 2 1 SHOW SLIDE 22: COMPUTING PED FOR WO1 Learning Step / Activity 4. Practical Exercise #1 Method of Instruction: Practical Exercise (Performance) Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:36 Time of Instruction: 30 mins Media: Individualized, self-paced Instruction Learning Step / Activity 5. Practical Exercise #1 Review Time of Instruction: 5 mins Media: Large Group Instruction Table 3-1
BN CDRs can preclude promotions from happening
Blocking Promotions BN CDRs can preclude promotions from happening Flagged officers (per AR ) Automatically disapproved for promotion Eligible for promotion after lifting flag in eMILPO Promotion authority fills out DA Form 78-R Held in BN HR until promotion status resolved SHOW SLIDE 23: BLOCKING PROMOTIONS Automatic unless CDRs block it, or officer is already flagged. Action must be taken by 20th of month prior. Imperative that PA or authorized representative review eMILPO monthly. BDE S-1 can monitor promotions and are required to identify promotion authorities not in compliance with regulation. This is a paperless system, unless we block a promotion. Then Promotion Authority fills out DA 78-R (Recommendation for Promotion to 1LT/CW2) NLT PED. Hold in BN HR until the promotion status is resolved (kicked out or promoted - see next slide) Make sure you lift the flag and notify promotions branch when the officer is in compliance. Provide a copy of the lift of the flag. They will advise if you need to provide anything else. Reference: Para 3-5
Non-Select for Promotion
To 1LT 6 month evaluation period if a potential for promotion exists Separate within 90 days if performance determined inconsistent with good order and discipline To CW2 Separate within 90 days Exceptions Revert to enlisted rank if statutory requirement Retain if 2 years from retirement SHOW SLIDE 24: NON-SELECT FOR PROMOTION AR Para 5-11a – discharge if inconsistent with good order/discipline A 2LT officer will be retained for evaluation for 6 months providing retention is in accordance with “good order and discipline.” If after 6 months officer is not deemed qualified for promotion, then he/she will be notified of pending separation, S1 will send the DA 78-R to PRA, and BDE will separate within 90 days of notification. If a WO1 is non-selected for promotion: Immediately send DA 78-R to PRA and notify warrant officer of pending separation. BDE will separate the officer from active duty within 90 days after notification. Exception - officer is within Federal Sanctuary - two years of retirement under the provisions of Chapter 3, AR and is eligible for a REFRAD (Release From Active Duty). Revert to enlisted status if not eligible to retire as officer, but with credible service to retire as enlisted (or if prior enlisted and still have ADSO). Officers declining promotion to 1LT and CW2 are ineligible for subsequent promotion. These officers will separate upon expiration of service obligation. Reference: Para 1-13
CHECK ON LEARNING Q: How long will a 2LT be retained for evaluation purposes if they were non-selected for promotion? a. 3 months b. 4 months c. 6 months d. 9 months Q: If a warrant officer is non-selected for promotion to CW2, what is the maximum amount of time that they have before they must be separated from the Army? a. 30 days b. 60 days c. 90 days d days SHOW SLIDE 25: CHECK ON LEARNING NOTE: Conduct a check on learning and summarize the learning activity.
Centralized Promotions
SHOW SLIDE 35: CENTRALIZED PROMOTIONS Learning Step / Activity 7. Identify the Procedures for the Centralized Promotion System Method of Instruction: Conference / Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:36 Time of Instruction: 1 hr/ 10 mins Media: Large Group Instruction
Centralized Promotions
Promotion Eligibility (create a query from eMILPO) Promotion Zones Promotion Boards Non-Selection Other Centralized Boards SHOW SLIDE 36: CENTRALIZED PROMOTIONS What ranks? CPT-MG; CW3-5 Approval Authority? DA
Promotion Eligibility
Determined by Army G1 (formerly DCSPER) Approved by Secretary of the Army (SA) Based on: Active Date of Rank (ADOR) Time in Grade (TIG) Annual schedules published by HRC MILPER Messages HRC Web Page SHOW SLIDE 37: PROMOTION ELIGIBILITY Eligibility is similar to that of the decentralized system in that it is determined by the Army G1 (former DCSPER) and approved by the Secretary of the Army (SA). From an individual officer’s standpoint, eligibility is based on officer’s active date of rank and time in grade (TIG). Considered as a Year Group. Zone of consideration (TIG) is announced annually, subject to the needs of the Army. Officers under suspension of favorable personnel actions or in a non-promotable status remain eligible for consideration. Speed – RA, then USAR, then ARNG “Currently, we are promoting at 18 months if the officer is otherwise qualified. However, the officer must still be board selected and the list approved by the SecDef. If the officer has reached their 18 months and the list has not been signed by the SecDef, they won't be promoted until the list is signed...the orders cannot be backdated prior to the approval date.” 18 months as 2LT; 18 months as 1LT – 36 months to CPT (bare min). By reg, CPTs, MAJs, and LTCs must serve at least 3 years TIG to be considered for promotion. (Para 1-10c(4)). USAR – promote easily to MAJ – LTC and COL need slot (as of this year). Promotion to MAJ and above are not based on a set TIG. Your DOR as a CPT is a factor in the sequence number you will receive if selected. You can approximate the date you will be promoted by this general practice: the first month after the list is confirmed by the Senate we will promote the AZ officers, the next 10 months we will promote 10% of the primary zone officers, the last month we will promote the BZ officers. This is not always the case...based on the needs of the Army. The list will be published when approved by the SecDef. But, as stated, we cannot promote off of it until the Senate confirms it. We cannot predict when that will be. 6 years as CPT – 9 years to MAJ (plus BA, CCC, KD) – SA may waive BA for OCS officer for two years., or discharge from active duty. 6 years as MAJ - 15 years to LTC (plus ILE, KD) 5 years as LTC - 20 years to COL DA PAM lists specific job & education requirements for each rank and AOC AR , Table 2–1 for Reserve/NG, Minimum Years Maximum Years From To in lower grade in lower grade O1 (2LT) O2 (1LT) months months O2 (1LT) O3 (CPT) O3 (CPT) O4 (MAJ) O4 (MAJ) O5 (LTC) O5 (LTC) O6 (COL) (See note below.) Notes: Announced annually. Normal time in grade is 5 years, subject to the needs of the Army. CW2-4 need min of 2 year active duty in current grade (1-10c2). 4 years as CW2 – 6 to CW3 4 years as CW3 – 10 to CW4 4 years as CW4 – 14 to CW5 Position Vacancy Mandatory Board From To Minimum Years Maximum Years WO1 CW CW2 CW * CW3 CW * CW4 CW N/A Must fill a vacancy for W5 ARNG Warrant Officers can promote to CW3 at four years TIG (maximum TIG is five years) if coded in a higher-graded slot. ARNG Warrant Officer do not appear before any DA boards. ARNG-maximum years TIG for CW2 and CW3 is 5 years when Soldier is in a higher grade. Pull up the WO, MAJ, and CPT MILPER messages. Go to website and show where to find them. Reference: Para 1-10 b and c, and Handouts
1st Time – Only Selected Officers Applies to CW4-CW5 and MAJ-COL “IN THE ZONE” 2d Time – Normal Career Progression SHOW SLIDE 38: PROMOTION ZONES Promotion zones are typically determined by DOR, and all fall roughly by year-group lines. Look at MILPER messages. (2) In the zone promotion – with peers; normal career progression. This is technically your second (or, for promotion to MAJ, third) look, but only the first one that counts. Non-selection during this look is an officer’s first non-select. (1) Below the zone promotion – ahead of peers. Promotion to MAJ, LTC and COL; CW4 and CW5. Two changes. No CW4s for past two years. MAJ is now double BZ. For Reserves - The SA may, when the needs of the Army require, authorize the consideration of officers for promotion to the next higher grade from below the promotion zone. Ideally, only outstanding officers are selected in this zone. Non-selection is normal and not considered detrimental to an officer. As we’ll talk about shortly, very small number can be selected BZ. Above the zone promotion – behind peers; third (or fourth for MAJ) and last realistic chance. Any officer who fails to be selected for promotion two times will be subject to the provisions listed in AR , Para 1-13a(1) to (6). For Reserves - An initial non-selection for CW5 does not constitute a failure . The CW4 will again be considered in the zone. Warrant officers filling unit position vacancies in the Selected Reserve (TPU) may be promoted through the position vacancy board process provided they meet the minimum requirements. Nonselection here does not constitute a failure of selection for promotion. Subsequent promotion consideration will be per paragraph d, above. For AG branch in FY 09 – PZ MAJ 95% (93.9% FS), BZ 8%, DBZ 5%, 50% AZ (in FY08, much smaller – 4.2% BZ across Army, 1.3% DBZ) PZ LTC 87% (78.1% FS), BZ 6%, 27% AZ PZ COL 59% (64% FS), BZ 8%, 3% AZ “ABOVE THE ZONE” 3d Time – Last Chance Reference: Para 1-34
Centralized Promotion Boards
Separate board for each competitive category and grade Composed of at least 5 officers, senior in grade to those under promotion consideration Representation from each category under consideration SHOW SLIDE 39: CENTRALIZED PROMOTION BOARDS Promotion board selecting CPTs thru Major General (MG) has a board convening for each grade and competitive category. Competitive Categories – MFE (Maneuver, Fires, Effects – IN, AV, AR, EN, MP, FA) OS (Operations Support – SC, MI, FAO) FS (Force Sustainment – LG, AG, FI) Special Branches – Health Services, Chaplain, JAG CW3, CW4, and CW5 has a selection promotion board that considered these ranks at the same time. Competitive Categories - Aviators and Technical Reserves - There are three Competitive Boards (AR (AGR), AR (Non-AGR), and ARNG). APL (Army Promotion List) which has no AOC distinction, but there are still separate Special Branch boards. Often also have a requirement for there to be a slot available for you to fill. Also USAR Troop Program Unit (TPU) & AGR Position Vacancy boards for CW3-4 and CPT-COL - designed to promote officers to fill vacancies in USAR units that cannot be filled by local commanders with qualified officers of the authorized grade. promotion of the best qualified, geographically available officers. The commander of the unit experiencing the position vacancy will send to the appropriate area commander the names of all USAR unit officers in the next lower grade who meet the promotion considerations min TIG. Chief, AR (OCAR) determines AGR vacancy board occurs (para 2-13, 2-14). Promotion in ARNG is a function of the State, and only occurs when there a vacancy. ARNG Officers may be promoted at minimum TIG by the State Adjutant General (TAG) Position Vacancy Promotion (PVP) and reviewed by a Federal Recognition Board (FRB). ARNG can only promote in units assigned to the State. AR officers can promote anywhere within the AR. Example: If an officer drills in the Delaware ARNG, there are approximately 300 officer slots in that State. Conversely, even though a AR performs battle assemblies in the 81st RRC, he or she can compete across the entire spectrum of the thousands of officer slots in the 225,000 Soldiers in the AR. One year prior to ARNG officers maximum TIG, they enter the DA Mandatory promotion process similar to AR officers. The state can no longer choose to promote the officer at that time. Officers will receive notification during the year prior to the year they attain their maximum time in grade in their current grade. Reference: Para 1-30, 1-31
Memorandum of Instruction
From Secretary of the Army to Board Specifies method of selection: Fully Qualified Best Qualified Specifies promotion numbers: Total below the zone selections Maximum for each category SHOW SLIDE 40: MEMORANDUM OF INSTRUCTION Prior to evaluating potential nominees, the Secretary of the Army will provide a Memorandum of Instruction (MOI) (DA Memo 600-2) to the board delineating any further guidance (1-33a): Description of the method and procedures governing the promotion board process and factors to consider in evaluating officers from each branch or functional area. (2) Method of Selection: (a) Fully Qualified: board recommends the maximum number of officers to be selected as established by Secretary of Army. It equals the number of officers above, in, and below the promotion zone. All but alcohol, adultery, drugs, etc. (b) Best Qualified: board recommends fewer than the total number of officers considered for promotion. Majority of board members must concur on validity of promotions. (3) Indicates the number of officers to be promoted: (a) Maximum number of officers to be promoted from each competitive category. This is based upon the needs of the Army and goals for the specific year group under consideration. (b) Total number of below the zone selections possible. Total number may not exceed 10 percent of the total number of recommendations; may be increased up to 15 percent at the authorization of the Secretary of Defense. In 2007, 15% auth for MAJ board, chose 12.5%. Reference: Para 1-33 & 34
Board Selections Phase I - Identify “Fully Qualified” Officers (IAZ)
Phase II - Identify Potential BZ Selects Phase III - Identify “Best Qualified” Officers Phase IV - Identify Officers for Show Cause Phase V - Produce Board Products / AAR SHOW SLIDE 41: BOARD SELECTIONS No personal knowledge. No visitors to board room. All discussion stays in room. Board file – DA Photo, ORB,(Personnel Qualification Record (PQR), DA Form 2-1) , Performance section of OMPF – Senior Rater comments, jobs (command) very important Board Member experience – who they know; command Word Picture – Verbiage for 1-6 (- is weak, + is strong) 6+/- TOP FEW - ABSOLUTELY MUST SELECT 5+/- ABOVE CONTEMPORARIES - CLEARLY SELECT 4+/- SOLID PERFORMER - DESERVES SELECTION 3+/- FULLY QUALIFIED - SELECT UP TO SELECT OBJ 2+/- NOT FULLY QUALIFIED - TOO MANY WEAKNESSES 1+/- ABSOLUTELY NOT QUALIFIED SC SHOW CAUSE FOR INVOLUNTARY SEPARATION Under this method the best score possible is “6 +” and the lowest is “1-” Board members may also vote “Show Cause.” A “SC” vote could ultimately lead to involuntary separation. The whole number scores are added, then the “+” and “-” are added. The “+” and “-” can cancel each other out. For example, a score of 27+4 is better than a score of A 25-2 is better than a 25-3. Phase I - Identify “Fully Qualified” Officers (IAZ) – Vote files (1-6), ID show causes (substandard performance, misconduct, actions inconsistent with National Security, Moral/Professional Dereliction), OML (x3 – one for MFE, OS, and FS), establish Fully Qualified Line (FQ) (based on word picture) Phase II - Identify Potential BZ Selects – Screen as Yes (Merits further consideration)/No (does not merit further consideration)/Show Cause, establish OML (based on number of Yes votes), determine who to hard vote (majority vote), hard vote (with word picture), establish hard vote OML (MOI gives max BZs for comparison) Phase III - Identify “Best Qualified” Officers – tentatively ID in IAZ (draw line for TBQ – the best qualified), break any ties, compare BZ files (compare lowest scoring BZ file with comparison IAZ file – ie 87 BZ, look at bottom 87 IAZ above TBQ line) (then invert - if lowest scoring BZ is clearly superior to highest IAZ, all of BZ are integrated. If not, bottom BZ is eliminated and next lowest is compared. If BZ is clearly superior to respective IAZ, BZ and those below him replace IAZ who would have otherwise been selected), formal vote Phase IV - Identify Officers for Show Cause - (substandard performance, misconduct, actions inconsistent with National Security, Moral/Professional Dereliction) Phase V - Produce Board Products / AAR If it’s a FQ board - Board members vote “yes” to select for promotion and “no” to not select. If a majority of board members vote “yes” the officer is selected. = Reference: Para 1-33 & 1-34
Approval Authority Secretary of Defense – approve/disapprove Commissioned Officer promotion board reports Secretary of Army (SA) – approve/disapprove: Warrant Officer promotion board reports Selective Continuation board reports Promotion Review board reports Senate confirmation required for promotions to MAJ and above SHOW SLIDE 42: APPROVAL AUTHORITY After the promotion board adjourns, it normally takes 60 to 90 days of processing and distribution time before the board results are released. The President of US is the ultimate promotion authority, but has delegated authority to the Secretary of Defense for approval/disapproval of Commissioned promotion board reports. Para 1-11a – same in USAR/ARNG An additional regulatory requirement is that the US Senate must confirm all promotions to the grade of MAJ and above according to 10 USC 624(c). The results are released world wide at a date/time specified by HRC. Until the release date/time board results must be maintained in a “close hold” status. Once the results are distributed to the BDEs (approximately 2 weeks before the release date), the following event occur: (a) BDE must ensure that the officers on the list are still in a promotable status and not flagged. (b) Some installations allow the brigade commanders and higher to receive a copy of the list 24 hours in advance of the release date, which allows them to notify non-selectees the night prior to the release date. Reserves - The 56-R is only submitted after the board results are released, and the officer is selected for promotion. Reference: Para 1-11a
Two Time Non-Selection
Discharged or released from active duty according to AR unless: Within 2 years of retirement on list release date Retire in enlisted status if statutory requirement not met Selectively continued SHOW SLIDE 43: TWO TIME NON-SELECTION If an officer is not selected from above the zone (meaning it is the second non-select), then mandatory retirement ensues unless one of the following conditions applies: (1) Are within 2 years of retirement – Federal Sanctuary (2) They are reverted to enlisted status They are selectively continued – can get looked at again For promotion to CW3 & 4 (not 5) & CPT-LTC (not COL) Reference: Para 1-13
Selective Continuation
Selective Continuation Board recommends officers for continued service, if not promoted in primary or above-the-zone categories SA approves list Officers cannot apply for selective continuation Applies to promotions to: CW3, CW4, or CW5 MAJ or LTC SHOW SLIDE 44: SELECTIVE CONTINUTAION Driven by the determined “needs of the Army." Officers not selected during their AZ promotion reviews to CW3, CW4, CS5, MAJ or LTC may be selectively continued on active duty in their present grade. This action is not something for which an officer can apply. Officers under consideration for selective continuation will receive notice from DA regarding their status. At that time DA will provide the officer with their options regarding continued service. The officer’s response is forwarded back to HRC for processing. All twice non-selected Officers and Warrant Officers may be retained to qualify for retired pay at age 60 if they have 18, but less than 20, qualifying years of service for retired pay. (Sanctuary). Reserves – CPT to 20 years, MAJ to 24 years, LTC to 33 years of commissioned service, COL to 35 years of commissioned service. Retain in current unit based on the status as a Military Technician. Reference: Para 1-14
Order of Promotion Based on seniority (sequence number)
Upon exhaustion of previous promotion list: Above the zones promoted first In the zone promoted next Below the zone promoted last (still ahead of peers) Applies to commissioned and warrant officers SHOW SLIDE 45: ORDER OF PROMOTION Officers selected for promotion by the board will be promoted from the promotion standing list based on their sequence number that is assigned by date of rank and other factors. The number of officers promoted to a given rank in a particular month is a function of force structure and budgetary constraints and is announced by MILPER message monthly. (1) The sequence numbers are established based on seniority/ADOR. Personnel selected from Above-the-Zone will have the lowest numbers (promoted first), while those selected from Below-the-Zone will have the highest (promoted last). (2) Each year’s list is expired before anyone is promoted from the following year’s list. TPU – Must be in position equivalent to new rank. Exception - promotable 1LTs in the Selective Reserve who are unable to find a geographically available position of a higher grade will be promoted at their maximum eligibility date and will not be required to transfer to the IRR. AGR - Officers who cannot be promoted due to strength and/or position limitations have two options: (common for promotion to MAJ/LTC) Voluntarily leave the AGR program and accept promotion in the higher grade. Remain in the current grade in the AGR program until a position becomes available. If no slot is available, can delay promotion for one year. ETP available for ARNG officers (including technicians) and officers employed as a civilian in a AR technician position. If an ETP is authorized, can extend delay to max of three years. Approval Authorities: ARNG - The TAG of the state of assignment. AR Unit Officers – Area Commander AR Non-Unit officers – Commander, HRC-St. Louis Reference: Para 1-17 Reference: Para 1-17
Nonpromotable Status A promotion is automatically delayed when the officer is flagged: Absent without leave or confined Serving court martial sentence or being punished under Article 15, UCMJ Under investigation that may result in disciplinary action Subject of criminal proceeding in a State/Federal court Enrolled in the Army Substance Abuse Program (ASAP) Overweight (AWCP) Failed APFT SHOW SLIDE 46: NONPROMOTABLE STATUS If selected, an officer’s promotion will be automatically delayed. Automatic delays must be resolved, typically within six months of the delay, and the officer must be promoted or the promotion must be voided, dependant on the resolution for the automatic delay. Can be promoted after flag is lifted. Send a copy of the DA Form 268 lifting the flag to HRC Promotions branch. If reprimand is filed in OMPF, send copy with If flag is filed locally in or restricted fiche, orders should be cut in a week. In filed in OMPF, promotions branch may require a Promotion Review Board. Reference: Para 1-19
Promotion Acceptance Commissioned Officers Warrant Officers
Incur no service obligation for promotion Incur minimum TIG obligation to retire at rank GEN/LTG – no TIG; have consent of Senate MG, BG, COL, LTC – 3 years MAJ, CPT, 1LT – 6 months Warrant Officers Appointment to WO1 incurs 6 year obligation 2 year obligation with promotion to CW3, CW4, and CW5 SHOW SLIDE 47: PROMOTION ACCEPTANCE Unless an officer declines a promotion in writing they will be promoted when their sequence number is announced. If an officer decides to decline a promotion, these actions occur: (1) Should be counseled by rater regarding impact of declination. (2) The officer will be deleted from the promotion list; 2LT or WO1 who decline promotion are ineligible for subsequent ones. Officers will separate upon expiration of service obligation. Commissioned officers, regardless of rank do not incur a service obligation for accepting a promotion. However, to retire at the promoted grade requires completion of successful periods of service respectively: GEN/LTG – no TIG, but do have to have consent of Senate; MG, BG, COL, and LTC – 3 years TIG; MAJ, CPT and 1LT – 6 months TIG (Refer students to AR , 2-5 Page 4, Para 1-18b(1)). Warrant Officers incur a 6-year Active Duty Service obligation for accepting a warrant officer appointment. (Refer students to AR , 2-3.) Additionally, when a warrant officer accepts a promotion to CW3, CW4 or CW5, they incur a 2-year service obligation. (Refer students to AR , 2-5. Also Page 4, Para 1-18b(1).) Reference: AR , Para 1-18; AR , Para 2-5
Promotion Ceremonies Conducted on effective date of promotion
Conducted prior to effective date when: Occurs on weekend or national holiday Promote on last duty day in unit if within 15 days of effective date BDE S-1 source of promotion certificates (DD Form 1A) SHOW SLIDE 48: PROMOTION CEREMONIES Promotion Ceremonies are normally conducted on the effective date of the promotion. In the following instances the promotion can occur early: (1) When the effective date of a promotion is on a weekend or national holiday, a promotion ceremony may be conducted on the last duty day before the effective date of promotion. (2) When the officer will be on leave or en route to a new duty station (not including temporary duty) on the effective date of the promotion, a ceremony may be conducted not earlier than 15 calendar days before the effective date. The ceremony should take place on the last duty day that the officer is present before the effective date. Pay and seniority are not affected by the ceremony date. They are determined by the date on the promotion order. Brigade S-1 is source for promotion certificates – DD Form 1A. The Secretary of the Army’s (SA) signature block is on the form, so reprints must be made with each change of the SA. Show DD 1A. The only time the Oath is required for promotion is from WO1 to CW2 when the officer moves from Other-than-regular-army (OTRA) to Regular Army (RA). Reference: Para 1-24 Reference: Para 1-24
Other Centralized Boards
Promotion: Special Selection Board: Error (Ch 7) Promotion Review Board: Removal (Ch 8) Selection: Senior Service Schools BN/BDE Command SHOW SLIDE 49: OTHER CENTRALIZED BOARDS Already mentioned Selective Continuation Boards: To evaluate officer for selective continuation who have twice failed promotion selection. Special Selection Board: Considers or reconsiders officers or warrant officers for promotion due to administrative error, board action contrary to law, material error or missing material information. Notified by writing at least 30-days before convening date – 7-4a. Promotion Review Board: Convened to consider the promotion status of officers who are recommended for removal from a promotion list. There are also boards that consider officers for Senior Service Schools (War College), BDE and BN CMD, and Product Manager positions. Reference: Ch 7 & 8; handout
Other Promotion Guidelines
SHOW SLIDE 52: OTHER PROMOTION GUIDELINES Learning Step /Activity 8. Describe Other Promotion Guidelines Method of Instruction: Conference / Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:36 Time of Instruction: 55 mins Media: Large Group Instruction The topics that will be covered are listed below: Frocking Promoting Critically and/or Terminally Ill Officers Posthumous Promotions Managing Individual Promotions Information Sources
Frocking Criteria Usually applies to officers who routinely interact with high level foreign officials In the best interest of U.S. image Must not exceed allocations Test: Does current rank severely restrict performance? SHOW SLIDE 53: FROCKING CRITERIA Frocking is not a true promotion, but allows an officer to wear a rank higher than their current one. It is used predominately in the joint arena where US officers must interact routinely with high level foreign officials and rank become critical to facilitate operations. Allocations exist for the number of officers that can be frocked at any one time. For example only 2% of the total number of Colonels can be frocked LTC(P). As the number of frocked officers is very limited, the critical test is whether the current rank of the officer severely restricts their job performance. Para 6-1b. Officers being frocked to the grades of major through colonel must meet one or more of the following criteria to be considered: (1) The interest of the United States and the image of the U.S. Army would otherwise be severely jeopardized. (2) Performance of duties would be severely restricted by wearing the lower grade of rank. These circumstances generally apply to officers in foreign areas whose routine duties require frequent contact with high level military or civilian foreign officials. (3) Designated for command as authorized in TOE or TDA. (4) Selected to fill a DA-identified product manager or project manager position. (5) Designated to fill a position as a PMS or CGSC instructor Prioritized – International; Joint; CMD/Project Managers; Army staff, Div Chief of staff; Dep CDR, BN S3, BN XO, instructors 6-1d. Authority to frock (3) Program executive officers and general officer program managers in the grade of MG and above are authorized to frock the officers identified in b(4), above. (4) TRADOC is authorized to frock the officers identified in paragraph b(5). (2) Commanders, Army Human Resources Command-Alexandria (ATTN: AHRC-MSP-S) will approve all other frocking above. The request to HRC must be signed by a O7 or above., or SES equivalent. Reference: Ch 6 Reference: Para 6-1b
Frocking Conditions (1 of 2)
Must be on a Senate approved promotion list (except 1LT) Must serve in position for that grade (MTOE/TDA) Gaining unit request or concurrence 2 day rule SHOW SLIDE 54: FROCKING CONDITIONS (1 of 2) Can assume frocked rank no earlier than two days before assuming the job requiring the frocked rank. Reference: Ch 6 Reference: Para 6-1
Frocking Conditions (2 of 2)
May wear frocked rank when PCS No seniority accrued for future promotion Does not count as time in grade for retirement ID card and DA photo reflect will not reflect frocked rank SHOW SLIDE 55: FROCKING CONDITIONS (2 of 2) Just for appearances - Don’t get paid. Reference: Ch 6 Reference: Para 6-1
Critically or Terminally Ill
Must be in promotable status Cannot legally accelerate promotions CG HRC and Army G1 determine validity of promotion prior to death Eligible for posthumous promotion consideration SHOW SLIDE 56: CRITICALLY OR TERMINALLY III No legal basis exists to promote critically or terminally ill officers to a higher rank. If the officer is currently in a promotable status, the CG HRC and the Army G1 will determine the validity of promoting the officer early based on information provided by the medical treatment facility. Officers who do not receive a promotion prior to death are eligible for a posthumous promotion consideration. Reference: Para 1-28 Reference: Para 1-28
Posthumous Promotions
Eligible for promotion provided In a promotable status at time of death Death not due to own misconduct Not on an unauthorized absence Normally approved Higher rank reflected on official records SHOW SLIDE 57: POSTHUMOUS PROMOTIONS Officers are eligible for a posthumous promotion provided the following: (1) Officer was in a promotable status at the time of death (2) Death is not due to own misconduct (3) Officer not on an unauthorized absence (AWOL) (4) Normally requests for posthumous promotions are approved and the higher rank is then reflected on all official documents and is allowed on the gravestone of the officer as well Reference: Para 1-29 Reference: Para 1-29
Managing Individual Promotions
Maintain “I Love Me Book” Ensure your file is current ORB (via TOPMIS II) OPMF (via iPERMS) DA Photo Validate board file SHOW SLIDE 58: MANAGING INDIVIDUAL PROMOTIONS Ask the students: How many of you have an “I Love Me” book? If you have not already started an “ I Love Me” book; I strongly encourage it. Because when it comes to promotions, no one should be more concerned about your promotion more than you. Start early and ensure your file is current and includes current ORBs and a DA Photo.
Information Sources HRC website S1 Net Army Knowledge Online (AKO)
S1 Net Army Knowledge Online (AKO) MILPER messages Under revision Servicing BDE/BCT S-1 SHOW SLIDE 59: INFORMATIN SOURCES Review each resource.
Terminal Learning Objective
Army Learning Areas (ALAs) – General Learning Outcomes (GLOs) 1. Professional Competence – GLO 13 &14 ENABLING LEARNING OBJECTIVE Action: Review Officer Promotions and Selections. Conditions: In a classroom environment given access to AR (Officer Promotions), student handouts including pertinent MILPER Messages, and awareness of Operational Environment (OE), variables and actors. Standards: The students will meet the standard of 70% accuracy when they: 1.Describe the purpose of officer promotions 2.Identify procedures for Decentralized Officer Promotions 3.Calculate Promotion Eligibility Date (PED) for 1LT/CW2 Demonstrate Automated eMILPO Promotions Identify the procedures for the Centralized Promotion System Describe Other Promotion Guidelines SHOW SLIDE 2: TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE SAFETY REQUIREMENTS: In a training environment, leaders must perform a risk assessment in accordance with DA PAM , Risk Management. Leaders will complete a DD Form 2977 Deliberate Risk Assessment Worksheet during the planning and completion of each task and sub-task by assessing mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available-time available and civil considerations, (METT-TC). Local policies and procedures must be followed during times of increased heat category in order to avoid heat related injury. Consider the work/rest cycles and water replacement guidelines IAW TRADOC Regulation Everyone is responsible for safety. No food or drink is allowed near or around electrical equipment (CPU, file servers, printers, projectors, etc.) due to possible electrical shock or damage to equipment. Exercise care in personal movement in and through such areas. Avoid all electrical cords and associated wiring. In event of electrical storm, you will be instructed to power down equipment. RISK ASSESSMENT LEVEL: Low ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS: Environmental protection is not just the law but the right thing to do. It is a continual process and starts with deliberate planning. Always be alert to ways to protect our environment during training and missions. In doing so, you will contribute to the sustainment of our training resources while protecting people and the environment from harmful effects. Refer to FM Environmental Considerations and GTA ENVIRONMENTAL-RELATED RISK ASSESSMENT. Instructional Guidance: Before presenting this lesson, instructors must thoroughly prepare by studying this lesson and identified reference materials. Throughout this lesson, solicit from students the challenges they experienced in the operational environment (OE) and what they did to resolve them. Encourage students to apply at least one of the critical variables: Political, Military, Economic, Social, Information, Infrastructure, Physical Environment and Time (PMESII-PT). NOTE: Army Learning Areas (ALA) are the baseline focal points Soldiers and Army Civilians must possess to prevail in the ambiguous environments that challenge the Army today. The four ALAs are: Army Profession and Leadership; Mission Command; Human Dimension; and Professional Competence. The Army Learning Area taxonomy provides a framework to assist in grouping the General Learning Outcomes (GLO). The four Army Learning Areas serve as the framework to catalogue the 14 General Learning Outcomes. The GLOs are essential outcomes resulting from training, education, and experience along a career continuum of learning. There are three primary purposes for the Army General Learning Outcomes. First, they provide trainers and educators a lens into how effective they are in conveying their support material. Second, it assists in improving instructional design and/or training support packages. Finally it places responsibility on training and education proponents to be nested with ALAs. ALA: Professional Competence is the demonstrated technical and tactical proficiency in Army and joint doctrine largely revolving around the concept of ULO codified in ADP There are three GLOs for the Professional Competence ALA. GLO 13: Soldiers and Army Civilians support Army policies, programs and processes; includes Understanding and contributing to Army Systems that manage, develop, and transform the Army. GLO 14: Soldiers and Army Civilians are technically and tactically competent; includes Branch and Career Management Field proficiency, Career Programs, Series Technical Certifications, and Warfighting Skills. Conditions: With an awareness of the Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors. EVALUATION: You will be given a graded end of module examination which will include Review Officer Promotions and Selections. A passing score on this end of module examination is 70% for AC students and 60% International Students.
Terminal Learning Objective
ACTION: Review Officer Promotions and Selections. CONDITIONS: In a classroom environment given access to AR (Officer Promotions), student handouts including pertinent MILPER Messages, and awareness of Operational Environment (OE), variables and actors. STANDARDS: The students will meet the standard of 70% accuracy when they: 1.Describe the purpose of officer promotions 2.Identify procedures for Decentralized Officer Promotions 3.Calculate Promotion Eligibility Date (PED) for 1LT/CW2 Demonstrate Automated eMILPO Promotions Identify the procedures for the Centralized Promotion System Describe Other Promotion Guidelines SHOW SLIDE 65: RESTATE TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE Learning Step / Activity 9. Quiz Method of Instruction: Practical Exercise (Performance) Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:36 Time of Instruction: 30 mins Media: Individual, Self-Paced Instruction Learning Step / Activity 10. Quiz Review Method of Instruction: Conference / Discussion Time of Instruction: 30 mins Media: Large Group Instruction NOTE: Conduct a check on learning and summarize the learning activity. SECTION IV. SUMMARY Method of Instruction: Conference / Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio is: 1:36 Time of Instruction: 10 mins Media: Large Group Instruction Determine if the students have learned the material presented by: 1. Soliciting student questions and explanations. 2. Asking questions and getting answers from the students (Include questions and answers). 3. Providing immediate feedback in context to the material presented and correcting student misunderstandings. Review / Summarize Lesson NOTE: Emphasize what the TLO was for this block of instruction. SUMMARY Officer promotions are a vital component of the functions of the AG branch. It facilitates the progression of officer to jobs of increasing skill, expertise, and responsibility, while providing them with the background to enable their success at these future grades and jobs. It is a system that requires constant monitoring, especially the decentralized one. It is important to know when boards occur and when officers are eligible for promotion to ensure that they are prepared and have provided the appropriate information for promotion selection. 100% accuracy is the minimum standard as no one, including you, wants to be the one who failed to be notified or prepared for a promotion board. Feedback Requirements Feedback is essential to effective learning. Schedule and provide feedback on the evaluation and any information to help answer students' questions about the test. Provide remedial training as needed. a. Schedule and provide feedback on the evaluation and any information to help answer students’ questions about the test. b. Provide remedial training as needed.
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