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Good afternoon. Thank you for being here today.

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Presentation on theme: "Good afternoon. Thank you for being here today."— Presentation transcript:

1 Good afternoon. Thank you for being here today.

2 TITLE IX: I wanted to start this afternoon with a discussion about the Title IX Commission report, which we received last Thursday. You all have seen the information we circulated over the weekend. It was important to us that we operate in a transparent manner, so we quickly reviewed the report and announced its findings on Saturday. We are fortunate to have had four very qualified and respected professionals take a hard look at our Title IX work at every campus across the System. I was pleased that they recognized improvement in our efforts since 2011, and I am proud of the fact that virtually all employees that the Commission chose to interview across all levels of the UT system articulated their dedication appropriately, promptly and thoroughly even in the face of challenges and resource constraints. The report outlined five major recommendations, all of which we will do. Creation of a systemwide Title IX coordinating presence Enhancing campus Title IX staffing and resources Update and modify policies, grievance procedures and student codes of conduct Enhancing case management, care and support Enhance education, prevention and training enhancements I appreciate their work, and we will go to work quickly to implement their recommendations. I have directed the Matthew Scoggins to conduct a comprehensive review of the report and coordinate the system-wide implementation of the Commission’s recommendations until a System Title IX coordinator has been hired. Their recommendations will be valuable to our ongoing efforts to be a national model university in Title IX matters. At this time, I’d like to open it up to questions from the Board before I continue on with the rest of my report. (QUESTIONS) will be valuable to our ongoing efforts to be a national model university in Title IX matters.

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