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Genetic Engineering.

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1 Genetic Engineering

2 1. Cloning - 1st mammal cloned was Dolly the sheep in 1996

3 Steps for cloning: Take a diploid cell from the mammal to be cloned. Remove and save the nucleus. Take an egg cell, discard the nucleus. Put the diploid nucleus into the empty egg. Shock with electricity, the egg will start dividing. Implant the embryo into the surrogate mother. Clone is born.

4 2. Restriction Enzymes – enzymes that cut. between specific DNA bases,
2. Restriction Enzymes – enzymes that cut between specific DNA bases, leaving “sticky ends” Ex: cut between A and C Since all organisms have the same DNA bases, DNA from different species and be combined as long as the “sticky ends” match.

5 Sticky ends are used to make:
Recombinant DNA – a piece of DNA made from the DNA of 2 different organisms Transgenic Organisms- organisms that contain recombinant DNA

6 3. Recombinant DNA technique (gene splicing)
Ex: create bacteria that produce human protein

7 Steps for recombinant DNA technique:
Cut human insulin gene with restriction enzymes. Cut the bacterial plasmid (chromosome) with the same restriction enzymes. Combine the human insulin gene, bacterial plasmid, and ligase (an enzyme that helps form the hydrogen bonds) Insert the recombinant plasmid into a bacteria cell. Grow the bacteria, it will make insulin.

8 4. Gel Electrophoresis –. separates DNA fragments by size,
4. Gel Electrophoresis – separates DNA fragments by size, used to make a DNA fingerprint Equipment needed: Results:

9 Steps for Electrophoresis:
Cut DNA with restriction enzymes Mix DNA samples with sugar so they will sink Inject the samples into the wells Turn on the power and the DNA will travel across the gel. *the smallest fragments will travel the farthest.

10 Why everyone’s DNA fingerprint is unique:
Everyone has genes for the same traits, but we all have different amounts of noncoding DNA between those traits. These cause the DNA fragments separated by electrophoresis to be different sizes, creating a unique pattern.


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