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LO: To understand the requirements of the command word ‘examine’.

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Presentation on theme: "LO: To understand the requirements of the command word ‘examine’."— Presentation transcript:

1 LO: To understand the requirements of the command word ‘examine’. To identify the different ways that human activity has manipulated the characteristics of the floodplain. To consider the possible implications of this upon flood events.

2 Level Descriptor Synthesis/evaluation A No evaluation B C D No evaluation or unsubstantiated evaluation. E Beginning to show some attempt at evaluation of the issue, which may be unbalanced. F Good and well-balanced attempt at evaluation


4 Urbanisation: This tends to cause deforestation reducing interception and transpiration. Sewers also reduce surface stores and therefore evaporation. Urban areas usually create large impermeable surfaces which can lead to greater surface run-off. Sewer Systems: These create artificial channels, which often reduce a rivers' lag time and can lead to increased flooding downstream. Floodwaters are directed to the river channel, increasing discharge. Pollution: Transport, industry and housing all create pollution which works its way into the water system. Areas that don't have proper sewers and water treatment tend to be effected more. Metals and chemicals are particularly polluting. Water table (groundwater depletion): Unsustainable use of groundwater can cause subsidence. Increasing population and demands can increase water abstraction eg Sonoran Desert. Post- industrial London has seen groundwater recharge since manufacturing declined. Deforestation: Deforestation reduces interception and transpiration. Removal of trees can also increase the risk of mudslide by reducing slope stability and stops root uptake. Less interception speeds up the rate the ground become saturated and therefore increases the risk of flooding Micro-climate: Urban areas create heat islands which can increase convectional rainfall. Particulates released by industry and transport also make excellent condensation nuclei. Channelisation: Artificially smoothing channels may remove river discharge from one area, but areas down stream that haven't been smoothed are likely to experience an increase risk of flooding due to greater surface run-off and a reduced lag time.

5 … and one more modification

6 For the earlier human modifications to the floodplain…
Select 2 actions that INCREASE the risk of flooding, and 2 that DECREASE the risk of flooding. Plan the following question in threes… “Examine the human modifications of a floodplain that affect the risk of flooding” (10).

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