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Analysis of Turbulent Flame in SI Engine

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1 Analysis of Turbulent Flame in SI Engine
P M V Subbarao Professor Mechanical Engineering Department Higher surface area flameswith least Volume…..

2 Empirical Correlations to Select Combustion Parameters
T in K & p in atm.

3 The Real Growth Kernel to Flame

4 Description of Turbulent Flow in Engine Cylinder

5 Identification of Structures in Turbulent Cylinder Flow

6 Quantitative Description of Turbulence
The instantaneous velocity U(q) in the cylinder at any crank angle q during a cycle i is expressed as: Where Where n is the number of strokes in an engine cycle, U(q) the phase averaged velocity. u(q,i) the fluctuating velocity. Similarly the turbulence intensity u' can be determined by

7 Ensemble Mean Velocity in Engine Cylinder During a Cycle

8 Structure of Turbulence in Engine Cylinder

9 Turbulent Flames of Methane- Air Mixtures

10 Damkohler’s Conjecture : 1940
Damkohler intuitively identified two distinct limiting regimes: A turbulent flame regime, where small size eddies interact with the transport mechanisms within the flame. A turbulent flame regime, where large size eddies interact with thin flame.

11 Qualitative Description of Turbulent Flow : Lessons from Nature
A Hurricane : THE VORTEX

12 Description of in Turbulent Flows
The size of energy-containing (larger) eddies may be Estimated as: The Structure of Vortex The vortical structures visualized by iso-surfaces of vorticity and Laplacian of pressure. where, ω = ∇×u is the vorticity.

13 Vortical Description of In-Cylinder Flow
A general engine flow, at middle third of the intake stroke has an intensity of roughly 10 ×Sp , where Sp ,is the average piston speed. The size of largest vortex is found to be roughly B/6 , where B is the bore. This means that this vortex has cycle time of (a time scale) of roughly, B/ 60 ×Sp . This time scale is 1/60th of time it takes the piston to complete the intake stroke. What is the use of this knowledge? It tells us that there is a vortex which complete a one full period of mixing, in a time shorter than (about 1/60) the time of the intake stroke.

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