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T-tests using Excel Comparing group means under 2 conditions

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1 T-tests using Excel Comparing group means under 2 conditions
Different people (between group design) On ground vs online Test score data example The means differ, but is it significant?

2 T-tests using Excel Excel command - ttest(array1, array2, tails, type)
Choose 1 or 2 tails 1 means the hypothesis is directional - e.g., predicting the 2nd set is higher than the 1st 2 means you aren’t sure, or you are predicting either Choose type 1= paired or within group/repeated measures 2= 2 samples with equal variance between group Test using an “F-test 2 sample for variance” in excel 3= 2 samples with unequal variance between group Assume unequal variance unless you have tested it So for our example =ttest(B5:B24,C5:C24,2,3) If “2 samples”, check for equal variance using f test command ftest(array 1, array2) If p>.05, the variances of the two populations are unequal so use #3

3 T-tests using Excel Comparing group means under 2 conditions
On ground vs online P>.05, so no statistically significant difference between the two groups

4 Running a T-test in Excel
On ground vs online Test scores This time, p<.05, so there is a statistically significant difference between the two groups

5 Chi-Square in Excel example
Assume you have applied a rubric to determine whether students have met your program standards for an outcome Compare online and on ground to see if they differ significantly in their success

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