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It starts with a Rotarian …

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Presentation on theme: "It starts with a Rotarian …"— Presentation transcript:

1 It starts with a Rotarian …
Must Know Rotary Info It starts with a Rotarian … Presenter needs to enter their name and club Presenter: Laura Young Rotary Club of: Anderson Classification: Insurance

2 Why are you here in this session?
Must Know Rotary Info Why are you here in this session? Tell Your Neighbor…. Ask people to pair off and share why they are in this session. Facilitator: give 90 seconds. Then call on several people to quickly share their reasons. Should be fun, enthusiastic, loud exchange. No more than 4-5 minutes for this entire exercise.

3 Tell us more… Why are you here? Must Know Rotary Info
Learn about Rotary Learn to Teach Rotary Have Fun Friendships Network Enhance your Rotary Experience Tell us more… Ask people to pair off and share why they are in this session. Facilitator: give 90 seconds. Then call on several people to quickly share their reasons. Should be fun, enthusiastic, loud exchange. No more than 4-5 minutes for this entire exercise.

The most important element of Rotary is the Rotarian. We must never forget that. IT STARTS WITH A ROTARIAN…

5 Let’s Start with the Rotarian…
Who? Need to be Invited Business and community leaders Young & Old Diversity—YES! Retired Classifications Four Way Test 1,195,107 mbrs Who are Rotarians and how did they get here?

6 Let’s Start with the Rotarian…
Why? Give Back, Service Network, Business Mentorship Be part of the Community Develop Friendships Hang out with Leaders Have Fun Learn Stay Active Why do Rotarians belong to Rotary. This slide gets a chuckle because of the pic. You could say something funny about the pic.

7 Let’s Start with the Rotarian…
How? Be Invited Visit a Club a few times Meet with club leaders Is it a good fit? Pay dues How to get started with becoming a Rotarian

8 Let’s Start with the Rotarian…
Where? A Club Work or Live in the town Meeting Times Different Club demographics Clubs are Different—Hooray! E-Club, Satellite Club Where and when does one join?

9 Let’s Start with the Rotarian…
And our Rotarian Youth Groups 257,554 Rotaractors, 11,198 Rotaract Clubs Rotaractors: College and Young Professionals. Youth Exchange Interactors: High School Rotary Youth Exchange Interactors, ages 12-18

10 Rotarians Form Clubs Now the next element of Rotary, is the Club

11 Named after a City (usually) Charter date Minimum number of members
Rotarians Form Clubs Forming a Club Named after a City (usually) Charter date Minimum number of members 35,678 Clubs in Rotary

12 Rotarians Form Clubs Why Rotarians belong to a Rotary Club…

13 Board of Directors and Officers
Rotarians Form Clubs Leadership of a Club Bylaws Board of Directors and Officers President, President-elect, President-nominee 5160 has the freedom to decide how to best spend the funds with the following focus: District Grants may be for projects or activities that the District, through its grant approval process, believes supports the humanitarian and educational activities that relate to the mission of The Rotary Foundation.

14 Rotarians Form Clubs Meets weekly (min of 2x per month)
How does a Club support its Rotarians? Meets weekly (min of 2x per month) 5 avenues of service Programs and Projects Develop & Train members Friendship and Networking opportunities Attendance, Participation & Engagement Meeting protocol Why are clubs important and what do they bring to the table

15 What Members Want from Rotary
Service Friendships Professional development Connect with the community Give back Mentorship Stay active Confidence Humanitarianism Inspiration and good attitude Learn Work with all kinds of people Provides opportunity to do good A Rotary club can help members achieve, get what they want and need from Rotary.

16 Rotarians Form Clubs And it has to Be FUN!
If it isn’t fun, it won’t get done!

17 Then, there’s the District…
Clubs form Districts for the purpose of organizational structure

18 Then, there’s the District…
Why a Rotary District? Clubs in a geographic area Local structure and leadership The Club President is an Officer of the District From 1000 – 5000 members, Clubs 530 Districts But why have a District?

19 Then, there’s the District…
The district brings more people together, offers leadership opportunities beyond the club, and we can accomplish even more if we work together.

20 Then, there is the District…
How does the District support Clubs & Rotarians? District Governor serves one year but it is a 6 year commitment Over 125 people on the District Leadership Team Training— Spring Assemblies President elect Training Seminar (PETS) Fall Seminars (Membership & Foundation Training) District Conference The primary goal of the District is to offer training to its members. The district is led by the District Governor. You met Gary Vilhauer today. He will become our District Governor … or DG … on July 1.

21 Then, there is the District…
…and the Assistant Governors, their Team & the Club Presidents Geographic areas in the District are supported by Assistant Governors. They link areas of clubs to the District and to RI.

22 Then, there is the District…
How does the District support Rotarians? Assistant Governors provide local resources and support Communication from RI Direction and Focus There are 72 Clubs, Rotarians in District 5160 More Opportunities to serve We are District 5160.

23 Districts combine to form Zones…
Very brief comment on this: zone is a collection of districts and are represented by a Director who serves on the RI Board of Directors. There are 17 Zones.

24 And we are Rotary International
And we own this building located in Evanston, Ill, just north of Chicago

25 And we are Rotary International
Why and how did Rotary begin? Chicago Paul Harris in 1905 Clubs formed rapidly An amazing success story Clubs in over 200 countries and territories Received $81 mil in revenue (from dues, services and investments) Motto: Service Above Self Many new Rotarians do not know who Paul Harris is.

26 And we are Rotary International
How is Rotary Structured Headquartered in Evanston, Il We own the big building RI President serves one year Board members serve two years General Secretary John Hewko runs RI

27 And we are Rotary International
Promote Peace Fight Disease Provide Clean Water Support Education Grow Local Economy Save Children Rotary focuses on these 6 humanitarian efforts

28 2018-19 RI President Barry Rassin
Our current Rotary International President, John Germ. On July 1, Ian Riseley from Australia will become our Rotary President.

29 How about The Rotary Foundation?
Why give to The Rotary Foundation? The good work WE do in the world Projects you choose and you control Low Overhead, well managed $$

30 How about The Rotary Foundation?
Why give to The Rotary Foundation?

31 How about the Rotary Foundation?
What recognitions are available? Paul Harris Sustaining Membership Paul Harris Fellow Multiple Paul Harris Fellows Paul Harris Society Major Donor and Multiple Major Donor Arch C. Klumph Society If you have any Rotary Foundation bling, show it off

32 How can you find out more?
Your Club website Manual of Procedure ABCs of Rotary

33 Why is this organization called Rotary?
Quiz, Question #1 Why is this organization called Rotary? How about a little quiz?

34 Quiz, Answer #1 Because the founders rotated from business to business for their meetings. Rotary was the first Business Networking organization.

35 Why do most people join Rotary and stay in Rotary?
Quiz, Question #3 Why do most people join Rotary and stay in Rotary?

36 Most People Join & Stay in Rotary for:
Quiz, Answer #3 Most People Join & Stay in Rotary for: FRIENDS & CONTACTS LOCAL IMPACT VOCATIONAL RESPECT (value me and my work) LEADERS to Work With

37 Past District Governor Rotary Club of Anderson 925-963-3547
Laura Young Past District Governor Rotary Club of Anderson

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