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Reverse Engineering: FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS

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1 Reverse Engineering: FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS

2 Reverse Engineering and Functional Analysis
Introduction to Engineering Design Unit 3 – Lesson 3.2 – Functional Analysis Functional Analysis After a product has been selected, a non-destructive Functional Analysis is performed. The product’s purpose is identified. Observations are made to determine how the product functions. These observations are recorded in detail. The system’s inputs and outputs are identified. A theory of operations is developed and recorded. Project Lead The Way® Copyright 2006

3 Deliverable Prepare a concise “theory of operations” that describes how you think your product functions . You will contrast this to what you discover after you disassemble your product. A theory of operation is a description of how the product works and how it is used. NOTE: you can prepare this in Word as part of your technical report. That report is due at the end of the project but this is due sooner!

4 An example: Theory of Operation for a fish finder.
How does it work (your theory)? What is the product? What does it do (purpose)? How is it used? What are the major parts? Simple Machines? Source: Airmar technology. (2012, March 28). Retrieved from Operations.pdf

5 “Black Box” Systems Model
A black box systems model is used to identify what goes into and out of the product in order to make it work as a system. The black box is a model used to represent the product’s internal components or processes, which may be unknown at this point.

6 The Black Box Systems Model
It is a non-destructive method of analysis used to identify the sequential operations of a product or system and identify the inputs and outputs of those systems. Black Box Product Function Output Inputs

7 Functional Analysis Example
Describe the expected purpose of the product. The purpose of a toothbrush is to clean teeth and gums to prevent tooth and gum decay. Water and a cleaning paste are also used in with the brush.

8 Functional Analysis Example
Black Box Product Function Output Inputs Sound Heat Waste Clean teeth and gums Batteries Motor Switch Circuit board Hand motion Energy Toothpaste Water

9 Functional Analysis Example
The engineer makes an annotated sketch of the product and labels all of the visible components. This information is used to write up a detailed analysis of the object’s sequential operation, or function.

10 Functional Analysis: Stapler
GBC Bates 640C Classic Deluxe Full Strip Stapler - BAT


12 Functional Analysis Deliverable
Describe the product and its purpose or primary function. Sketch an isometric pictorial of the product in your engineer’s notebook (both students do their own), and label the individual components. Describe and label the visible components. If you are not sure what a particular component is called, make up a descriptive label. Scan this for use later. Create a “black box systems model” and identify the system inputs and outputs. Label the black box. Black box: Make an educated guess about the product’s function that you cannot identify, because the mechanical components are hidden from plain view. Your “theory of operation” must include both the known (what you can see) and the unknown (what you can guess). Describe which simple machines are used and how they help make the product perform its primary function. This documentation should be in MS-Word and will become part of your technical report. Until then, you must present it as a PPT slide with illustrations.

13 Simple Machines Machines consist of elements, such as wheels and axles, that work together (inputs) to transmit force and produce work (output). No matter how complex, all machines are based on one or more simple machines that change the direction or magnitude of an applied force. This change in force is referred to as “mechanical advantage.” Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Explore types of levers by clicking 

14 Learn about simple machines
Go to my Skyview web pages and click on the “Simple Machines” page Review the concepts You will be expected to identify the simple machines in your product in your analysis.

15 Functional Analysis Review
Watch the short video “SX-70” on my website link. In your ENB take notes on the sequence of operations necessary to perform its basic function. After viewing the video, think about how your product works or functions and answer the following: What are the sequence of operations? What are the simple machines involved? How does your product work? Create 1-2 sketches and label them as in the video. What else you would need to know or see in order to feel confident in the accuracy of your functional analysis? What is your theory about how the “film” works?

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