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Wigston College June PPEs 2019.

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1 Wigston College June PPEs 2019

2 Pre-Public Exams Start on Tues 11th June, and last for three weeks.
Wigston College Pre-Public Exams Start on Tues 11th June, and last for three weeks. You will be coded out of lessons whenever you have an exam, but need to go back to a lesson as soon as you have finished each exam. During PPEs, lessons will be focused on exam preparation and revision so you will not miss any new work when doing an exam.

3 Wigston College Before an Exam… Check you know when your exams are, where they are taking place and where you are sitting – see wall outside of Site A Hall. Early exams normally start at 8.50am and later exams at 11.15pm. There are some P5 exams. Check you have a record of your candidate number – this does not change. Check you have your ID to take to the exam. Check you have all necessary equipment.

4 Exceptional Circumstances
Wigston College Exceptional Circumstances If you have extra time, make sure you know the timings of your exam. If you do your exams separately from most students, make sure you know where you are going – again see the board. If you are ill and unable to make an exam, we will be making arrangements for you to catch up on that exam.

5 Wigston College Day of the exam… Unless instructed otherwise, you will normally gather in Site A Hall, ready to be taken across to the Exam Hall/Rooms. You will need to be in the Hall by 8.45am for an early exam and by 11.15am for a later exam. (1.50pm for an afternoon exam). You sit in lettered rows in Site A Hall – the letter corresponds to your seat number. Leave as much stuff as you can in lockers – you only need to bring with you what you need for the exam.

6 In the exam… Wigston College
You should remain silent all of the time you are in the exam room. Bottles of water are allowed but nothing else to drink or eat. No labels on bottles. You should have no written material person on your person except your ID card. Pens and other equipment should be in clear pencil cases or plastic bags. Electronic equipment (smart phones, smart watches, etc) should not be brought into the exam room/hall. If you need anything during the exam – raise your hand and wait for an invigilator to come to you. Throughout the exam, your behaviour should be beyond suspicion e.g. no looking around, no gesturing, no eye contact with others, no writing on hands, no writing on desks, etc.

7 Wigston College Results Results will be issued to you before you break up for the Summer. Teachers may go over papers before that in lessons but you will not find out your actual grade until your Results Day in the final week of this term. Your Results will inform your predicted grades.

Wigston College And finally… Please revise effectively for exams. These exams are important but try not to get too stressed by them. You can afford to make mistakes in these exams but try to correct this before you go into your next exam. GOOD LUCK & SHOW US WHAT YOU ARE CAPABLE OF.


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