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Thiol-Reactive Compounds Attenuate Aortic Stenosis

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1 Thiol-Reactive Compounds Attenuate Aortic Stenosis

2 Background Aortic stenosis is a degenerative disease characterized by increased fibrosis and narrowing of aortic valves Aortic stenosis leads to increased valve-wall shear stress Platelets are a rich source of latent TGF-β1, which can be activated by increased wall shear stress

3 Aortic Stenosis Problem OMRF’s Solution
Aortic stenosis primarily affects people over 65 years of age, and the only treatment available is valve replacement Inhibiting platelet-derived TGF-β1 activation with Thiol-Reactive Compounds such as, N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) and galunisertive (LY ), represents a potential non-invasive therapeutic intervention for aortic stenosis

4 One of the compounds used in proof-of-concept studies was N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC)
Echocardiographic quantification of stenosis in NAC-treated and NAC-untreated atherosclerotic prone mice at 3-5 and 5-6 months on a high fat diet Data

5 Summary Dr. Ahamed has shown that platelet-derived TGF-β1 directly contributes to aortic stenosis progression Atherosclerotic prone mice LDLR mice lacking platelet- derived TGF-β1 were protected from developing aortic stenosis Thiol-Reactive compounds, including NAC and galunisertive (LY ), significantly attenuated aortic stenosis progression in LDLR mice by blocking platelet-derived TGF-β1 activation

6 Jasimuddin Ahamed, Ph.D. Assistant Member
Cardiovascular Biology Research Program

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