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STARS Adapted for TCSS.

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1 STARS Adapted for TCSS

2 S4E1 Students will compare and contrast the physical attributes of stars, star patterns, and planets. a. Recognize the physical attributes of stars in the night sky such as number, size, color, and patterns.

3 EQ: How do stars compare in terms of size, color, brightness, and patterns?

4 A star is a huge ball of very hot gases like hydrogen and helium.
What is a star? A star is a huge ball of very hot gases like hydrogen and helium.

5 Our sun is the closest star to our planet.
It is the only star in our solar system.

6 Scientist classify stars in several ways:
By size By color By brightness

7 Star Sizes Stars come in different sizes.
Some stars are even smaller than Earth. The smallest stars are called neutron stars.

8 STARS Star Size (biggest to smallest) 1. Super Giants (biggest)
3. Medium Sized

9 STARS Star Size (biggest to smallest) 4. White Dwarfs
5. Neutrons (Smallest)

10 Star Colors: color tells the temperature
Red (coolest) Red - orange Yellow White Blue (hottest)

11 STARS Red Red-Orange Coolest Yellow White Blue Hottest
Related to color Red Red-Orange Yellow White Blue Star Temperature (coolest to hottest) Coolest Hottest

12 Star Brightness Brightness depends on two things:
How far it is from Earth. How bright it actually is.

13 STARS Depends actual brightness of the star and distance from earth
Star Brightness

14 (A pattern or group of stars in the sky is called a constellation.)
Big Dipper Star Patterns (A pattern or group of stars in the sky is called a constellation.)

15 STARS Orion is one of the brightest constellations and is a mythological character. Star Patterns

16 What is our Sun? Medium size Medium heat A yellow star
Medium brightness

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