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2 fast-paced, electrifying
Full of action/suspense gripping fast-paced, electrifying Frightening creepy, chilling, horrific Emotional/ often sad moving, touching, poignant* Not good predictable, weak, dull Very Good awesome, brilliant, unforgettable *Evoking a great sense of sadness or regret.

3 action film adventure film B - movie film noir romance slasher movie musical comedy

4 historical film science- fiction film biopic animated film romantic com. / chick flick road movie tear-jerker buddy movie

5 FILMS Can you think of other film genres / subgenres?
What kind of films do you like? Are you a film buff? When was the last time you went to the cinema? Do you prefer watching films at home? Have you seen any good films lately? What is your all-time favourite movie? And what about the worst film you’ve seen? What do you think of dubbing films? Who is your favourite movie hero? If they made a film about your life, what kind would it be? Which movie star should live forever?


7 Have you seen this film? What do you know/ can you guess about it?

8 Creepy creepy brilliant brilliant carefully paced chilling horrific unforgettable poignant awesome

9 Widely liked or appreciated.
A film or book, that sustains widespread popularity and achieves enormous sales. Well or widely known. Widely liked or appreciated. To make suitable to or fit for a specific use or situation: adapted the novel into a movie; Spoken communication: News of their success spread by word of mouth. To press between opposing bodies so as to break, compress, or injure One who is widely known and of great popular interest. A person who supervises the creative aspects of a dramatic production or film and instructs the actors and crew. A category of artistic composition, as in music or literature, marked by a distinctive style, form, or content: A movie characterized by low-key lighting, a bleak urban setting, and corrupt, cynical characters. The art or process of making movies with drawings, computer graphics, or photographs of static objects, including all techniques other than the continuous filming of live-action images

10 Recommending a film You have American guests at home who are film fanatics. They don’t usually like blockbusters and prefer films in their original versions with subtitles. Think of Spanish films you have watched and recommend one. Speak for two minutes about: The plot The characters What the best and worst aspects of the film Why you recommend it

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