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Digestive tract Esophagus (No.2) Stomach (No.25)

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Presentation on theme: "Digestive tract Esophagus (No.2) Stomach (No.25)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Digestive tract Esophagus (No.2) Stomach (No.25)
Small intestine (No.1) Large intestine (No.26) Appendix (No.27) 下周Quiz2: 皮肤,循环,免疫,消化管 School of Medicine, Zhejiang University 周俊

2 Mucosa Submucosa Muscularis externa Adventitia Esophagus

3 Mucosa Epi. Submucosa LCT, glands Muscularis externa Lamina propria
Muscularis mucosae Submucosa LCT, glands Muscularis externa

4 Mucosa Epi. Lamina propria Muscularis mucosae

5 Mucus –secreting glands in the submucosa

6 Esophagus: adventitia

7 食管-胃交界(esophageal-gastric junction)

8 Mucosa Submucosa Muscularis externa Stomach Serosa

9 Mucosa of stomach Epithelium (mucus secreting cells) Parietal cell
Lamina propria Chief cell Muscularis mucosae Mucosa of stomach

10 Mucosa Epithelium Mucus secreting cells Lamina propria
CT, Gastric gland Muscularis mucosae Stomach

11 Parietal cells In the neck and body of the glands Column or pyramidal
Eosinophilic cytoplasm Parietal cells

12 Chief cells In the body and base of the glands Columnar
Basophilic cytoplasm Chief cells

13 胃底腺(fundic gland)

14 主细胞(chief cell) 壁细胞(parietal cell)


16 胃幽门部(pyloric region of stomach)

17 Small intestine Mucosa epi. lamina propria muscularis mucosa Submucosa
Muscularis externa Serosa Luminal surface modification: 1.Plicae circulares 2.Intestinal villi 3.Microvilli

18 Mucosa Submucosa Muscularis externa Serosa Human jejunum

19 Villus Epithelium 1.absorptive cell striated border (microvilli)
2.Goblet cell Lamina propria CT+SM

20 肠绒毛(intestinal villus)

21 示教:中央乳糜管(central lacteal)

22 Striated border(纹状缘)/ microvilli (微绒毛)


24 at the base Paneth cells
Intestinal glands Columnar cells Goblet cells at the base Paneth cells (潘氏细胞) At the base of the crypts 3-5 in a group Acidophilic G.

25 示教:小肠潘氏细胞(Paneth cell)以回肠多见

26 示教:小肠潘氏细胞(Paneth cell)以回肠多见

27 Muscularis Mucosa (肌层)
Inner circular SM Outer longitudinal SM Myenteric plexus (肌间神经丛)

28 Serosa CT Mesothelium(most is lost)

29 十二指肠腺(duodenal gland)

30 Large intestine

31 No villi No Paneth cell Numerous Goblet cells

32 Large intestine: Muscularis externa with myenteric plexus

33 Appendix

34 直肠-肛门交界(rectum-anus juncture)

35 实验报告: 拍典型图片1-2张,word上传 文件名:姓名-学号-Digestive tract( ) Small Intestine or stomach 1.Low power: 4 layers 2.High power: Paneth cell or parietal cell, chief cell

36 The end!

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