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Year 2 Summer Term One SATs

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1 Year 2 Summer Term One SATs
Maths Geometry *Position and direction Measurement * Telling the time English Formal letters *Robotics Traditional Tales *Three Billy Goats Gruff Grammar – sentence types Science Electricity *How do you make a bulb light? Computing Using the Internet Digital Literacy Topic History * What was the seaside like in Victorian times? The Arts ART/DT  Observational drawings. Seaside scenes RE What is the Torah? Music Going up and down Rain rain go away Year 2 Summer Term One SATs Children in Year 2 will be taking part in tests during the weeks of and They have been working hard towards these and have had a lot of practise in school. You could support this further by working through some of the ideas handed out following our information evening, small bursts of 10 minutes are ideal. Continue to practice 2x, 5x and 10x tables and help them to become confident with the methods to work these out. Don’t forget about Times Tables Rockstars which there is also an app for. Revise quick recall of number bonds to 10 and 20. How about telling the time or having a go at some word problems. Encourage your child to use neat letter formation when handwriting. Can they show you how to join letters using their cursive handwriting ? Important Dates SAT tests the WB: & Mrs Davies – Mrs Dixon – Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter. It is a great way to share the work your children are

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