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Read the following texts. Pay special attention to the form of the verbs. Alnajah JHS.

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2 Read the following texts. Pay special attention to the form of the verbs. Alnajah JHS

3 Every morning, at 7:00 the alarm clock sounds. I open my eyes, brush my teeth and comb my hair. My mother boils the water and prepares coffee. I prepare myself a cup of cocoa. At 7:40 I open the door and walk to school. I always come to school on time. When we speak about daily routines and habits we use the Present Simple. عندما نتحدث عن فعاليات روتينية, نستعمل المضارع البسيط Alnajah JHS

4 Yesterday morning I opened my eyes at 7:30. I brushed my teeth and combed my hair. My mother boiled the water and prepared coffee. I prepared myself a cup of cocoa. At 7:55 I opened the door and rushed to school. I ran as quickly as I could and I came to school on time. When we speak about an action that happened in the past and was finished, we use the Past Simple. عندما نتحدث عن فعاليات بدأت وانتهت بالماضي, فإننا نستعمل الماضي البسيط Alnajah JHS

5 نستعمل صيغة Past Simple لنتكلم عن أشياء قد حدثت في الماضي. Alnajah JHS

6 Time expressions that usually indicate the simple past: yesterday a… (moment/ week/month/ year) ago last… (night/Sunday/week/month/year) in/on a past date (in 1960 / on 25/10/1960 ) When? – Commonly used time expressions Alnajah JHS

7 How do we form it? A- Usually, we make the past simple by adding – ed to the base form of the verb. opened, brushed, combed, boiled, walked I brushed my teeth in the morning. Subject فاعل V2 The rest of the sentence بشكل عام نضيف ed للفعل Alnajah JHS

8 How do we form it? B- When the regular verb ends with -e we make the simple past by adding –d to the base form. prepare - prepared عندما ينتهي الفعل ب e نضيف فقط d Alnajah JHS

9 C اذا كان الفعل مكون من مقطع واحد وينتهي ب CVC نضاعف الحرف الأخير ونضيف ed stop stopped rub rubbed … but we dont double -w, -x, y Alnajah JHS

10 … but we dont double -w, -x, y mixmixed playplayed show showed Alnajah JHS

11 D اذا كان الفعل مكون من مقطعين أو أكثر, وينتهي الفعل ب CVC نضاعف الحرف الأخير اذا كان المقطع الاخير مشدد : prefer preferred بينما happen happened Alnajah JHS

12 How do we form it? For example: try - tried, copy - copied, carry - carried E اذا انتهى الفعل ب y ويسبقه حرف ساكن, نستبدل ال y ب i ونضيف ed Alnajah JHS

13 How do we form it? For example: play - played stay - stayed اذا انتهى الفعل ب y ويسبقه حرف علة (a, e, i, o, u), لا نحذف ال y ونضيف ed Alnajah JHS

14 Irregular verbs Alnajah JHS

15 Irregular verbs are verbs that dont get –ed at the end in the past form. Here are some examples:PresentPast gowent saysaid eatate givegave thinkthought Alnajah JHS

16 What happened to the verbs in the past? The word changed. Irregular Verbs How do we learn them? Practice again and again. Are there rules for the irregular verbs? No. The only way is to learn them by heart. It is practice time Alnajah JHS

17 Exercises on Past Simple Was or Were? Positive Sentences in Simple Past Answer Questions in Simple Past Mixed Exercise in Simple Past Goldilocks and the three bears: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 Part 1Part 2Part 3 Alnajah JHS


19 اذا اردنا نفي جمل فإننا نستعمل did not ( اختصار didnt ) وبعدها يأتي الفعل بصيغته الأساسية I finished my homework. She did not finish her homework. He wrote a letter to her friend. She did not write him back. Alnajah JHS

20 Negative Sentences in Simple Past Alnajah JHS

21 Did Did you learn the simple past? Yes, we learned the simple past. Did Did you eat lunch? Yes, I ate lunch. / No, we didnt eat lunch. لكي نسأل سؤال ( نعم – لا ), نستعمل الفعل المساعد did Alnajah JHS

22 Questions in Simple Past Alnajah JHS


24 Lets revise the questions words: What? ماذا؟ Where? أين ? When? متى ? Why? لماذا ? How? كيف ? Alnajah JHS

25 What did you see? I saw a film on TV. عندما نسأل سؤال wh نستعمل كلمة السؤال وبعدها الفعل المساعد did ويأتي الفعل بصيغته الأساسية. عند الاجابة نستعمل الفعل بصيغة الماضي. Alnajah JHS

26 Who baked the cake? My mom baked it. عندما نسأل عن الفاعل, يأتي الفعل بصيغة الماضي بعد ال who ولا نحتاج لاستعمال الفعل المساعد did Alnajah JHS

27 Questions with Interrogatives in Simple Past Alnajah JHS

28 Did the presentation help you? Yes it did. It helped me. OR No, it didnt. It didnt help me. What did you think about the exercises? They were useful. / They werent useful. Alnajah JHS

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