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Presentation on theme: "Democracy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Democracy

2 What we do What choices do we have each day? What we say
How we treat other people How much effort we put in to learning What we say What we do Sometimes we can't make all choices, so we vote for someone who represents our ideas.

3 Who makes the decisions?
Who rules Britain? Who makes the decisions?

4 Which is better... Chocolate sweets? or

5 Which is better... Cats or dogs?

6 Which is better... Pizza or pasta?

7 What does democracy mean?
We have a system of government called democracy. Democracy means 'rule by the people' and comes from the Greek words demos (people) and kratos (rule or strength). The idea of democracy developed in Greece in about 507BC.

8 How can everyone make decisions?
If everyone tried to rule at the same time it would be chaos! We hold elections to choose someone to represent us. Following an election, the person with the majority is declared the winner.

9 Voting Do you think it is important that we have the opportunity to vote? What do you think would happen if we did not have the vote?

10 How do we show democracy in our school?
School council - All pupils are involved in the school council - It is pupil-led. - It deals with significant issues - It makes a difference.

11 Elections coming up soon
What elections are being held in the coming months? - London Mayoral Elections - EU referendum

12 In class assemblies... You have to be 18 to vote in an election.
Tomorrow, you will be having a class discussion about whether you think the voting age should be younger!

13 Class assembly

14 Should we lower the voting age?
Campaigners say 16-year-olds should be allowed to vote as they have strong ideas about how to run the country. As 16-year-olds can leave home, get a full-time job and raise children, they should be allowed to vote, they say. Others, however, think that 16 is too young to vote and they don't know what is best for the country.

15 Should we lower the voting age?
Video - should we vote at 16? (Click) Debate: Should we lower the voting age? Do you think you should be able to vote? After debate: class vote

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